Poll: Should the NFA be Repealed?

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Should The NFA Be Repealed?

  • YES

    Votes: 152 91.6%
  • NO

    Votes: 8 4.8%

    Votes: 6 3.6%

  • Total voters


Special Hen
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
You don't care now, but you will care in another 20 years? 20 years ago you could buy an M16 for $1000, today they are $10,000+. What do you think they will be 20 years from now when you do care?

I think you're missing the spirit of his post. IMO it was more in jest than serious. Dan simply stated he wouldn't be able to feed a FA if he had one, so no biggie. Later, when he can feed one he'll be a liitle more concerned with the price. Of course that's just my take on it, I could be wrong.

I agree that I don't mind the tax. It sucks, but at least it's doable. I do wish they'd repeal the ban & let the post '86 FA's be available to the average Joe. This would bring the price down on all FA's to a reasonable level for the everyday enthusiast.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Where in the Constitution does it give the feds the power to regulate personal gun ownership, anyway? Oh wait, you mean there's a provision in there that actually expressly prohibits them from regulating such things? :eek:

Seems like a pretty open-and-shut example of an unconstitutional law.

It is also an illegitimate infringement on our liberty, and as such, does not deserve to be obeyed anyway.

I don't know how many full autos I would buy if they were legal... I'm more into battle rifles and sniper rifles... but nobody has any right to keep me from it. I would kind of like to have a full auto .22 rifle, some kind of SMG like a P-90, and a squad auto like an M-249.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Where in the Constitution does it give the feds the power to regulate personal gun ownership, anyway? Oh wait, you mean there's a provision in there that actually expressly prohibits them from regulating such things? :eek:

Seems like a pretty open-and-shut example of an unconstitutional law.

It is also an illegitimate infringement on our liberty, and as such, does not deserve to be obeyed anyway.

I don't know how many full autos I would buy if they were legal... I'm more into battle rifles and sniper rifles... but nobody has any right to keep me from it. I would kind of like to have a full auto .22 rifle, some kind of SMG like a P-90, and a squad auto like an M-249.

We just need a SCOTUS with the balls to revisit Slaughter-House to fix that. As it is right now, they admit it is wrong but decline to revisit it because of the consequences if taking power from the Federal government.


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Wel, they have arrested jihadi's IN THIS COUNTRY that tried and failed to obtain full-auto AK's for nefarious purposes. THey wanted to shoot up malls, but only if they could go full-auto.

I guess learning how to hit what they aimed for would take too long??

So, if the "jihadis" learn to shoot semi-autos straight, should we include those under NFA as well?
Why let the "jihadis" determine the extent of our freedoms?
If we do that, they have already won.

Super Dave

Special Hen
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
I agree that I don't mind the tax. It sucks, but at least it's doable. I do wish they'd repeal the ban & let the post '86 FA's be available to the average Joe. This would bring the price down on all FA's to a reasonable level for the everyday enthusiast.

Ditto on this. I don't have a problem with a more extensive background check, or whatever it is that takes so long for class III items, or even the $200. It is the price due to supply and demand that makes it cost so damned much.

86 the post '86, and tell me where to stand in line. I have a long list.



Special Hen
Dec 30, 2008
Reaction score
Broken Arrow
I live vicariously through you Class III and SBR guys. I read the posts in the NFA section with interest since I think some of these firearms would be fun toys but.... I think the NFA laws and steps to obtain the firearms are completely ridiculous and I simply won't play the game. So I voted Heck Yeah! on the poll.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 16, 2006
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I think a lot of it should go for sure. For instance, I think it is stupid that putting a vertical for grip off of an AR onto a railed pistol makes it an NFA item. Yes of course I think it would be equally stupid to do so but that isn’t my point.

Suppressors would be nice for everyone and it seems kind of silly to regulate what is basically a glorified muffler. However silly it seems to me, we still have to play by their rules so I am probably going to do a trust next year and finally get one for my AR and one for my USP45. So no new guns for a while for me, just two cans and a whole lot of tax.

I think a removal of the 86 freeze would be a great starting point. Given the recession and all we could call the repeal the “American Industrial Firearms Recovery Act” or something like that so the libs could go along with it. I would love to have a “REAL” M4 and would definitely pony up the tax stamp money for one that was brand new.


Special Hen
Sep 16, 2010
Reaction score
Ok i voted yes, but i feel that i should qualify my "yes" and my opinion may rub a few people the wrong way. First i agree with the idea that if a criminal type wants something restricted they will aquire it, the laws mainly only affect the law abiding. I do feel that regulating SBR is unnecessary. I feel that SBS regulations could afford to be significantly softened or removed as well.

However, I do NOT have an issue with regulation of silenced and full auto weapons. I know this is what most people would like to be able to get without restriction, but i feel that these are the only 2 (besides the destructive weapons) that actually pose a significant danger even in the possession of a normally law abiding citizen.

My reasoning is this, if a law abiding citizen runs into a traumatic period, develops a mental issue or their firearm is aquired by someone close to them for nefarious purposes (i.e. troubled child with plans to shoot up a school, mentally ill family member, close friend or relative with fanatic views, etc) these are the 2 that pose extremely more significant dangers. Also, by regulating them, it restricts lawful users from selling to another individual that may not be quite as law abiding. While SBS and SBR are more concealable, it has been proven time and again that using a full length for committing criminal activities is not that terribly much harder to do.

On the other hand a full auto will allow easier and faster expendature of rounds allowing for a higher kill count even with less accuracy and especially in tight quarters. Also, a silencer makes it significantly more difficult to tell the distance and direction of the shooter which prohibits victims from quickly deciding best route and timing for escape and evasion and also extends the amount of time it takes for law enforcement officials to locate and neutralize the threat.

I understand everyones desire to own FA and silenced weaponry, but i am glad that there is some form of registration that keeps people accountable for such weapons. At the very least it keeps people accountable for who they end up reselling their weaponry to. Even if the regulation are a bit stricter than necessary IMHO.

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