Enough of Made in China

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Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Do you not really know what corporate greed is or is that question an argument 101 trap tactic?

Corporate greed: the willful and purposeful manipulation, unethical abuse, exploitation, and deceit tactics used by corporate executives for personal gain no matter how it effects employees, communitees that keep it, or the corporation itself.

How can "corporate" greed be used for "personal" gain?

Your proposed definition contradicts the components of the buzzword which is being defined.


Special Hen
Apr 18, 2010
Reaction score
Sand Springs
How can "corporate" greed be used for "personal" gain?

Your proposed definition contradicts the components of the buzzword which is being defined.

I disagree.

Being corporate and/or that which is colloquially defined as corporate is the composition of the executives that run said corporation. No one thinks of rank & file employees as being involved in corporate business decisions out of which the seeds of greed are sown by individuals for themselves or a small cabal for their "personal gain". Meaning not for overall benefit of the entire corporation and all its components.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
I disagree.

Being corporate and/or that which is colloquially defined as corporate is the composition of the executives that run said corporation. No one thinks of rank & file employees as being involved in corporate business decisions out of which the seeds of greed are sown by individuals for themselves or a small cabal for their "personal gain". Meaning not for overall benefit of the entire corporation and all its components.

Spoken like a true member of the proletariat who has no clue how management works.

In the past 25 years I've worked at all levels of employment from hourly worker to the director of manufacturing for an international medical equipment producer. 2 of my employers were fortune 100 companies, 1 a fortune 500 and two privately held firms both of which had revenues in the 250 to 500 million range. None were unionized.

None of them achieved the level of success they achieved and continue to enjoy by treating their employees as terribly as many seem to think. A successful corporation understands and lives the fact that its employees are its number one asset.

I strongly suspect that the perception by union employees that non-union workers are exploited and treated little better than slaves is primarily due to the union culture and PR that union bosses want them to believe. After all if they found out just how good non-union workers have it then there really wouldn't be a need for a union would there. And then all those union bosses pulling down annual wages way in excess of what their members make would be out of a job. Can't have that.

You union guys just keep on believing what you believe. Go right on pricing your selves right out of the labor market and insuring that even more and more American jobs are shipped over seas.

Stephen Cue

Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
West Tulsa
Spoken like a true member of the proletariat who has no clue how management works.

In the past 25 years I've worked at all levels of employment from hourly worker to the director of manufacturing for an international medical equipment producer. 2 of my employers were fortune 100 companies, 1 a fortune 500 and two privately held firms both of which had revenues in the 250 to 500 million range. None were unionized.

None of them achieved the level of success they achieved and continue to enjoy by treating their employees as terribly as many seem to think. A successful corporation understands and lives the fact that its employees are its number one asset.

I strongly suspect that the perception by union employees that non-union workers are exploited and treated little better than slaves is primarily due to the union culture and PR that union bosses want them to believe. After all if they found out just how good non-union workers have it then there really wouldn't be a need for a union would there. And then all those union bosses pulling down annual wages way in excess of what their members make would be out of a job. Can't have that.

You union guys just keep on believing what you believe. Go right on pricing your selves right out of the labor market and insuring that even more and more American jobs are shipped over seas.


Where did ShooterMcGee type anything about unions? For all you know he could be a part of the "corporate cabal".

I think your trying too hard to interject your union hate and naivete about how people would be treated in a world without unions.

Go reread his post and then tell us how he promoted unions, the "prolitariat", and how "he doesn't have a clue how management works"

Plus , try not to be a douche, the man just posted his opinion, why does that make you angry?

You anti-union guys just keep on believing what you believe. Do yourself a favor and thank a union member for you not being a

serf in a feudal lord's caste system.:D


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 29, 2007
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You know, I am not sure my job is even considered labor(server administrator III for the City of Tulsa) in a traditional sense. Yet I always get lumped in with Blue Collar Bob that makes bumpers(not that there is anything at all with making bumpers for a living). I am pro union because I know how middle management uses their employees strictly for personal gain. That manager takes the credit when the work is good and lays blame when the work is bad. They are also there to protect the employee from the executives that answer directly to the stock holders with no regard for their workforce.

A good example of this is American Airlines. Sure they may have people on payroll that are dead weight, all companies union or not have these people. But back in 2002 the executives came to the unions with doom and gloom and asked their employees to take a 17% pay cut. Two days after the recession contracts were signed, they issued bonuses to all the top executives. This prompted the unions to revolt, but all that happened was the CEO Don Carty was forced to retire. I hardly believe he was the sole reason for the bonuses. The excuse they used was it was to retain talent. :puke:


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 29, 2007
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Spoken like a true member of the proletariat who has no clue how management works.

Well hello Thirstin Howell III

Lets just round up all of these lower income people and force them into labor camps for the greater good.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
How can "corporate" greed be used for "personal" gain?

Your proposed definition contradicts the components of the buzzword which is being defined.

All corporate greed begins with personal gain. Without personal gain, there would be no corporate greed.

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