Seedy vs Robert Gonzo and the Neo hippies or "pearls before swine" on facebook

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Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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These occupy kids are fun to troll.

Facebook said:
Robert Gonzo The country is coming apart at the seems. Riots in the streets, protests for no name faces. The revolution is in full growth, but at what expense. Freedom is only condoned under peace. A war is building and this time it's for your loyalty. I need everyone to understand this revolution must change its direction or it will fail. Stop focusing on money stop making it what you strive for everyday. No money is the reason your all acting like angry cattle being branded by the new leaders in charge. Oppose money oppose credit. Oppose transferring fund from bank to bank. Remember who you are working for. Are you working for you or are you working for a cause that maybe you do not fully understand. The only focus now is the humanity. Fight for your right live not for your right to buy. 9 hours ago near Tulsa

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Seedy I fully get "oppose credit" but "Oppose money" makes no sense. The barter system may work on a hippie commune, but if you like your computers, cars, electric guitars and iphones we are going to have to have currency. What solutions does this "revolution" actually propose? Is it all just angry noise of ne'er do wells and the dependant class or does it have some tangible, attainable goals? What is the answer the occupy movement proposes? Anarchy? Socialism? Communism? Redistribution of wealth? 9 hours ago · Like

Robert Gonzo We don't need money to have those things that's just the greedy/ money depraved side of your brain the bartering system does and could work but people have get rid of your addiction to money. It's false not real and for every cent you get you have pay it Back. Or you buy a stupid new or a useless video game system and I don't need electric guitar I have acoustic. money was created to make you like a slave. Your kids don't need toys they don't need phones they don't need video games they need information that will serve them in the future. The world is full of distractions . But evolution come first technology is free but some men seek to make sure these technologies are not available until their pockets are full and your are empty. Humanity is what is key money is outdated 8 hours ago · Like · 1

Robert Gonzo This isn't about occupy either all they care about is money. They have the wrong idea about revolution 8 hours ago · Like

Kimmy Owens I agree, I think the barter system would work. We have used technology to make our life easier. I am thankful for it but at the same time people these days have become so lazy because of it. A small percentage have knowledge . Many ppl rather take their car in for an oil change and PAY for it than do it themselves. If technology did not exist how many ppl would REALLY be able to fend for themselves? The barter system would work if people were more self reliant. We take for granted our education and think it is stupid but if we thirsted for further knowledge we wouldn't need money and business' and greed to help us get things done. 8 hours ago · Like · 2

James Harding I would rather say oppose fiat currency. The Gov't and Federal Reserve bank is the reason we are in this terrible situation. Money is worthless, it isn't backed by anything. If we ended the Gov't and Fed Reserve and backed the dollar with gold again, we would stabilize our economy and prices would drop all across the board. The only reason the Banks and Corporations got that big is because of the Gov't, fiat currency, and fractional reserve banking. 7 hours ago · Like

Seedy I like that James has an actual actionable suggestion, right or wrong it is a possible solution.

Unless we all want to return to being generalist subsistence farmers the barter system won't be good enough. Currency (money) is what allows the barter system to be efficient. It is what allows for the specialization of of labor that allows for wonderful things like the internet, technology, medicine, automobiles, hipster clothing, musical instruments and most of what we consider civilization. Money, like a hammer is simply a tool. Like a hammer it can be used for good or evil. You can build a house or destroy a work of art with a hammer. It is the intent of the person using the tool and not the tool itself that is to blame. Don't blame money and currency for greed and consumerism. 6 hours ago · Like

David Bowman Pshhh, stop the money, stop the credit, the fairly simple answer is technology, it's out there and we have more than enough resources to span the globe, we wouldn't even have to bother bartering, we would just pick it up, not like someone would claim how hard they worked, and need compensation, money is a primitive tool, long past it's due date, to keep higher ups in power. crime, depression, homelessness, debt, bills, taxes (which there is no law stating we have to pay taxes), 9/11, WWI, WWII, Vietnam, wars that have spanned the entire globe, and all of history, have been over money and greed, if we utilize technology correctly, we would be able to live happy and do what we do cause we're happy, and we wouldn't even need politics anymore, just representatives, people you wouldn't even have to worry about cause their isn't anything to get greedy over, religion, money, politics, are all just ways to distract us, and the only thing being shouted, really, is that you can't give up your distractions, and your afraid to lose them 6 hours ago · Like · 1

James Harding
Hey David, so who's going to make all these free things? 6 hours ago · Unlike · 1

David Bowman Scientist, researchers, people who have heart and soul enough to make it about people, the world has to pitch in, it includes all of us, what I can't understand James, is with the lack of money you've always had, living poor, having lived on the streets and vied for survival, things that I and the majority of your friends have dealt with, you can back up money, inanimate, worthless bits of paper, worth it's own weight in debt, instead of backing up humans, and a better lifestyle, that's what this is all about, and people need to wise up 4 hours ago · Like

James Harding It's fiat currency that I despise david. If it was backed by something, like gold, which has had a steady worth for centuries, prices would drop. Making everything affordable. I live in poverty because of a mix of things. The Gov't, my procrastination, and the corruption of the banks because of fractional reserve banking and fiat currency. It's this corrupted Gov't and banks that need to be stopped. I understand that this planet is full of untapped resources, but thats because of the monopolies placed by corporation so they can make a profit. If we end this tyranny we would have so much resources that everything would be dirt cheap, practically free. We still need money, it's incentive, you can't fight human nature, they won't work for nothing. Hell, if everything was free no one would work, and if they had to, then it's not free, it's labor trade. That's why we have money. silly David. 4 hours ago · Like

