Oklahoma ban on gay marriage ruled unconstitutional

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Aug 14, 2012
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Nature has a marvelous gift for duplicating things. You need just one nut. Just one. Plenty of great men have had just one nut and they've populated the world with just one nut. I grow weary of your one nut excuse. Grow up! Be a man! Go out there and drink whiskey and act a fool. chase wild women with your one nut and be proud of it. Get off your McDuff.

Ill pass. Once your down to one nut, ya get real protective of the other one.


Aug 14, 2012
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He is married, if he went out and chased wild women his wife would take his other nut.

And anything else in the vicinity of that nut. Of course this thread would then apply.

I mean can ya still be a man if ya dont have 2 nuts and a wanker?

Wut if a man didnt have nuts or a wanker...then naturally grew boobs...and was naturally hairless...kinda thin n puny...talked kinda feminine. ...and looked a little girlish.

What if that guy joined a church. What if he didnt tell anyone ever. What if he fell in love with another man. Would the church marry them?

Suppose for a minute if this man with no wanker met a woman with a wanker...would the church marry them. I mean if they were naturally born that way?


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2008
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Oklahoma City
I'm no out front supporter of gay rights and actually wish society would shut up about it truthfully. In the grand scheme of things, I really don't care. But before any adamant pro-gay reader blows (no pun intended) a gasket, I have a gay friend who I love like a sister and I've never seen her happier. She has a HOT girlfriend and they hope to get married at some point. That is their battle to fight and not mine.

If it's their battle to fight and not yours, then I guess gun rights is your battle to fight and not those who don't own guns. If you don't stand up for them, even for the person you even said you loved like your sister and even wished her to be happy in marriage, then why would they/she ever support you and back any of your rights or causes that don't directly affect them?

The biggest thing hurting this country right now is the divide of GOP and DEMs down an arbitrary set of ideals that most people only agree a little over half one way or another. People are forced to choose between a party that champions one set of rights, but wants to regulate others and another party that champions a different set of rights but regulates others. This divide forces us to choose the side of "lesser evil" or the side we sort of agree with more.

If you're gay or if gay rights / social rights of a minority group is important for you, then you have no choice but to choose Democratic officials even if it means having to lose 2A rights or having to support a candidate that wants to increase more social welfare and taxes. If you're passionate about 2A, then you have to side with the party that supports officials like Sally Kern at the risk of knowing that your friends or coworkers who are gay won't be able to marry, and risk moving more into a totalitarian theocracy and increase corporate welfare.

In my opinion, I believe most people tend to be more libertarian (not tea party) than they realize. However, both GOP and DEMs have done a good job of forcing people to choose sides solely on a religious platform or on a progressive social welfare platform and convince them that it's an all or nothing deal.
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
I guess then, the question in my mind becomes, how does a local majority protect institutions in which they find value and meaning without negatively impacting the minority?

"Protect Institutions in which they find value and meaning"?

How does two guys or two girls getting married impact your institution of marriage so much that it requires government intervention to protect it?

Serious questions from my earlier post that folks should be able to answer if they are so offended and assaulted by the concept of gay marriage:

How does a ban on gay marriage make you more free?
How does a ban on gay marriage make your marriage better?
How does gay marriage make you less free?
How does gay marriage make your marriage worse?
How does gay marriage change your personal relationship with your spouse?
Has the government forced your church, or any church, to perform a gay marriage?
Has the government or GLAAD forced you to marry a member of the same sex?
Other than your personal and/or religious opposition to gay marriages, why should the government get involved to force your beliefs on others?[/QUOTE]


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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I could care less if gays want to get married. My problem is that the people voted, won by majority to ban it, but the go'vt decides the people don't get what they want. Where do the lines get drawn?


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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"Protect Institutions in which they find value and meaning"?

How does two guys or two girls getting married impact your institution of marriage so much that it requires government intervention to protect it?

Serious questions from my earlier post that folks should be able to answer if they are so offended and assaulted by the concept of gay marriage:

How does a ban on gay marriage make you more free?
How does a ban on gay marriage make your marriage better?
How does gay marriage make you less free?
How does gay marriage make your marriage worse?
How does gay marriage change your personal relationship with your spouse?
Has the government forced your church, or any church, to perform a gay marriage?
Has the government or GLAAD forced you to marry a member of the same sex?
Other than your personal and/or religious opposition to gay marriages, why should the government get involved to force your beliefs on others?

The government is forcing several businesses to take part in gay marriage even though the business owners religious beliefs are against it. Happened in CO, WA, and I think OR if I remember correctly. They can either take part or pay heavy fines.


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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I could care less if gays want to get married. My problem is that the people voted, won by majority to ban it, but the go'vt decides the people don't get what they want. Where do the lines get drawn?

The will of the people has no place in the US anymore.
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