Thought Boston Was the Birthplace of American Freedom

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Dec 4, 2008
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Midwest City
Do you know how idiotic that request is? Am I their fecking accountant? Other than a website, what other source would I have?
Well you are speaking as if they are facts so I just figured you had the knowledge to back it up.

The funny thing is... those of you who are so vigorously against homosexuals, why? I think its due to some latent desires.
I am not against homosexuals nor have I stated any such thing. Your always trolling for fights on this forum aren't you?


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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
This is a ridiculous issue. You want to talk about "hate"? Iran, Saudi Arabia and Yemen EXECUTE homosexuals. But this country is up in arms about what a restaurant CEO does with those profits. I'm all for gays having equal rights but there is NO issue here. The "pro" gay marriage faction has gone way overboard in the "outrage" department. It's complete nonsense.


Nov 7, 2008
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Out in the woods.
Ding ding ding! We have a winner, that's where the law suit is going to come from, that my guess. Unless CFA owner makes enough from the support, he just tells Boston to stick it.

Oh and BTW, I must confess, I don't like Pepsi! So does that make me a hate monger? I love how the libs are all for freedom of expression.... as long as it coincides with their agenda. My gawd, I've never seen people turn to insults and opinion ripping as when someone states their personal preference. That's why most people don't like the shiite jihad liberals. You all don't want to get along; you want everyone that doesn't share your point of view to depart the planet. And you have no problem telling everyone that and cry in your panties when someone tells you to shut the heck up.
Have you all ever tried to get along, have you ever tried to converse in a civil tone about differences of opinions, have you ever just kept your sexual preference to yourself and not flaunt every aspect of your personality that is different to the world like it's a flag?
You all wear your personality and feelings like bumper stickers out there for everyone to see and get twisted out of shape when the majority of the population on the planet does something as simple as take the bait dangled in front of them, by answering a loaded question with their own personal opinion that was sure to get hammered by the interviewer. A low life tactic, but one that fits the "norm" of this genre.
Be free, be free to choose to sleep with whomever you want, be free to worship any god that you want. But don't expect to have a parade, a holiday, a march, a special month for your difference without also accepting that others are different from you and accept them as well. Remember, do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. Doesn't matter that that came from the Bible, it's just good common courtesy.
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Special Hen
Dec 30, 2008
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Broken Arrow
When I first heard about this, I thought, "COOL! Now the lines at Chick-Fil-A will be shorter!" But it has backlashed both on me and the LGBT community. As of this morning, Chick-Fil-A has over five million likes on their FB page. That's about twice what they had before this "controversy" started. Not only that, but now there's a "Support Chick-Fil-A Day" on August 1st. I've got no problem with what two consenting adults want to do. But the LGB-Tards who insist on pushing the agenda are increasing the support and the lines for CFA. Way to set your agenda back and screw up my lunch hour all at the same time.

Man I am in total agreement with this. This whole gay marriage stuff (for or against) is getting to be such a broken record. Problem is, people seem to be so polarized on the issue that it has become almost militant. I think it would be so nice if those on complete opposites would just relax a little bit the issue wouldn't be, well, such an issue. "How DARE you choose not to support something I support!!" Ugh, makes me want to bang my head on the wall. I guess for a lot of people it is a huge area of concern but since it doesn't really affect me, I just can't get excited about it.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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These people simply want "minority" status so the .gov will buy them chicken sammiches and give them free stuff.

Personally, I wish ALL of these Entitlement Nazis would just shut their pieholes an give the true minority a freaking break. Maybe if we pay them to STFU and stay that way. None of this is about any Constitutional right, it is just a bunch of whiny small-minded humans who have been convinced their sexual practices give them specialness.

If they do become a protected demographic, I vote we all "come out da closet; and claim we are all homosexuals. Let's see what kinda problems that would create.

carry guy

Special Hen
Aug 3, 2007
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Boston may have been the birthplace of American freedom, but that was then and this is now. From the first (and only) time I've been in Boston, my most lasting memory was the anti-gun billboard right outside Fenway Park, home of the Red Sox.

The Chick-Fil-A thing is political grandstanding at its worst. The owner expressed his personal beliefs. Those offended by it have the right not to do business with Chick-Fil-,if that's what they wish.

The media treats all gays as if they are a monolithic minority with one opinion, just as they tend to do with Afro-Americans and whatever is the currently acceptable politically-correct name for Hispanics/Latinos. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Mass media loves to play divide and conquer. All the squabbling tends to keep people immersed in petty issues and distracted from the big picture.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Fry the chicken. That's what it comes down to . You pay your minions $8.72 an hour? Great. Just fry the chicken. I couldn't care less. I've been boycotting KFC, Church's, and Popeye's for low these many years? Fried birds. Objectional on the face of it. What did a bird ever do to you?

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