Fitness accountability thread?

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Shoot Summ

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 24, 2006
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Up and at it!!!

Shoulders, Arms, and Abs this morning, I will post the workout, and the HRM stats in a bit...

Today's workout:

Reverse bear crawl 2x125'

Roman Chair leg raises 60

3 sets of 12
Seated DB shoulder press
EX Bar front raise
Bent over lateral

Cable crunches 60

3 sets of 12
Upright rows
Arnold press
Bridge Reach

Decline sit ups 60

Straight bar curl to skull 60 run the rack
Cable tricep press down 60 drop set

Time: 60.35
Max HR: 151
Avg HR: 124
Calories: 655
Fat%: 40
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Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
On June 12th I weighed in at 278, this morning I weighed at 189, total loss of 89 pounds! Cancer is a hell of a weight lose program. I'm willing to donate a small bit to anybody that wants to lose some weight, but I don't recommend it!
That sucks, heres hoping everything goes well.

Ive had my go around with it, lightly- 2 instances of suspect skin lesions. Had them removed, all is well, for now. Grew up in southern CA so we surfed all day as kids and were always at the beach which was just a few blocks away from our house. After I moved to northern CA and started getting heavily tattooed at 18 in 88' I started staying out of the sun unless I was lathered with sun block. Those formative years tho where I was in the sun all the time was enough to cause even small damage my Dr says. My current general Dr inspects my skin at every 6 month checkup and so far so good, no more scares.


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
Today is my only split day, did arms early this morning now Im waiting to do legs this afternoon. I like to do my synergists a day or so after working chest/shoulders instead of before and it seems to be working better for me, I am not as sore when doing arms a rest day after chest/shoulders as I was when I was doing chest/shoulders a day after doing arms.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Shoot Summ is killin' it.

Warm up:

4-5 minutes of jumping jacks
20 ground to over head stretches with a light plate.
30 wallballs with a light medicine ball (12lbs)

Main workout:

45 wallballs (20lb)
25 KB swings (44lb)
25 burpees
40 slamballs (30lb)
20 reverse KB lunges (35lbs)
25 hanging toes-to-bar (I'm not quite up to the bar yet, more like knees to chest)

(burpees and toes-to-bar are sprinkled through the workout on the top of every minute)

Mitch Rapp

Nov 21, 2005
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Broken Arrow
Today was stupid crazy at work, so no time to do anything major, wife is sick so I am crazy busy at home....

Going to see how many push ups and pull ups I can do before the night is over....

On the diet side of things, eating clean shows results really fast at first, I have dropped about 5 pounds since last Monday.

Shoot Summ

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 24, 2006
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Shoot Summ is killin' it.

Warm up:

4-5 minutes of jumping jacks
20 ground to over head stretches with a light plate.
30 wallballs with a light medicine ball (12lbs)

Main workout:

45 wallballs (20lb)
25 KB swings (44lb)
25 burpees
40 slamballs (30lb)
20 reverse KB lunges (35lbs)
25 hanging toes-to-bar (I'm not quite up to the bar yet, more like knees to chest)

(burpees and toes-to-bar are sprinkled through the workout on the top of every minute)

I have a 30lb slam ball, that thing is a beast...

Eagle Eye

Special Hen
Jul 21, 2014
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South East
Way to stick with it guys.

Yesterday. OU stadium stairs w/ 10lbs in vest. 6 sprints (first 50 steps at least), 4 walking, 1 run/walk/.

Today. 1.8mile run w/ 20lbs in vest. 30 inc push, 20 dips, 7 pull, 10 dips, 15 push. Ran 1.2 miles, repeated push/dip/pull. done

stretching now...

Shoot Summ

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 24, 2006
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Guess by now you guys have figured out what time it is...

OP I hope this is showing you that if this is important to you, you have to find a time when you can do it, things will always get in the way if you let them.

Today is Back and ABS day, will post the workout, and the results in a bit...

