Unconstitutional: Circuit Court Strikes Down Longstanding Gun Control

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I have no problems with a Felon being able to apply to get the right to vote and own firearms back. I just do not think it should be an automatic thing. They should have to show they have not been arrested again for at least 5 years and that the crime they did commit was non-violent.

I feel that as a society we are getting to soft on crime and it is not just the liberals doing it but society as a whole. No more hard labor, and they have TV, internet, etc, etc.
They have had TV in their cells since my Army unit toured the Leavenworth Penitentiary in the mid 70's.
Our Company Commander was friends with the Warden. It's a medium security prison except for one cell block. Actually built by the prisoners over the years.
When we went in full uniform with all the bling we found out why. The Army TW uniforms at that time were being sewed there.
Every con there had the same uniform on that we did without the decorations.
We were given full access to cell block C which was the lifers. 8am the cell doors open, they congregate in the main area with several overhead TV's playing. Content is regulated.
I wandered near a guys cell that had a full library and personal TV in his 6X8 cell and was painting in some oils. Door was open. Told him his painting was amazing and after a few discussions, asked why he was in here.
He said he killed everyone in his family, chopped them up and buried them.
Well, allrighty then! Got TF away from that cell!
We had lunch with the cons in a big lunchroom. It wasn't like TV. They got their food, got their plastic silverware, ate and went back to their cell blocks. It was actually pretty good food.
They had big workout areas, schools, and jobs where they could earn a little money to spend in the canteens.
Recidivism among inmates is still an issue. The conditions are not horrible. Prison becomes their life. Three hot meals and a bed a day without having to do anything to work for to get that with all the recreation they desire is a bad thing for an inner-city kid with no future? They get street creds and a new tatoo when getting out.
We need to get back to prison is hell and nobody wants to go back.
Lets get back to Sheriff Joe Arpaio's jail in Arizona where inmates were housed in tents in the desert just like our military did in the deserts of the middle east forced to wear pink,and ate barely sustenance food.
The Recidivism was way lower than any other jails, believe me.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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They have had TV in their cells since my Army unit toured the Leavenworth Penitentiary in the mid 70's.
Our Company Commander was friends with the Warden. It's a medium security prison except for one cell block. Actually built by the prisoners over the years.
When we went in full uniform with all the bling we found out why. The Army TW uniforms at that time were being sewed there.
Every con there had the same uniform on that we did without the decorations.
We were given full access to cell block C which was the lifers. 8am the cell doors open, they congregate in the main area with several overhead TV's playing. Content is regulated.
I wandered near a guys cell that had a full library and personal TV in his 6X8 cell and was painting in some oils. Door was open. Told him his painting was amazing and after a few discussions, asked why he was in here.
He said he killed everyone in his family, chopped them up and buried them.
Well, allrighty then! Got TF away from that cell!
We had lunch with the cons in a big lunchroom. It wasn't like TV. They got their food, got their plastic silverware, ate and went back to their cell blocks. It was actually pretty good food.
They had big workout areas, schools, and jobs where they could earn a little money to spend in the canteens.
Recidivism among inmates is still an issue. The conditions are not horrible. Prison becomes their life. Three hot meals and a bed a day without having to do anything to work for to get that with all the recreation they desire is a bad thing for an inner-city kid with no future? They get street creds and a new tatoo when getting out.
We need to get back to prison is hell and nobody wants to go back.
Lets get back to Sheriff Joe Arpaio's jail in Arizona where inmates were housed in tents in the desert just like our military did in the deserts of the middle east forced to wear pink,and ate barely sustenance food.
The Recidivism was way lower than any other jails, believe me.
I don't mind them getting decent food. Not great food, just good and filing. A basic TV in each cell is OK too. No cable, movies on demand, etc. If they break the rules they lose the TV and any other perks. They should have to work an 8 hour day doing something productive even if only growing food for the prison. If they do not have at least a HS diploma that should be made to attend classes and maybe have trade school classes too. Teach them something besides crime but make it so they never want to go back.

As I have said before. I went thru a period in my life where I was a thug and if caught I probably would have done several years. I was not a violent criminal but I did go up against a few. Funny thing is prison did not scare me at all and most of the time I never even thought about it. I knew several guys that had been and as long as you could protect yourself, prison was not bad according to them. I even knew a couple that decided they liked prison and within a month of being released would do something to get sent back. Get out, spend a month or so getting drunk, stoned and laid then get themselves arrested again.

