Recent topics... Work ethic thread. your experiences?

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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Ok, well reading in some other places, it seems this is a huge problem all around. I'm trying to get some tips for my folks, who are having ongoing labor problems and it's killing their small business.

It just seems they CANNOT find good help these days. They own two small cellular phone stores and the quality of the help they get is just astonishingly low (to me). I have worked in healthcare for the last 16 years or so, most of it in a professional capacity, so most of my co-workers have been a denominator-level above their average worker in level of both training and aspiration... however...

Initially, they paid well above minimum wage.. they were starting people at $8.00/hr to work the salesfloor selling phones, and they pay a bonus commission, as well, when sales are over a set amount, based on the day's sales figures. When minimum wage went up, they couldn't keep up, as their annual sales have dropped the last 3 years in a row. I think now, they're starting at $8.50 plus bonuses, but they are pretty generous with raises, with anyone who stays more than 6 months usually ending up in the $10/hr range, if they're doing a good job (which is rare).

The thing that just kills me is the laziness... people calling in several times a week multiple weeks in a row, calling in their FIRST week on the job, taking long lunches, some even leaving the store and going to lunch without telling the bosses (my parents). Sending text messages to "call in", then not showing up the following day, either. Stupidity... I mean, it's not rocket-science to learn the functions of cell phones, study the features, etc., and generally actually try to be FRIENDLY to customers.

The dishonesty is astonishing as well... I can count more employees who have stolen from them than employees who haven't! It's a business where they have the opportunity to let things "walk out" the door and they don't get caught for some time, as inventory is always in flux and infrequently checked. Honesty is not just in short supply, it seems to be practically non-existent! Lies, coverups, hiding mistakes, blatantly stealing from the money drawer (with video cameras right on you!), etc.

The drug and alcohol abuse is rampant, as well. I can't count how many they've had to let go for being high ON THE JOB. Like, leave at lunch and come back high. REALLY?!?!?! I mean, REALLY?!?!?!

They've tried numerous options for finding good help... word of mouth, hiring people who have been long-time customers and are very tech-savvy, advertising on radio and newspaper, using temp agencies, etc. Many people seem somewhat excited when they start, but within a week, two at the MOST, they've gotten lazy and comfortable and spend more time talking and texting on their own cell phones than selling to customers. Even with customers standing in the store waiting to be helped!

The difficulty with professional dress kills me... It's not a strict policy... long pants, no jeans, no sandals, clean and well-groomed, no T-shirts. But we regularly log into the video cameras on the weekends and evenings and see their employees looking like they just came in from the lake wearing slippers, shorts and ballcaps, greasy, not washed, smelly, etc. One tech they have has such a problem with B.O. and halitosis they are embarrassed to have him cover the salesfloor for breaks and lunches. Should you have to remind a 25+ y/o man that if he weighs 250+ pounds he really needs to try to look presentable and smell better than the pizza-joint's dumpster out back???

We've talked about many things to try to help them whip the employees into shape... from going to uniforms, like a simple solid-color polo shirt with a company logo and khaki pants, to being less understanding about taking time off for family and personal issues (sick kid, car broke down, etc.), but they have a hard time being jerks when people seem to have legitimate issues. But that seems to just snowball until they're being totally taken advantage of to the point of them (the owners) having to work weekends because their employees can't be bothered. They've hired college students, single and married parents, ex-military, older workers (40s-50s) who have been displaced... even giving second chances to former employees who cleaned up their acts and came back in claiming they learned their lesson and really liked working there and would be more attentive this time. And that usually works... for a few months... then they're back to old habits and even worse.

I feel for them, I really do... their business is suffering horribly from lack of continuity, poor customer care, in-house theft, and they're working themselves to death trying to keep up with it all, all while being KILLED by the tax burden the .gov puts on small businesses.

What are ya'll's experiences, and what methods have you found for weeding out the bad eggs and finding and keeping good help? I realize this is all a symptom of the attitudes of apathy, entitlement and greed so pervasive in our society, but I'm seriously in despair... and so are they. Is there NO WAY to find good workers these days????


