Riots and Looting...the best way to get "Justice"

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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The testimony is that Brown was facing the officer with his hands in the air. Wouldn't that be consistent with shots to the inside of the arm? If the palms are faced forward That isn't exactly a threatening posture is it? And if you shoot a guy who's six four in the top of the head from thirty feet way... how do you do that?
I'm just throwing in my two cents with the rest of you Forensic Scientists.

It all depends on the musculature alignment within the wound track(s), which may or may not involve the positioning of the arms. Further, the autopsy report isn't going to prove distance from the gun beyond a couple of feet. Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable. I'd go so far as to say it should never be solely relied upon in death penalty cases.

What we need is independent review of the case on the state or federal level. Absolutely zero community or local law enforcement pressure should be considered in the review. If at the federal level, the FBI should be allowed to process the case report independent of the DoJ, which is sadly compromised at this point.
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Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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In his original statement, he was specifically addressing looters and violent mobs:

Yes, he hates thieves and he may even wish them all shot. However, that was not the gist of his post and you knew it when you selectively targeted one word in his post. Therefore my questioning of your reductio ad absurdum debate tactic here is valid. So let's not stick to your question unless you want me to continue pointing out the flaw in your argument. :)

You know, I was going to answer your statement and express a viewpoint but then realized I would be breaking the rules of the forum. We can't talk about some things that happened or who looted during Katrina and was excused for it, or show an example of why some might have reason not to trust or like the Ferguson police since it didn't happen here. So I guess you win by default since I don't want to be disrespectful of J.B and the rules.

But hey we can say all we need to about "those people" and come to the "right" conclusions right, no further info, witnesses, or facts are needed for some investigations huh?

I'm not trying to defend looters or say all those of that group are saints by any means but on the other hand no group is all saints and the original issue as well as some other things we've seen should not be brushed aside or automatically justified because of the actions of some but not all of a group.

As to the question posted a couple of times about what the Gov. might do to try and help now and prevent these situations in the future. First off arrest looters and leave protesters and the press alone? What could have happened in that McDonalds to justify actions against the press? More questions need to be asked, why can a balance not seem to be found? One night we have an officer cursing and egging protestors on, then questions of police overreaction at protestors followed by a stand down allowing looting, kind of confusing.

Why have we seen gas and bean bags hit news crews but looters just carrying stuff at ease? What denotes a violent mob? How many injuries have been reported so far? Some might contend this whole situation is being played by more than one side.

Police have said protestors have thrown molotovs, has anybody seen video of such? Reporters from Fox2 St. Louis on the scene said they did not see it and could not confirm it but the police fired tear gas to move the protestors at that time, they are also said there appears to be noticeable tension between Ferguson PD and MHP. At the 1999 WTO protest it was reported that the same had happened and was later proved to be false.

On a good note I've seen at least two articles stating that protestors have helped prevent looting at times.

As for the future maybe the words of Associate Justice Brandeis could be a clue, "if the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy."

That and maybe consider independent review boards like at least a couple of states have done and others are calling for, kind of help avoid the "appearance of impropriety" like it's said in other issues and situations.

As for the police militarization here's the opinion of someone who could certainly be called an expert, remember the 1999 WTO protest and their outcome? Isn't the SPD still under Fred oversight due to a

pattern of excessive use of force that violated the Constitution as well as Federal law?

Seattle's former police chief speaks out on Ferguson and police militarization


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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You know, I was going to answer your statement and express a viewpoint but then realized I would be breaking the rules of the forum. We can't talk about some things that happened or who looted during Katrina and was excused for it, or show an example of why some might have reason not to trust or like the Ferguson police since it didn't happen here. So I guess you win by default since I don't want to be disrespectful of J.B and the rules.

But hey we can say all we need to about "those people" and come to the "right" conclusions right, no further info, witnesses, or facts are needed for some investigations huh?

I'm not trying to defend looters or say all those of that group are saints by any means but on the other hand no group is all saints and the original issue as well as some other things we've seen should not be brushed aside or automatically justified because of the actions of some but not all of a group.

As to the question posted a couple of times about what the Gov. might do to try and help now and prevent these situations in the future. First off arrest looters and leave protesters and the press alone? What could have happened in that McDonalds to justify actions against the press? More questions need to be asked, why can a balance not seem to be found? One night we have an officer cursing and egging protestors on, then questions of police overreaction at protestors followed by a stand down allowing looting, kind of confusing.

Why have we seen gas and bean bags hit news crews but looters just carrying stuff at ease? What denotes a violent mob? How many injuries have been reported so far? Some might contend this whole situation is being played by more than one side.

Police have said protestors have thrown molotovs, has anybody seen video of such? Reporters from Fox2 St. Louis on the scene said they did not see it and could not confirm it but the police fired tear gas to move the protestors at that time, they are also said there appears to be noticeable tension between Ferguson PD and MHP. At the 1999 WTO protest it was reported that the same had happened and was later proved to be false.

On a good note I've seen at least two articles stating that protestors have helped prevent looting at times.

As for the future maybe the words of Associate Justice Brandeis could be a clue, "if the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy."

That and maybe consider independent review boards like at least a couple of states have done and others are calling for, kind of help avoid the "appearance of impropriety" like it's said in other issues and situations.

As for the police militarization here's the opinion of someone who could certainly be called an expert, remember the 1999 WTO protest and their outcome? Isn't the SPD still under Fred oversight due to a

pattern of excessive use of force that violated the Constitution as well as Federal law?

Seattle's former police chief speaks out on Ferguson and police militarization

Sorry I hurt your feelers and that you can't respond with the required restraint. As to the rest of your post, Keep Calm and Read Post #293. As for the militarization of the police, apparently you haven't noted my longstanding position on that issue (not to mention my position on nighttime warrant service).

As to the "community" of Ferguson, they have issues that go far beyond their PD. I simply find it telling as to what it takes to get them off their butts and call for change. I also find it telling as to the manner in which they go about calling for change. You do tend to reap what you sow in this world. JMO, YMMV
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