The only real way to change Washington is to change the establishment politicians. Though I am a die-hard Republican I'm not blind to the fact that they are a big part of the problems in this country. Getting some new blood can only happen if we elect some new young representatives that will truly represent the ideals of mainstream America, raise taxes on the richest Americans, close tax loopholes and simplify the tax codes, eliminate Government pork barrel spending, and everything else that's wrong with the system! If we keep reelecting the same people we will always get the same results. I have to agree with Obama there, but it doesn't just happen with Republican Congress-persons.
While I agree with this premise, it's the election cycle itself that's to blame. You cannot get elected without big money. Big money usually comes from big donors. Big donors have agendas and those agendas don't necessarily coincide with the good of the country. By the time they win a federal election, politicians are on the hook for a LOT of promises. If that weren't enough, as soon as they hit the hill seasoned veteran coworkers take them under their wing and explain the realities of the system. You don't get what you want unless you play ball on what others want, none of which is necessarily good for the country either. it doesn't matter which side of the fence you're on, this is the system we actually have. Combine it with our fractured society and there's no way it's going to get fixed until things get so bad, we finally wise up and stop putting personal agendas first. It will take the people, politicians and special interest groups all working toward the same united goals to do it. I'm just not sure that's possible anymore.