Policing for Profit: Oklahoma DA halts I-40 drug stops after criticism from judge

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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Not meant as a "legalize drugs" thread. I don't disguise threads. Clearly meant as a discussion about one of the biggest problems in America today - asset forfeiture laws that breed corruption and require no crime to be committed.

Sorry but I find that hard to believe, everyone one of these threads will always come back to drugs. Sometimes it is supposed to be about something the cops are doing wrong, sometimes about the Constitutional issues of the war on drugs, sometimes gun rights as opposed to druggie rights, but it ALWAYS comes back to drugs. I have even downloaded a selection of "This thread again" pics to start posting in them once I figure out which pic I want to use with which "topic".


Special Hen
Sep 5, 2009
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No those guys are obndd agents.

Edit- the quote didnt work, I was answering the question about the guys in the state police tahoes...
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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
If only we were allowed to decide for ourselves what we put in/do with our own bodies.....

I guess that would be fine as long as those deciding for themselves NEVER tried to share with anyone else. But, it seldom seems to end at that.

You have a problem with two consenting adults sharing?

All in context, your first comment was about personal use for oneself. When one begins to "share" whether for profit or not, it becomes different, especially if one doesn't happen to be an adult.

That is when I have a problem. If an individual wants to mess up their minds and their lives, so be it, but when it affects others, it can become a crime. Can one "guarantee" that one's sharing will never cause negative effects in the lives of others?


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
He was stopped because he had no tag on his car.
That is not minor.

I could have sworn it was a tag light or something. My point is every time there is a story about cops doing traffic stops people say they should be fighting real crime. Traffic stops are a great tool to fight "real crime".
Just to be clear I do not agree at all with the story in the OP.

Yeppers. I can verify that it was a missing tag that caught the attention of the OHP trooper. It wasn't until they had McVeigh in jail in Perry that they discovered a link to the Murrah bombing.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Forfeiture laws are absolutely criminal.
Legalize drugs? Why not? The "legal", FDA-regulated drugs are more abused than anything else. Quit justifying midnight raids by SWAT teams for drug busts, seizure of private property by armed ____. (fill in the blank)


Special Hen
Dec 20, 2008
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Moore, OK
Desert Snow is a company that offers specilized training in Criminal Interdiction. They are located here in the Metro and provide training for LEO's all over the country.

Here is some info off thier site.

About Desert Snow

Things You Should Know

Desert Snow Training was conceived and originated from scratch by Joe David in 1989. During his career with the California Highway Patrol, he was involved in over 600 major smuggling arrests and was the recipient of over 100 awards presented by numerous agencies and law enforcement entities. Joe was an associate instructor for the Drug Interdiction Assistance Program as well as the El Paso Intelligence Center. He received a 20 year retirement and continues to provide unmatched training in the area of criminal interdiction.
Our goal here at Desert Snow Training is to give you professional, legal, roadside interdiction tactics to help you identify terrorists and major smugglers while conducting everyday patrol responsibilities. The sales of illegal drugs have been linked to numerous threatening organizations throughout the world. Therefore, Desert Snow Training offers no other type of training as we feel the terrorist and drug problem in America is so prolific and such a threat to the American public that is warrants our complete attention!

Desert Snow Training is Endorsed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police National Pipeline/Convoy/Jetway Training Program
After attending the Desert Snow Training program the training has been approved by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police training coordinators.

The First to be Invited to Washington D.C.
In November of 2003, at the request of United States Senator Grassley, Iowa, Desert Snow provided training at the nation's Capitol in Washington D.C. to members of the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate, in order to address the current terrorist and domestic drug threats, the important role Road Officers can play in the identification and apprehension of major criminals while in transit...and the need for funding, to allow officers to attend continual training to stay up to date with concealment trends and professional detection methods.

Homeland Security Approved the Phase 4 Training!
Phase 4 training provided by Desert Snow Training has been approved by Homeland Security for advanced commercial vehicle terrorist and criminal interdiction training. Approving training for military, law enforcement and other inspectors to intercept weapons of mass destruction devices and their components hidden within commercial tractor-trailers.

The Most Copied Drug Interdiction Class!
Since its inception, Desert Snow Training has been copied by many Police organizations. Many officers have attended our training for the purpose of copying it. Since we felt that the whole object of interdiction was to stop and identify these major criminals, we have made every effort to assist other agencies and police departments. Therefore, while other instructors may have duplicated some of the material you find in Desert Snow... They are unable to duplicate our experience and expertise!

High Quality "No Nonsense" Instruction in the Pursuit of America's Worst Criminals
In an effort to stay ahead of these major criminals, Desert Snow Training is constantly alert to new and changing tactics, and information. We are happy to review any ideas from any source. But we are interested in road level information and professional tactics. Once we analyze and test any new ideas, we are happy to share the information with officers, and to give credit to those responsible for the ideas.

Developed, Tested and Initiated the Roadside "Echo Test"
The "ECHO TEST" was developed to allow officers a quick professional, non-intrusive method in which to identify drugs being transported inside tires. Desert Snow Training has given permission to the Federal Highway Administrations, Drug Interdiction Assistance Program, The Drug Enforcement Administration, United States Customs, Canada Customs, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and other agencies to print this test in their training manuals.

The First Highway Criminal Interdiction Class that Allows Officers to Actually Search Passenger Vehicles
No other source offers the extensive training that Desert Snow Training does! No other source brings to the table the experience and complete training program that Desert Snow Training does!

Provides Officers with the Largest, Most Comprehensive Commercial Vehicle Criminal Interdiction Class in the World!
This is our Phase 4 class. Over 36,000 pounds of simulated Weapons of Mass Destruction, military ordnance, Improvised Explosive Devices, explosives and other contraband, all packaged and concealed in various methods. Numerous tractors and trailers with actual compartments and searching conducted by the students.

Desert Snow Training Does Not Teach Racial Profiling!
We never have and we never will! We teach officers to conduct legal traffic stops and how to identify major criminal activity by taking into account the totality of the circumstances on each and every traffic stop.

Endorsed by Numerous Federal, State, County, and Local Law Enforcement Agencies and other Affiliated Law Enforcement Organizations
We are endorsed by literally hundreds of agencies and thousands of officers! Numerous agencies have sponsored the Desert Snow Training training in their areas. We thank them and are proud to be associated with them.

Displays the Largest
Fully functional simulated Methamphetamine lab in the world!

Trained Over 30,000 Officers from Around the World
Training has been conducted in Canada, Norway, South Africa, South America, and the United States with other offers to teach all over the world!


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
This is one great reason never consent to a search, even if you don't have any contraband (and especially if you do!). If you do have contraband, it is better to transport it in the trunk rather than the cab. Obviously, don't do stupid **** that will get you stopped or arrested while you are in possession of such things. If you do get arrested and/or charged with something, don't say anything, other than to your lawyer.

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