The United States should consider reparations to African-American descendants of slav

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Oct 9, 2012
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WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States should consider reparations to African-American descendants of slavery, establish a national human rights commission and publicly acknowledge that the trans-Atlantic slave trade was a crime against humanity, a United Nations working group said Friday.

The U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent released its preliminary recommendations after more than a week of meetings with black Americans and others from around the country, including Baltimore, Chicago, New York City, the District of Columbia and Jackson, Mississippi.

After finishing their fact-finding mission, the working group was "extremely concerned about the human rights situation of African-Americans," chair Mireille Fanon Mendes-France of France said in the report. "The colonial history, the legacy of enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the U.S. remains a serious challenge as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent."

For example, Mendes-France compared the recent deaths of unarmed black men like Michael Brown and Eric Garner at the hands of police to the lynchings of black men in the South from the post-Civil War days through the Civil Rights era. Those deaths, and others, have inspired protests around the country under the Black Lives Matter moniker.

It has become very obvious that slavery was one of, if not the worst moves ever made by the Europeans coming to the New World. Just imagine how different the country would be had our ancestors not participated in that.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
From a legal perspective, restitution/reparation is all about putting the aggrieved party back in the same position as he would have been if he hadn't been wronged. If any descendants of slaves feel that their lives would have been better if their ancestors had stayed in Africa and they had been born there instead of in this terrible white man's society, then I will take their word for it, and might even help raise funds for the only kind of reparations that really make any sense, which would be a lot of one-way boat tickets.


Special Hen
Apr 23, 2010
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From a legal perspective, restitution/reparation is all about putting the aggrieved party back in the same position as he would have been if he hadn't been wronged. If any descendants of slaves feel that their lives would have been better if their ancestors had stayed in Africa and they had been born there instead of in this terrible white man's society, then I will take their word for it, and might even help raise funds for the only kind of reparations that really make any sense, which would be a lot of one-way boat tickets.
The best thing that happened to the black man was being shipped here as slaves. Had they not been shipped here they would be living in poverty and eating monkey and snake. Now that they are here they receive welfare, free housing, and make millions doing rap and playing sports. They have the opportunity for education, not that they take advantage of it, and the socialists will keep making excuses for them and their conduct. The crackers have done nothing for them and have not spent enough billions to help them, or so say the democrats/socialists. Makes me want to puke.
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Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
For staters, none of the blacks living today were a part of slavery. Big deal of their ancestors were. Doesn't affect them one bit. I get so sick of hearing about how bad blacks have it in this country. Look at our worthless president, he is black. Well half. That is proof that you can achieve the highest position in this country despite being black. They are not oppressed. Yes in some instances some blacks get mistreated. But for the most part they get treated fine. As a matter of fact, blacks actually get treated better in a lot of instances. Employers will many times choose a black over a white because of fear they might get sued because of racial discrimination. I have seen it personally. This country has gotten so politically correct it makes me sick. If blacks have it so bad here then move to Africa. Go there and see how great it is to be a real "African". But in the meantime they will Continue abusing welfare while complaining of how the white man has wronged them.


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May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
Wow, this thread has taken a nasty turn fast. "Blacks" are not welfare queens, drug hustlers, etc. as a group - most are decent hard working, Church going (counts as a plus with me but maybe not with everyone) folks working hard to raise families. There is a sort of social cancer that has afflicted a certain portion of blacks, particularly inner-city blacks in older cities under long-entrenched Democrat administrations. The Democrats play and pander to that group (without really helping them in any lasting way) while attempting to tell those other "average" blacks that they are just one Republican administration away from being put back on the plantation.
The Republican who can reach out to a significant portion of thse average blacks (let's 10% or more) can win handily, with a mandate to reform.

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