Second migrant caravan storms into Mexico:

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Dream Master
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
so, because Jewish Mythology/Some Stolen by "Christians" demands the killing of children and some of you agree with that load of BS, what would the military call such an operation? Operation Dash Their Heads Against The Rocks? were i to witness such an event i would take up arms and stand against such evil, i might stand alone, but i would stand. i truly think i would be joined by old worn out vets, who lived with the code, and we would see if america could stomach murdering it's fellow citizens. would current military murder old men, besides i just love a blood red battle flag with a gold eagle, globe, and fouled anchor and believe in Always Faithful.

Dash their heads upon the rocks...shameful words
So I take it you have a problem with Christians and Jews? I didn’t see anyone agreeing that children should be murdered. Maybe I am missing something. And to be clear with my earlier post. The latest caravan contain gangs with weapons, explosives and other things. They have already been in a shootout with Mexican authorities. I guess when they get here we should just let them in. Because after all, we don’t want to hurt anyone.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
so, because Jewish Mythology/Some Stolen by "Christians" demands the killing of children and some of you agree with that load of BS, what would the military call such an operation? Operation Dash Their Heads Against The Rocks? were i to witness such an event i would take up arms and stand against such evil, i might stand alone, but i would stand. i truly think i would be joined by old worn out vets, who lived with the code, and we would see if america could stomach murdering it's fellow citizens. would current military murder old men, besides i just love a blood red battle flag with a gold eagle, globe, and fouled anchor and believe in Always Faithful.

Dash their heads upon the rocks...shameful words

I don't really think that anyone "agrees" with the sentiment of killing children. However, in historical context, Psalms 137 was written during the time of the children of Israel being enslaved by the Babylonians. That Psalm may very well be merely a sentiment that raising a child to become a slave was not desired. There were also historical accounts of conquerors killing infants and children to try to prevent their "slaves" from advancing their races.

However, things haven't really improved over the centuries. How many have been murdered by conquerors or dictators? Even as late as prior to the invasion of Iraq, there were numerous incidents of Saddam's goons (and his sons) murdering people with whom they didn't agree. I'm not sure that one could call all the murderers as believers as many were or are likely secular in nature.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Post #9:

I don't have the energy to look it up, but it's in Psalms: Put every man and woman to the sword and dash their little ones against the rocks.
"Old covenant" stuff, but it's in there. We sort of pick and choose what still applies.

do you have a reading disability? go back to post #9 of this topic.

With regards to ignerntbend's comment about "Old covenant," I'm not so sure that it would apply to the Babylonians as they weren't the ones with whom the covenant was made.


Special Hen
Feb 10, 2014
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TIME OUT, y'all.

Good golly men, fore y'all go this.

The reference to 2 Kings refers to an Asyrian King being killed by his boy so he could become the new king. He, in turn, was killed to end the evil family line. No Jews or Christians did the killing.

The reference in Psalm 137 speaks of a time in the future (and still in the future) when that ethnic group will be destroyed.

Y'all have taken things out of context and caused confusion, served as a stumbling block for unbelievers and many church goers, and hijacked a decent thread in the whole rabbit chasing ruckus.

Let alone the fact I had to log out in order to read all the durn post that started the row, and then log back in. Heck guys.... why all the fuss? Cut an old duffer some slack.

carry on,

p.s. Oh, and Dave, quit gettin' the kid all riled up. I know ya like to see him get started and all....but dang it gets old cause its so easy to do.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
Strong fences make good neighbors. TALL strong fences make better neighbors. Tall, strong, and WIDE fences make good battlements for when those neighbors don't want to be good neighbors. They cross the line, we build a fence. They jump the fence, we build a wall. They scale the wall, we build battlements. If they don't get the message after that, well, we all know what battlements are for.



Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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Begs another Question: When Hannity reads from his Quran for Dummies, is he really qualified to interpret that? Some say they don't go by all of that. Some say they do. I don't know what to say. I don't have any more idea about Islam than Hannity does.

EDIT: I've gotten away from Dave's good point that most Christians don't believe in genocide most of the time.

Certainly most Christians don't believe in genocide, but considering history from the massacres of Jews in the crusades recognized by some scholars as the beginning of the Jewish programs culminating in the Holocaust and through the Christian religious wars of Europe between Christians seeking to eliminate their competition or even in incidents like Rwanda it is clear the qualifying statement of "most of the time" is needed.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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I don't have the energy to look it up, but it's in Psalms: Put every man and woman to the sword and dash their little ones against the rocks.
"Old covenant" stuff, but it's in there. We sort of pick and choose what still applies.

Yeah there were also other instructions about genocide...But in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you for an inheritance, you shall save alive nothing that breathes, 17 but you shall devote them to complete destruction,1 the Hittites and the Amorites, the Canaanites and the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites, as the Lord your God has commanded (Deuteronomy 20:16-18)

We were also reminded of this when it was invoked against Muslims in 2006...

In 2006 Conservative Rabbi Jack Reimer, Bill Clinton’s rabbinic counsel during his presidency, created a stir when he associated Islamic fundamentalism with the biblical nation of Amalek.

Genocide in the Torah

But yeah it's old covenant stuff Christians today say don't apply and matter to them, unless it about putting that old covenant stuff on the State House lawn.

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