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
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Here's the typical rules of min. wage type retail (YMMV):

10% of employees will never steal no matter what
80% will not if there is a deterrant that will likely cause them to get caught and receive consequences
10% will steal no matter what

You HAVE to have someone in charge that is capable if identifying the above scenario and taking the appropriate action. You need at least one of the good 10% on every shift if possible and all the rest 80%. Identify and weed out the bottom 10% as quickly as they hit the door. Use your top 10% to help you identify and keep them anonymous, they are your allies

Don't tolorate any B.S. and start a system of strikes that you can document and present and use against offenders. 3 strikes and you're out... period. Don't be the employees friends and make sure that they know who the boss is and that they won't get away with things. Bring the police in to confront the 10% theives when you identify them on video and make sure everyone else knows and sees it. That keeps your 80% honest.

DO implement a fair, documented and CELEBRATED method for rewards. Good work ethic, high sales, monthly targets in the form of well understood goals that employees can work towards on a constant basis will help. Let your employees know that even though you don't tolorate any B.S., that you are also good on the rewards end too when they do the job that they are expected to do.

Unfortunately, it's a constant process unless you can somehow strike the magic chord of getting long term good people in there that will actually stay for a while. Be prepared to have a revolving door of bad ones on the way there.

Good luck. Hire a former Marine to clean out the trash and whip everyone into shape...



Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Good luck. Hire a former Marine to clean out the trash and whip everyone into shape...


Most of the above is good advice. However, unfortunately, every former military person we've hired has been a thief, and the sole Marine (I believe) was the worst thief in the company's history, not only stealing many thousands of dollars worth of time, merchandise and software, but even training some of his fellow employees in how to do the same and get away with it.


(This is in no way saying that military or former military folks are worse than anyone else, just saying in our experience it hasn't ever been worth a hill of beans in terms of vouching for credibility, honesty or work ethic. :( )


Special Hen
Jun 1, 2010
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If you ever figure out how to weed out all the bad eggs before they board the ship you could write a book and make millions. The restaurant I work at (hint: R__ R____: Yummm!) has fired about 5 people in the last month because off calling in continuously (couldn't find a babysitter for the 4th time this week), not showing up due to "misreading" the schedule, and just being late and not caring. Thankfully we're a restaurant and everyone else likes money so we increased our productivity, decreased the grumpiness, and ended up better after firing them. Of course we have a fair amount of extra people who can fill in and not hurt us due to a lack of employees. From what I can tell it's just a trial and error system. You gotta wait for them to make the stupid move that gives themselves away and hopefully you can fire them without hurting the rest of the team. It also helps set an example for the others that might get them to change their tune.


Special Hen
Oct 19, 2010
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Piedmont, OK
In my experience, the minimum wage job gets you the minimum effort employee. I worked for an AT&T dealer three years ago and had a base of $13/hr plus bonuses. Granted, it was in OKC and I'm not sure where they are based. Many AT&T reps make $20-25/hr if they are any good. I'm in the car biz now and we have a very low base and you can spot the guys that are content with it. They are lazy and call in every other day. I guess my point is, sales people are driven by incentive and high turnover is part of the territory. If your parents can find someone with potential, make sure they keep them thinking positively and dangle plenty of carrots!

Good luck.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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I hear ya. Factory work for 23 years, I have seen it all, or so I thought. Retail for the last 5 years, Now I think I have seen it all. Call ins, lates, leave early, got to have all this time off, cant adhere to the work scheduals, its crazy. How they expect to make it later on in life is beyond me if they cant manage even a part time gig now.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I agree that paying better would get them a better quality of employee, or at least a chance at it... but there is no way. The kind of money the folks make at the corporate cellular stores is better money than my parents, the owners, make. Paying any more than they're paying now would literally run the business into bankruptcy and out of business.

Retail is a tough market these days, and corporate stores have residuals that pay their bills, they don't have to depend on daily sales to get them through the dry spells.

Sucks... I hate this crap. People are scum, just scum.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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The company I work for has a bonus program, if the sotre makes or exceeds sales plan, everyone gets a bonus, hourly employees. Great right? Not, heres why, those that dont hustle and bust ass, still get a bonus, those that dont care and will tell you they dont care, still get a bonus, I had one guy tell me one day, Why should I give a damn, you will go out there and bust your ass so we make sales plan, and I still get a bonus check. I told him, well I dont like the idea of you taking money out of my pockett, by you not doing your best, you are taking from me more bonus money. He gave me a deer in the headlights look.

That seems to be the way of thinking these days.

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