Someone threatened to “shoot up” and kill everyone at my wife’s office

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Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
yeah this doesn't sound like boredom and stupidity. that sounds like latent violent aggression being unleashed either while on a chemical bender or just too off the deep end.

if it's an employee or a customer who went into debt or something; i'd definitely be on edge, especially entering and leaving the facility.

even if the person can't get access, they are VERY likely hanging out around there and/or just driving around. lots of people do dry runs or even view targets before getting the final bit of "courage" or losing the last bit of hope before they do anything drastic.

my partner works at a mental health clinic and i worry about this very often. i have dropped her off in the morning and there have been plenty of shady looking customers (no offense to anyone seeking mental health, but i mean.....well we at least *know* they have SOMETHING wrong....and/or could be on or off meds, etc) already there before any employees just waiting for the clinic to open. the clinic is open regular business hours, so you don't know if someone has been waiting in the parking all night or what.....

workplace violence is almost always an employee. since this isn't really a public place, i would assume that first. not like it matters, but just wanting to find the pos who did it.
Aug 7, 2021
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Elgin, OK
I'm glad she's okay. But red flags laws nope! There's already laws on the books for that crap. Find and prosecute with those laws.
Up until today, I would have hit the Like button without thinking twice about it. I still agree with you, but it does have my mind spinning trying to figure out other possible solutions. I don’t know if any exist, but I can’t stop thinking about it.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2021
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Somewhere west of Tulsa
Red Flag laws are definitely not the answer. Give the gun control crowd an inch and they'll take a mile, or more. Also a bad guy, determined to do harm, will always be able to get a gun or something else to carry out his plan. Just like illegal drugs, a gun will always be available.

“Gun control? It's the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I'm a bad guy, I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We'll see who wins.”
Former Gambino Crime family Underboss, Sammy "The Bull" Gravano


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 3, 2006
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I know that this is unsettling.

I know that Fort Sill (and all military installations) prohibit carrying firearms on base. And keep a relatively tight watch on those on post.

My guess is that security coming on post is going to be a bit tougher for a while.
Maybe something like 100% stop and inspect for a few days.
Maybe they will close the Personal firing range for a few days to preclude anyone coming on post with firearms.

Doesn't make things any easier but....


Let's Eat
Special Hen
Jan 8, 2009
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If she does not carry, maybe she should at least for a few days.

I do think we need to get off our collective a$$es and get proactive writing Red Flag laws that are a happy middle ground. Say they find out who made the calls, restrict them from owning guns until cleared by a mental health professional.
so what happens when they send a snowflake therapist to interview you and they decide to take your guns? There is no way to convict anyone of anything until they have committed a crime. It's a violation of their rights. Preemption means nothing. You can not convict someone of a crime they might commit. I will not feel sorry for anyone who supported it and became a victim of it.
Apr 11, 2022
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My father is a bank president, they’ve had this happen several times at his banking office. Some angry jerk who gets denied a loan calls up there and makes violent threats. The police have been involved a couple times. One time one of crazies even started stalking/bugging bank employees on FB. All that being said nothing has ever actually happened. Not trying to downplay the situation, but jerks make threats all the time.

I hope we don’t go introducing more strict gun laws over some angry jerk with no self control making threats over the phone.

Hold on to your hats folks... the world is a dangerous place. There are more crazies and dangerous jerks out there than we’d like to think.

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