Jacob Stappert you will never be them, they will always see us as a little monkey with endless needs,completly dismissing the human factor involved. spend 8 years in collage under sociology and get job working for the mayor trading stock and they might warm up to you. 3 hours ago · Like

Robert Gonzo You guys should come over right now 3 hours ago · Like

James Harding
Jacob come pick me up, we need to party because I have orientation tommorow. 3 hours ago · Like


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Part two:
Facebook said:
Seedy David, you clearly live in a world of rainbows and unicorns... "The world has to pitch in" reminds me of Marxist propaganda. Your stoned pollyanic ramblings remind me of the failed hippie movement of the 60s. You must be a college student as you seem to know how to fix everything. So, tell me how do we get from where we are now to your socialist utopia? 2 hours ago · Like

Robert Gonzo It all starts with karma . Money cannot be eliminated right off the back but it's cut lusting needs to stop. There's a reason why they are gathering up our gold for worthless cash. So the people have no value left to trade amongst themselves. This is not Marxist propaganda because communism will never work as much as I wish it could because all men are greedy when true power is given to them. We need to keep a congress a more public congress than cspan or cspan2 . One that can be view in an open arena. And laws must be voted on by the people not congress. If it were a weekly vote than so be it because change is something that needs to happen on a constant basis. Consider them weekly trial periods on bigger issues monthly polls. Abortion and immigration will never be important on these ballots because they are not important at all. If they were deacons would have been country wide already. Those are called dividers something that is put in place to keep the people divided. Small business still exist for the people in town and local governed stay that local. All giver meant cannot be eliminated or there is chaos . If you continue to let money run your life Colby or the illusion of money in the future you will find yourself a very poor man open up your eyes to radical change because it's coming whether you like it not. 2 hours ago · Like

Seedy Good response rob.

So you advocate pure democracy (weekly votes).

One flaw in your logic about gold: the value we place in it is higher than its intrinsic value. Gold has become nothing more than another currency. The value of gold comes from its historical stability and not from some inherent usefulness. It is, to some degree its own fiat currency.

I agree with you about "dividers", however I don't think it is possible to get the sheeple to agree to let issues like gay marriage, abortion, etc go. Unfortunately there will always be people who will insist on "blue laws" and legislating morality.

As far as "money running my life", I'm not quite the tool you think I am. I don't chase after the Jones's and am not a fan of conspicuous consumption. Stability and being able to provide for my daughter are my main priorities in life. Money is part of the means to that end. I don't lust after an extravagant lifestyle. I want a place to fish, some guns to shoot, food to eat, a little smoke and a little drink and a house to live in. I will earn these things on my own, I don't expect the government or anyone else to provide these things for me.

I agree with you that the shitstem is broken. Unfortunately I do not see radical change coming... Look at the hippie movement, look at our mutual hero HST, where is the change these movements and people fought for almost 50 years ago? Television and the internet are the "new" opiates of the masses (to paraphrase Marx). I don't see the current unrest as anything different than the unrest of the 60s. Unfortunately I also believe that if radical change does come, it will not be peaceful. It will be met with violence and resistance. While I am completely disenfranchised with the politrickal shitstem I do find the myself agreeing most often with libertarians. I don't know that I completely buy into what they are selling, but make more sense and seem to move beyond the "dividers". 51 minutes ago · Like

David Bowman I don't need collage to know everything, I just do, and you sound like an attacker of dreams, a hater of love, and a politician, none of which are cooler than rainbows and unicorns, if my imagination is better than the corrupt and disgusting world you so proudly hold on too, I'll dream all my life, cause we all know there is a better more human way to live, you can stay stuck in the mud, and I'll walk the path of humanity, btw, thanks for thinking my thoughts were collage material 35 minutes ago · Like

Seedy David I'm laughing my ass off at you. "I don't need collage [sic] to know everything, I just do" must be the mantra of the "me" generation. You completely miss the sarcasm of the college comment (see Eric Cartman's definition of a college hippie).

Keep living in your dream world, I choose to ground myself in reality ("stuck in the mud"). It may not be pretty and I may not like everthing about it but at least I can make an actual effectual change instead of just moonbatting and yelling into the wind. To quote a band I'd bet you like "if ignorance is bliss then knock the smile off my face".

As far as the "attacker of dreams, hater of love" rhetoric goes... Yeah and I probably like to hurt kittens too. (Is your sarcasm detector working or are you calling PETA on me?)

Rob, I enjoy this discussion with you, unfortunately David has shown up unarmed for a battle of wits.

...and remember kids, arguing on the interwebz is like the special Olympics: even if you win, you are still retarded.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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Reading that made ME want to kick a kitten. i hate Hippahs! And you, you dream attacker, you hater of love (oxymoron?), stay away from the collage, or any other artwork.

You have to be impressed with the gov-sponsored Prussian schools now.


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Reading that made ME want to kick a kitten. i hate Hippahs! And you, you dream attacker, you hater of love (oxymoron?), stay away from the collage, or any other artwork.

You have to be impressed with the gov-sponsored Prussian schools now.

Yes, that was extremely painful to try to read. There are so many ludicrous claims and "facts" in those posts I didn't even know where to begin...never mind the spelling and grammar.


Special Hen
Aug 31, 2010
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"David Bowman I don't need collage to know everything, I just do,"

That little bit sums it all up right there.

I wish I could debate like you Seedy! I'm just not witty enough and not very good at critical thinking, or explaining things for that You da man!


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Grizzly, Ryan thanks for the compliments. I know that was a lot of words to read, so I hope there were enough lulz to keep you going.

Screename: Poopgiggle (from another site) was kind enough to make a collage for David and Rob:


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