What the Colorado shooting says to me.

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Special Hen
Nov 16, 2009
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I don't think it was by "request" that the theater owners banned armed patrons. If there is no law prohibiting being armed in such venues, then it was their free choice. Be it law or corporate policy, it is ineffective and dangerous.

I'm not familiar with Colorado's gun laws. Is there a penalty for ignoring a property owner's prohibition on carrying arms?


There's no "posted sign" part of the concealed carry laws in Colorado that I'm aware of.

I used the word "request" to mean that it's a property owner's right to request that people not carry on their property, regardless of what the statutes say.

Captain Mike

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Mar 28, 2008
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Yeah, it's easy to second guess and monday morning quarterback when all the dust settles. It's a lot harder to make decisions when the SHTF and someone is trying to kill you. I think everyone can agree how horrible this event was. This was an planned ambush, and the assailant had all of the advantages and preparation. The immediate action drill in response to finding yourself in an ambush is to get clear of the kill zone. Unfortunately, in this instance, he was concentrating fire on the avenues of escape. A truly horrible situation to find yourself in. This guy needs to go to the chair.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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Well, you sure ofended me, you internet commando. You have no idea what the **** you are talking about. I bet your exceptionally crass comments would make those who did their best in there in the midst of all that chaos feel real freakin' good; ass-hat. I sure hope you don't have an SDA license; you are a disgrace to the OSA community. You are dismissed. Now slink away on your belly, like a reptile. That is all.

Drurjy, and those of few others who continue to try and insult me personally for trying to have a discussion, does it make you feel better? Thats pretty sad. Maybe you should go read the OSA rules again. You sir are the one out of line.

Well, this is an entertaining thread. I'll give it that!

And thats the point, if we can look, examine, and discuss, we may be able to learn something in case something horrible like this was to happen again.

Yeah, it's easy to second guess and monday morning quarterback when all the dust settles. It's a lot harder to make decisions when the SHTF and someone is trying to kill you. I think everyone can agree how horrible this event was. This was an planned ambush, and the assailant had all of the advantages and preparation. The immediate action drill in response to finding yourself in an ambush is to get clear of the kill zone. Unfortunately, in this instance, he was concentrating fire on the avenues of escape. A truly horrible situation to find yourself in. This guy needs to go to the chair.


But the responses have raised another valid point: the definition of hero. As I was using it, I meant in terms of neglection of personal thought to save others. While I agree that it is great for people to try and save family members, etc., that is pretty much what I think most would do. Therefore, as I was trying to use the term 'hero' I mean someone willing to go above and beyond what an average person would do, to be willing to put the wellbeing of complete strangers above their own. Maybe there is a better term I could use?

I guess Im not afraid to say this, but in the situation...

#1 is my kids and wife
#2 is me

The rest of you are just in my way, and I would happily sit in a cell on manslaughter for collateral damage if it meant getting my wife and offspring out. Sorry, I ain't a hero. I'm only out to preserve my genetic contribution to this world.

Thank you, this is a honest response and I can certainly understand and can respect your opinion. And I am sure that many others would also do the same thing. You also seem to get what I am trying to say in saying that we need some heros, people who will do what needs to be done to save others. Your actions would certainly make you a hero to your family, I was meaning that we needed some in the larger 'society' sense.


Special Hen
Dec 15, 2010
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But the responses have raised another valid point: the definition of hero. As I was using it, I meant in terms of neglection of personal thought to save others. While I agree that it is great for people to try and save family members, etc., that is pretty much what I think most would do. Therefore, as I was trying to use the term 'hero' I mean someone willing to go above and beyond what an average person would do, to be willing to put the wellbeing of complete strangers above their own. Maybe there is a better term I could use?

I just can't imagine saying that sacrificing your own life for a loved one isn't heroic.


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Dec 11, 2009
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Edmond, OK
10, it sounds like you think having a firearm means that you MUST USE IT.

If I was there (with my Wife or my Son) I feel strongly that I would have done anything to shield them at my own expense, not draw my weapon and charge...

But, NO ONE (That wasn't there) knows what they would do in that situation...

It is in poor taste to make judgements after a tradgedy like this.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I just can't imagine saying that sacrificing your own life for a loved one isn't heroic.

That was not my point, my point was about trying to act to save others, which would clearly also be heroic. I never set out on this thread to insult or belittle anyone.

10, it sounds like you think having a firearm means that you MUST USE IT.

It is in poor taste to make judgements after a tradgedy like this.

Not at all. In fact from post one, i have been trying to stress Resistance, unarmed or armed if it was possible.

Someone else (michael brown) posted it much more elequently than me in another thread, but I still strongly feel that resistance in these circumstance is critical. I am not trying to "judge" or critiuqe any individual's action in that theater. But what I do think is important is to look at the situation as we know it and analyse what could be done better in that situation, so should we ever be unfortunate enough to be in one we might have a better chance.
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