Dennis. Let me remind you. Congress has had the purse strings for the past 4 years Obama's term. They'll have it for the next 2 as well.
Let me give you an example of Congressional power and purse strings. Nixon wanted to continue the VN War....the Democratic led majority voted to defund the entire War thus bringing an end to the War in which you were drafted.
Yes Congress allowed Obama to spend every red cent of our tax dollars for the past 6 years....and the GOP has held the power of the purse for the last 4 years.
"Congress" does not equal "House". The Senate is a part of that equation as well. As Dennis said, the Senate blocked every budget the House sent them. Let us not forget that inconvenient truth.
The question is now that the Republicans control "Congress" as a whole, what are they going to do? Obama will surely veto any budget they send him which doesn't feed his obsessive spending, but are they going to have the fortitude to override his veto?