Good reason not to mess with fat guys

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Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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I wish my parents had been more supportive of defending myself. My mother, a teacher, would always try and suggest some sort of diplomatic way out of bullying. Never had the confidence to throw down and really stand up for myself. I was not bullied a bunch by any means but caught my fair share of hell in school. I know my children are going to be raised with some self confidence to put some punk in the dirt and not be disciplined at home. So long as they are not the ones bullying, they have free reign to defend themselves or others being picked on. It'd be neat to go back to high school with the confidence and perspective you have 10 years later.


Special Hen
Aug 8, 2007
Reaction score
Vinita, OK
Bully got what he had comin'. Schools have the rules because they can't endorse any kind of violence. Run up to school and protect your little babies!! Wa! Wa! Wa!

Sometimes standing up for yourself has consequences! Offer to take a 2 day suspension and 3 hard licks and go back to class! My mommy never had to go take up for me! I gave my sons a few lessons and they knew they were to handle the whole thing, start to finish, on their own and then tell me what had happened. If it went beyond that a lawyer was on the payrole.

My oldest son was the new, chubby kid and some of the jocks wanted to make an impression. He got some encouragement from me, stomped the toughest one, and then was asked by the coach to be nose guard. Problem was forever solved and all I did was tell him I'd handle the dads and the older brothers! Suddenly, my son was popular and the bullies wanted to be his buddys.

Electrician Mike

Special Hen
Feb 9, 2011
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I tell my son that I want him to stand up for himself and his friends in the event of bullying. I will support him fully if he is defending himself against a bully. He is in the 6th grade now and we have talked at length about this. I obviously told him to tell a teacher first before just kicking the crap out of some kid, but if it continues and the teachers do nothing, he has my blessing.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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I wouldn't suggest advising you child to tell a teacher, because if it comes to blows, the school, in their infinite wisdom, may look at the situation and determine that you child was "plotting" to injure another student and that's not good these days....yeah, this really happened, thank God it wasn't my kid on this one.

BTW, some schools don't suspend for just 3 days, a lot of schools have a 10 day minimum suspension.


Feb 17, 2010
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Broken Arrow
glen beck did a short piece on it, sounds like the parents of the kid that was being bullied and retaliated are possibly or being threated or sued by the bully's parents. i was the fat kid that was bullied in school too. i never retaliated but looking back i wish i would have a number of times, none of them physically punched me in the face tho.. mostly basket balls in the face (which i think broke my nose and ****ed up my septum a couple times, as i have nasal problems now) they would also of course steal my stuff, and talk smack poking and pushing. i think it gives the little punks a rush and a feeling of power that they can get away with tormenting the non violent kid that is twice their size in height and weight. if i could go back and do it all over again i would have put them in their place the first time they inflicted physical damage. and my parents would have supported me all the way. these kids that are clearly larger and able to stand up for them selves like this need to do so, someone needs to put the little brats in their place, lord knows their worthless parents are not.

i guess the reason i never retaliated was because i knew i was clearly the larger kid always in school in fact the largest in height from 2nd grade up to 8th. and i knew that if i did the bully was going to cry and turn the tables to the grownups and i would be labeled the bully, and go down for the crime. i think had i realized or been told that my perfect record would come through and disprove their lie, it would have made the difference. would it change anything in my life as far as how i act, my shyness, i do not know, but i would certainly have had an easier time, less nose bleeds, and possibly fewer nasal issues now.

and do not preach that the best method for dealing with these situations is to go to a parent or teacher, only the stupid and naive cling to those thoughts. the grownups cannot always be looking out for them, and after tattling it only provokes them more.


Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
My mother was kind of like carleb haha

i was raised by my mom only but thats exactly how she was. I grew up knowing that I better not start a single thing or else she would introduce my behind to the belt. But IF my lil brother or I got picked on I had to make sure it was the last time it happened. It never happened though because fortunately I was the big guy on campus my whole life but the whole school (faculty and kids) new my mother meant business. lol

She was only parent to EVER come up to the school borrow the teacher's belt, clear out the bathroom, and commence to whoop my brother a*s for some crazy crap he did. lol Later on she had him and the kid he fought apologize to each other and their peers for embarrassing themselves and each other lol.

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