Self- inflicted ?

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Special Hen
Feb 26, 2010
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Saw this on another forum .....Thoughts ?

"I am afraid a lot of what we are facing now, is somewhat self-inflicted. If you look at the advertising for most of the products we, as gun consumers buy,it is all about faster reloading time, higher capacities, more stopping power, conceal-ability, "it's what our troops use" etc.,etc. Those who wish to rescind or remove our 2A rights see this and it scares them out of their minds. I enjoy watching outdoor TV programming, but lately more of the programming is geared toward "tactical" training and procedures. I know a lot of this is aimed at LEO and competitive shooting sports, but I am afraid many" non gun people" see this programming and advertising and are again, scared out of their minds.

I will be the first to tell you that I am guilty of buying the products and watching the programming,(I even sometimes wear the goofy pants with the big pockets on the sides),but I really feel that we as responsible gun owners need to be especially cautious and sensitive to the image we project. I believe the number of responsible gun owners far out numbers the anti gunners, but the outcome of this fight will be decided by the non committed folks in the middle. If we scare them away, our cause is lost forever.

Just some rambling thoughts. "


Dream Master
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
It doesn't matter what we advertise or say. The anti's are going to find a way to demonize us. They hate guns and it doesn't matter which ones. They want them all taken away. yes I am sure that some of the advertisements haven't helped but nevertheless the government has wanted this for a very long time.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 8, 2008
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Enid, OK
Pretty much agree with it. In fact, IIRC, one product was withdrawn from the civilian market due primarily, to the way it was advertised. This was Black Talon, and Winchester shot themselves in the foot (no pun intended) by the rather lurid way they advertised it. 'Razor sharp shards of metal ripping through flesh', and that sort of stuff. While the ads were geared primarily to the firearms people, the media got ahold of this, and they used it to portray the users of Black Talon as bloodthirsty monsters. This scared the hell out of the public, and the gun-control advocates used it to introduce bills to restrict high-performance handgun rounds, and rather than run the risk of some rather severe ammunition restrictions, Winchester did the right thing and voluntarily withdrew Black Talon ammo from the civilian market.

We have to be careful what we say on public forums as well for the same reasons. The media and the gun-grabbers visit these forums as well, and they can use stuff that they see here against us. On another forum, there was talk about how sure, the feds could have their ammo--one round at a time. Talk like this is not a good idea, folks. On the old, now-defunct, there was open talk about killing cops who came to the door to collect guns. Granted, most of this was blowing smoke, and I think a far more likely result would be a need for fresh underwear after they meekly hand over their guns to the cops, but still, talk like this does us no good.

Always remember that we have to win the hearts and minds of the middle, and our talk and our actions should keep this in mind.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
Now how does this apply to 1st Amendment Rights? i.e. Should we be saying enjoy free speech and freedom of the press but don't say anything controversial or that will rock someone else's boat? I am not trying to mock what was posted - I am trying to point out the practical difficulties, and maybe the danger, of the idea being discussed.

Frankly, Freedom of religion is already being impinged upon in the same way as the Right to Keep and Bear arms. People are being told "worship as you wish but don't let it affect anything you do and no there will be no provisions to keep you from being forced to violate your own conscience".

I'm not sure if we are becoming less tolerant or if this is just the usual back-and-forth of a republican form of government.


Special Hen
Nov 6, 2012
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Unfortunately, we're held to a different set of standards than other industries.
While it's perfectly acceptable for vehicle manufactuers to show their product driving fast and carelessly (Professional drivers on a closed course, please do not attempt this in your vehicle) we can't be shown shooting IDPA in a commercial shooting 15 rounds mags at human shaped targets.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 16, 2006
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I’ll be the first to admit I’ve seen some pretty tacky adds but:

Sorry folks; I will be the dissenter here. I have a Colt LE6920 because it was the closest thing I could buy to what I was issued and what I’m familiar with. Other’s have an M1A etc. for the same reason. I bought it because bad guys don’t follow the rules and I want the absolute best thing I can buy within my budget. It is my birthright and I am unapologetic about it. Who in their right mind would seek to buy a product that would put them at a disadvantage???

These people have an agenda and there is nothing we can do to appease them. When they see a kink in your armor they will ALLWAYS strike there but once you stand your ground they back off.

The liberal agenda was not politely ask for. It was shoved down Americas throat. That is the only thing they understand. Using logic, statistics etc. means nothing to them. Representatives understanding a vote against the 2A will get them voted out of office does though.

We are fortunate that Oklahoma Representatives DO understand that.

I believe we have to stop being apologetic about what is rightfully ours and get behind our State Representatives who are doing some really amazing work right now!

Senator Nathan Dahm is introducing the 2nd Amendment Preservation Act:

We have a Governor leading the way by example and publicly getting her Concealed Carry Permit. That is awesome and it’s gone totally mainstream.

Lastly, remember who did good things and really represented us. We will owe them a lot next election cycle.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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With an ever growing urban population that has no experience with firearms, it is hard to know what to do. One bright spot is that the news media have lost their dominance and the internet has empowered other points of view.

I watched the House proceeding when they elected the Speaker a few days ago and it spooked me. The balance between pro and anti-gun is only slightly in our favor. The urban areas are on the grow and their reps want Pelosi/Schumer/Feinstein style gun control. We can't afford to sit here in the heartland and assume that we will win because our cause is just. We have to find ways to influence LA, Detroit, Baltimore etc. and prove that guns in responsible hands save lives there.


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Saw this on another forum .....Thoughts ?

"I am afraid a lot of what we are facing now, is somewhat self-inflicted. If you look at the advertising for most of the products we, as gun consumers buy,it is all about faster reloading time, higher capacities, more stopping power, conceal-ability, "it's what our troops use" etc.,etc. Those who wish to rescind or remove our 2A rights see this and it scares them out of their minds. I enjoy watching outdoor TV programming, but lately more of the programming is geared toward "tactical" training and procedures. I know a lot of this is aimed at LEO and competitive shooting sports, but I am afraid many" non gun people" see this programming and advertising and are again, scared out of their minds.

I will be the first to tell you that I am guilty of buying the products and watching the programming,(I even sometimes wear the goofy pants with the big pockets on the sides),but I really feel that we as responsible gun owners need to be especially cautious and sensitive to the image we project. I believe the number of responsible gun owners far out numbers the anti gunners, but the outcome of this fight will be decided by the non committed folks in the middle. If we scare them away, our cause is lost forever.

Just some rambling thoughts. "

I beg to differ. The point of 2A is to provide an armed citizenry that can resist a standing army sent by a tyrannical power that would want to exercise its will over the people of any state in he Union.
Hence the clause "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,

In other words, citizens following tactical type training and having fun with it is perfectly within the realms of desirability.
It is fun.
It is our right.
Why should we pre-suppose that average citizens are to be denied arms that are in common use at the time amongst law enforcement? In other words, why should we only be allowed inferior arms? Some level of Training should be available to all of us.
Ultimately, the right to keep and bear arms is what makes you free.
Arms that give you the strength to repel a standing army commanded by a tyrant.
These TV shows in my mind show a very positive side to firearms and how the folks shooting them are from all walks of life and nice folk!

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