Today's workout:

Warm up:
Hollow rock 50
Push ups 40
TRX bridge row 40

4 Sets
Dead lifts 20 18 16 14 increase weight each set
Single arm bent over rows 12 each side
Sit ups with 20lb slam ball 25

3 Sets increase weight each set
Wide grip lat pull downs 12
Seated cable row 12
Face pulls 12
Bosu cross overs 15 each side
Kettle bell swings 25

2 sets
Squat row 15
Straight arm pull down 15
Reverse pec deck 15
Battle ropes 1 min

Finish with a 1.5 minute plank

Time:78 minutes
Max HR: 155
Avg HR: 122
Calories: 821
Fat%: 40
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Yesterday I exercised my Garand support arm for an hour, careful not to induce "Garand Thumb".
Got home, did some upper body/back strengthening for about 45min.

Today I run hills.


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
Today is my 1st totally 'off' day of my workout week. Yesterday was my split day- I killed it on the arms workout early morning but kind of pussed out when I did my leg workout late night. I love working arms but hate working legs but also never wanted to be that guy in shorts with the skinny legs and big arms so I do work them hard, it just sucks. I skipped going to the gym to do the leg machines so I just did extensions front and back side on my own bench using only 45lb plates. I still isolated my weak knee and still got in a decent workout, just didnt go as heavy at home as I would have at the gym. Will make up for it Friday morning when I work out on the heavy bag with martial arts and just going to do longer kick drills with the leg weights on.

I will be protein loading today with just enough carbs for brain function. My mid week off day I try to eat as clean as I can. For breakfast I'm having my usual eggwhites and one yolk scrambled in real butter with shaved ham and turkey added at the end, a piece of buttered whole wheat toast, raw fruit; snacks today will be low sodium mixed nuts, a high protein smoothee (2 scoops whey protein powder, little bit of yogurt, 1/2 bag of frozen natural no sugar added berries, small amount almond milk) mid morning, a 2scoop protein shake in the afternoon and another late evening. Brain food snacks I eat fruit and or dried fruit (golden raisens, cherries, dried pineapple) and then maybe a Clif bar, depending on how stupid I feel. Lunch I'll go out for some fish and a salad, fruit; dinner Im grilling a medium sized steak and 2 chicken breasts- eat the steak at dinner with a big fresh veggie salad (broccoli, cucumber, tomato, gr onion, gr pepper, carrots, celery, sprouts, etc- luckily I like my veggies raw instead of cooked except for the starchy ones like potatoes and corn, beans and I save any lettuce eating for sandwiches and the salads with mostly greens only), a medium micro baked potato, fruit for dessert; late evening I'll eat those chicken breasts cold and shredded wrapped in a low carb tortilla with lettuce, tomato, onion and lite ranch dressing. This should feed me good today and help me recuperate from the split day yesterday plus eating a wide variety of protein foods helps keep me from getting tired of it all.

The next 2 days will be 70% protein/30%carb days where I will only eat clean foods designed for function, no luxuries, and with my workouts being 1-2 hour heavy bag sessions I wont drink carb load drinks just distilled water so I can get the most out of the cardio. Saturday is usually my other totally off day and is my 'fun' day where I will eat pretty much whatever I want and then later in the evening and into the next morning I will eat the only complex carbs I eat for the weight workout coming Sunday night.

The only problem I forsee this week is a trip to Villa Ravenna Italian restaurant Friday night for our anniversary dinner with the wife and in-laws. Like I said in the beginning of this thread I am a major foodie which is my worst problem and even though Im not really on a strict weight loss program I am watching the extra carbs so I will be having to watch what I eat and dont eat, in an Italian restaurant, thats just not F'ing right!! But I have it all figured out. Its going to have to be a no on the Osso Buco because I cant not have the risotto so Im going to have the beef tenderloin rare, no wine, no bread dipped in oil and garlic, a big salad of greens but no Caesar, none of my fave bruschetta or calamari or antipasti, no limoncello martini, and this is the hardest- possibly no Tiramisu, and Yani makes the best ever. Thinking though if I hit the bag really hard tomorrow and Friday and since its our anniversary dinner I can 'm a y b e' cheat a little and have all or just 1/2 of the Tiramisu if I cancel out the linguine that comes with the steak. Wish me luck, lollll.
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