My newest column (foreign policy)

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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The value of a persons life isn't defined by how much the risk of death they open themselves up to.

The problem is your perception, not the actual value of a life. We talk of the sacrifices and potential ultimate sacrifices of our troops and lawmen in the service of those they defend with reverence. You don't earn the same reverence and somewhere deep down inside, it makes you a little envious and somehow diminished at the same time. Then you come on here and attempt to use meiosis in describing the value of their contributions to our country, in order to make your own self worth more inflated.

We all see right through it and disregard your opinion as petty and small minded. No one is going to die and our country isn't going to cease to exist if you don't make a little more money for someone else or yourself. So get over it already and ignore threads like this is you can't grow up and act like an adult.

Your posts have been weighed in the scales and found wanting...


Jan 19, 2007
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The problem is your perception, not the actual value of a life. We talk of the sacrifices and potential ultimate sacrifices of our troops and lawmen in the service of those they defend with reverence. You don't earn the same reverence and somewhere deep down inside, it makes you a little envious and somehow diminished at the same time. Then you come on here and attempt to use meiosis in describing the value of their contributions to our country, in order to make your own self worth more inflated.

We all see right through it and disregard your opinion as petty and small minded. No one is going to die and our country isn't going to cease to exist if you don't make a little more money for someone else or yourself. So get over it already and ignore threads like this is you can't grow up and act like an adult.

Your posts have been weighed in the scales and found wanting...

Yeah, well, I'm no military blow-hard and it shows. I don't revere their lives or service to this country any greater than another. Sorry, but I'm just not that patriotic. Blame the useless wars. Blame General Smedley Butler, blame the Dwight Eisenhower... All of which have something to say about these supposedly just wars and their negative impact on us. I don't dislike military, not even close. I dislike their use.

And unfortunately, I'm a bad person for not believing service in the military is the most just thing a person can do. I should have known better. The military worship here has reached levels that exceed logic and reason. It's obvious. And you're guilty.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Yeah, well, I'm no military blow-hard and it shows. I don't revere their lives or service to this country any greater than another. Sorry, but I'm just not that patriotic. Blame the useless wars. Blame General Smedley Butler, blame the Dwight Eisenhower... All of which have something to say about these supposedly just wars and their negative impact on us. I don't dislike military, not even close. I dislike their use.

And unfortunately, I'm a bad person for not believing service in the military is the most just thing a person can do. I should have known better. The military worship here has reached levels that exceed logic and reason. It's obvious. And you're guilty.


You really should learn to quit when you're only hopelessly behind. :)


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Don't try to revoke deity-ship from the military around these parts. People get butthurt and then call those butthurt who do so.

It's reverse-psychology mixed in with a little make-believe and irrationality.

The only thing patently obvious is your envy and insecurity. Make all the jokes about it you want, but your contributions to your community and country will likely never measure up. And there's nothing wrong with that. 90% of the population is exactly where you are. It's just that most of them have the good graces to accept that and appreciate their troops and emergency services personnel for the good they do our country. You on the other hand, are incapable of that good grace. That is the only place you're lacking, not your lack of service. Yet you still haven't figured that out, have you? :(

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