You Know You Are A Conspiracy Theorist If…

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Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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A salute to the fans of Jayna Davis:
You know you are a conspiracy theorist if, while crouched in your backyard foxhole awaiting the arrival of blue-helmeted U.N. troops unloading from black helicopters, your tin foil hat begins to ring, so you answer it, only to hear Lee Harvey Oswald and Oliver Stone tell you that LBJ did not have JFK killed to avenge the kidnapping/murder of Jimmy Hoffa, but rather it was done in retaliation for the faking of the Apollo moon landings, which everyone with a tin foil hat knows was a sham passed off by an Area 51 black ops unit with ties to the Council on Foreign Relations or the Tri-Lateral Commission, one or the other of which was behind the murder of Marilyn Monroe, the disappearance of D.B. Cooper, and the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon, with funding by the Rothschilds and the Biltenburghers and someone else, all of which makes you run inside to turn on the 'puter to get the real skinny from Alex Jones, who, with a sigh, tells you that it's all true and that you should sleep good with the fishes tonight, just like Jimmy Hoffa, except you're too scared now to sleep and you don't like fish anyway, and even awaiting Chi-Com troops to storm your household has lost its luster, so you hang up your tinfoil hat/sat phone, draw it down low over your eyes, give out with your best Clint Eastwood grimace, and go back to contemplating the stellar incomplexities of the interior mind, followed by.....

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