Luckily I outgrew that part of my life without getting arrested. Got questioned by the police and FBI a couple times but never arrested. Then I got depression and got rid of all my guns for awhile until I found who I was and stopped trying to be what others wanted me to be. Point of all this is, I have been there, done that and am not proud of what I did but it helped shape me into who I am now. I

I knew several that if allowed to buy a gun after prison would have gone from forging checks or something similar to murder real easy. One we stopped who was going to firebomb the cop that arrested him and sent him to prison. He had somehow found out the cops address and was making gas bombs with soap flakes to use on him. Him we got violent with. Did not want him bringing down the cops on all of us.

And it is to late and I am rambling. Good night. :P


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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I have no problems with a Felon being able to apply to get the right to vote and own firearms back. I just do not think it should be an automatic thing. They should have to show they have not been arrested again for at least 5 years and that the crime they did commit was non-violent.

I feel that as a society we are getting to soft on crime and it is not just the liberals doing it but society as a whole. No more hard labor, and they have TV, internet, etc, etc.

I believe once a felon has completed sentence/probation that all rights should be restored.

The big problem with recidivism is criminals don't do the time they should to start with.

I don't believe sex offenders should be prohibited from living in certain places. Not because I care about sex offenders, but because actual sexual predators need to be locked up forever. There should be NO case where a child molester has ANY opportunity to have access to children ever again.

We have brought about our own destruction by allowing these offenders to victimize people with no consequences. Whether it's robbery or murder, somehow we let these animals back into society and surprise, surprise! They prey on others.



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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I believe once a felon has completed sentence/probation that all rights should be restored.

The big problem with recidivism is criminals don't do the time they should to start with.

I don't believe sex offenders should be prohibited from living in certain places. Not because I care about sex offenders, but because actual sexual predators need to be locked up forever. There should be NO case where a child molester has ANY opportunity to have access to children ever again.

We have brought about our own destruction by allowing these offenders to victimize people with no consequences. Whether it's robbery or murder, somehow we let these animals back into society and surprise, surprise! They prey on others.

That's a mental disease. Those with mental diseases should be locked up in mental wards. Frontal lobotomy's applied, and then let them spend the rest of their lives wandering around a nice flowery campus at the insane asylum.
Or shanked in general population.
Either works for me.


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Blanchard, America
But . . . but . . . but ' . . . shall not be infringed'!!! C'mon, where are all you that believe anyone should be able to have anything, anywhere, and at anytime? Cat gottcha tongue?

No biggie, just being an azz tonight :laughup:

Honest question; Did you even read the replies above yours before you posted?


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Blanchard, America
I believe once a felon has completed sentence/probation that all rights should be restored.

The big problem with recidivism is criminals don't do the time they should to start with.

I don't believe sex offenders should be prohibited from living in certain places. Not because I care about sex offenders, but because actual sexual predators need to be locked up forever. There should be NO case where a child molester has ANY opportunity to have access to children ever again.

We have brought about our own destruction by allowing these offenders to victimize people with no consequences. Whether it's robbery or murder, somehow we let these animals back into society and surprise, surprise! They prey on others.


As much as we've differed in previous threads concerning this, I agree with "almost" everything you said here.

After reading this I believe most of my disagreement with your position resulted in a very small error of omission. Not sure if you left it out or if I just missed it.


Special Hen
Jun 9, 2021
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Not in Oklahoma!
I'm a firm believer of a non-violent felon getting their gun rights back after serving their time with no infractions. There are probably millions of folks that have done something stupid that is non-violent like passing bad checks, or whatever.
They paid their duty to society, let's let them have the same ability to own guns for recreation or self-protection as the rest of us do lawfully.
Let us not forget all those who mighta been wrongfully convicted and such.

Surely we know there are tons of district attorneys out there just looking for easy convictions.

And all the district attorneys looking to take rights away for their own political gain.

And who knows, all the politicians wanting to make everything a felony so they can take away rights also!

Beautiful Mulberry

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 18, 2023
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Have you see the McGirt ruling here in Oklahoma? most of Oklahoma fell back under native reservation. In result ALOT of dangerous, violent felons got out charges dropped and can now legally go buy firearms. Was said state did not have jurisdiction to prosecute a native. Next thing is now we have lighthouse running all over the place. Just what we need. More police. Police state!
I guess they will keep you s safe.

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