Fitness accountability thread?

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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 11, 2012
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Fort Sill , OK


Special Hen
Jun 1, 2010
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Ran the GloRun in Edmond. Managed to do just over 29minutes in the 5K. I don't think hot links are a great pre-race meal. Lesson learned. Still got 1st in my age group and 15th overall. Small crowd this year.


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, OK
@AKJ20 You know, this is a concept that men have trouble with, but there IS a point at which gravity is ... well ... hmmmm ... well, let's just say "foundation garments" can only do so much ... and men don't usually wear them anyway ... :blush:

@Buddhaman Hot links?!?!? God, I'm gonna be sick ... lol ... Congrats on your win!! AND your "overall"!:clap3:


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
Ran the GloRun in Edmond. Managed to do just over 29minutes in the 5K. I don't think hot links are a great pre-race meal. Lesson learned. Still got 1st in my age group and 15th overall. Small crowd this year.
Nope, hot links are not a good pre-race meal. Kinda like a double cheeseburger and onion rings right before a bike race (BTDT). Congrats on winning your age group!


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, OK
OMG, this whole "get fit" thing is starting to be a royal PITA because every doctor I see tells me to do something different. I'm NOT stopping my workouts, though, especially the weight training. I haven't been lifting for very long and I already feel like a different person. My posture is better, I'm stronger, and much more coordinated. I might cut back some on the cardio until we can find a diet that gets enough calories in me (I lost 3.5 pounds last week according to the scales at the doctor's office) but I'm not quitting.

So ... I did some of my own research last night while I was waiting on the fight and I think I've figured out how to get enough protein in me to build some muscle and enough carbs, without a bunch of fiber and minimal fats to not have muscle wasting.

I know getting fit isn't all about looks but it is kinda cool to be getting into the clothes I was wearing when the old man and I got together. It's a girl thing ... :blush:


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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My memory may be faulty, but it used to be said that 3500 calories equals one pound. So, to lose even two pounds in one week, a person would have to burn approx. 7000 more calories than they took in (2lbs X 3500 calories). In other words, that person would need to run a calorie deficit of approx. 1000 calories a day. It can be done, but it is difficult. Feeling hungry all the time is just part of it. On the other hand, the average adult female is, by body weight, approx. 50% water. It is very easy to lose a couple of pounds of water weight (that's how fad diets--like the grapefruit diet--work. You lose a lot of water weight quickly. But, if you have healthy eating habits, it will all come back). The key is to find a sensible diet (i.e, a better way of eating) that you can maintain over the long term (this lets fad diets out) and that will allow you to lose a sensible one or two pounds a week. It doesn't sound like much, but 52-104 pounds over the course of one year can make a substantial difference.


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, OK
@mightymouse, and that, my friend, the crux of the problem. I'm not actively trying to lose weight. In fact, if I get 6-700 calories down a day I consider that a "good" day.

This isn't a "fad diet" problem. I can't keep ANYTHING more than a couple of swallows of whatever down. I can't even eat solid food at all, although the GI doc did a procedure on me Friday that has helped some.

I'm so dehydrated (and probably have some malnutrition issues, too) that my vein walls blew 3 times before they got an IV started on me. Two of those times I felt the needle IN the vein. She did not go through it, the vein just couldn't support the catheter when she went to remove the needle. It's not an uncommon problem in the very frail but for someone my age, without major health issues, it is what they call "a clue". Until I can get this stomach thing worked out, I'm just gonna have to not exercise (specifically cardio) for a bit. Odd thing is I feel fine. I sleep better when I do a lot of cardio, but if I'm wasting muscle instead of losing fat I'm not doing myself any favors.

This stomach thing has been an on and off issue for years and I thought it was the result of long-term opioid use (because it is a side effect of that). I haven't had a pain pill since the middle of May so the pills can't be the cause. The next logically explanation is a damaged vagus nerve from a gall bladder surgery I had. If that's the case, then is a permanent condition my GI doc and I are just gonna have to manage.

He did find some inflammation in my stomach (but said it didn't look that bad and there are no ulcers) and so he took a biopsy. It could be that inflammation, and hopefully that IS what the problem is -- we can treat it and I can move on with life and start eating food again. My frustration is because what the neurosurgeon and speech pathologist told me to do what just making my stomach worse. And I had a radiologist tell me a couple of weeks ago I was basically faking ...

I listened to multiple doctors tell me for 10 years that I was drug-seeking; there was no way my neck could be causing my headaches; I was attention seeking; I needed to see a shrink and stop bothering them; well, it couldn't be that bad because it hadn't killed me yet ... the list goes on and on ...

Here's what I learned from that: if your doctor doesn't take your symptoms seriously keep looking until you find one who does. I don't know why some doctors think if you aren't exactly like textbook cases they read about that means you aren't having a problem.

Eta: Just thought I'd mentioned that I'm not hungry at all. Ever. I never thought I'd see the day (because I didn't get this figure by being picky) but the smell of food cooking makes me so nauseous I have to take a dose of zofran. Eating or drinking much more than a couple of swallows at a time does the same thing. This much weight loss this fast is NOT something I'm trying to do. I'd be much, much happier if I was losing at a "normal, healthy" rate.
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Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, OK
Ok, against doctor's orders :blush: I'm off to do some cardio. Can't help it -- it's gonna drive me NUTS if I don't move a little. It's been 3 days so 30 minutes isn't gonna kill me. I never thought I'd see the day that I "needed" to work out.:faint:Then me and the dog have to go see the vet, so you guys all have a good day. Be back later!!:wave:


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, OK
Ok, so now I'm in a funk because the doctor won't let me do but 30 minutes of cardio every day. And I can only lift weights twice a week. Blah!

Wish my biopsy results would get back so we can figure something out.

Oh the bright side, I got about 700 calories in me so far today. That's pretty good considering I've had several days where I've only been able to keep water down. Oddly enough, I actually feel pretty good.

I could stand to lose another 20 pounds but anything over another 30 is gonna be problematic, health-wise. I'd really like to slow my weight loss down and still be able to work out hard but I don't see a way to do that, so for now it's just slow and steady ...

Commander Keen

Special Hen
Oct 2, 2009
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11 easy miles today, 288.71 for the month. My second highest month ever, following this past March during my buildup to the OKC Marathon. I did have more quality runs (speed work) this month than March, though.

If I can keep this up and maybe increase some mileage without imploding I should have a good day in Tulsa at the end of November.

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