Bradley Manning found not guilty of aiding the enemy

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Sep 9, 2012
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required to do terrible violence against innocent civilians? 5-month-olds count as traitors?

this stuff never should have been exposed, because it never should have happened. don't blame the whistleblower for increased violence, blame the ones gleefully killing people because they can get away with it.

I've met thousands of people during my time with the military. I have yet to meet one of them that killed people just because they could get away with it.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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men and women of the armed forces were sent to do a job. It is an ugly job. It is all too often a thankless job.

Not since Viet Nam; with all due respect, our military men and women are cow-towed to more than any other human beings on the planet. Everyone who signs on the line becomes an instant hero.

As far as I am concerned, every breath he takes is a gift that has been given to him paid for by the blood of those who came before him, and continue to be paid by those who make the sacrifice long after his story is relegated to our memory.

Paid for by the blood of those who came before, but the only threat to any of our freedoms today comes from Washington D.C., not Kabul, not Damascus, and certainly not Tehran.

Life is not a cherished gift in much of the world where our military is tasked to operate. Americans seem to still not understand this. In those places, violence rules, and must be met with overwhelming violence in return if the good hearted ideals of mankind are to be realized.

Violence against a people who are best left to wallow in their own sh*thole of a society. I don't believe in the terrorism narrative, as I think it's fabricated, but let's say for the sake of argument that it's legit. First place - we've been meddling in their affairs for decades, so what do we expect? And for the popular narrative, do we really need to "fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here"? Can camels and donkeys swim? If our dumbass government didn't welcome people from all of the violent hell holes of the world, we wouldn't need to worry about "fighting them over here". If we would secure our borders, we wouldn't have to worry about them sneaking into our country, so we would have to "fight them over here". But we don't. We allow people in on student visas, work visas, and every other reason. We leave our borders so open legions of "terrorists" could shave their beards, put on a sombrero, and we'd stand at the border and offer them bottled water and welfare. No, it has nothing to do with "fighting for freedom", but rather for exerting our will on damned near every other nation on earth (who can't give us a real fight), and ******* them for not playing along. Yeah, Manning went about it the wrong way; I hate it that it put our military folks in danger. But I'm sick and tired of a government that lies to it's citizens, spies on it's citizens, subjugates it's citizens, then plays the "how dare you" card when someone has the audacity to call them out on just a small nugget of the ******** they're involved in. Anybody who shines any light on the actions of the criminal organization that controls us - and tries to control the rest of the world - can't be all bad, as far as I'm concerned.

I expect to get flamed, but I really don't care.

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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required to do terrible violence against innocent civilians? 5-month-olds count as traitors?

this stuff never should have been exposed, because it never should have happened. don't blame the whistleblower for increased violence, blame the ones gleefully killing people because they can get away with it.

Lots of stuff should never happen, let us know when you find that utopia so we can all go.

Wait till they do that **** here, and "Accidently" kill your son, or daughter. It's just the way war is man.

Long as it's not here right. Hypocritical ********.

the point, you missed it. I have ribbed you sarcastically in the past, but i did so with respect, until now. My opinion is born of experience, not from the machinations of half wit conspiracy theorists who prey on the fearful. Until you accept the fact that the military has a purpose, and that purpose is killing people and breaking their stuff, how do you expect to be able to defeat it if that time comes? you can disagree with me and not be a dick at the same time.

Not since Viet Nam; with all due respect, our military men and women are cow-towed to more than any other human beings on the planet. Everyone who signs on the line becomes an instant hero.
Damn, hyperbole much?

Paid for by the blood of those who came before, but the BIGGEST threat to any of our freedoms today comes from Washington D.C., not Kabul, not Damascus, and certainly not Tehran.
Yeah, I changed to biggest because your quote only left room for one threat, and thats just silly.

Violence against a people who are best left to wallow in their own sh*thole of a society. I don't believe in the terrorism narrative, as I think it's fabricated, but let's say for the sake of argument that it's legit. First place - we've been meddling in their affairs for decades, so what do we expect? And for the popular narrative, do we really need to "fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here"? Can camels and donkeys swim? If our dumbass government didn't welcome people from all of the violent hell holes of the world, we wouldn't need to worry about "fighting them over here". If we would secure our borders, we wouldn't have to worry about them sneaking into our country, so we would have to "fight them over here". But we don't. We allow people in on student visas, work visas, and every other reason. We leave our borders so open legions of "terrorists" could shave their beards, put on a sombrero, and we'd stand at the border and offer them bottled water and welfare. No, it has nothing to do with "fighting for freedom", but rather for exerting our will on damned near every other nation on earth (who can't give us a real fight), and ******* them for not playing along. Yeah, Manning went about it the wrong way; I hate it that it put our military folks in danger. But I'm sick and tired of a government that lies to it's citizens, spies on it's citizens, subjugates it's citizens, then plays the "how dare you" card when someone has the audacity to call them out on just a small nugget of the ******** they're involved in. Anybody who shines any light on the actions of the criminal organization that controls us - and tries to control the rest of the world - can't be all bad, as far as I'm concerned.

I expect to get flamed, but I really don't care.

Wont get flamed from me. everyone has their opinion, and their reason for having it. Nothing is gonna change if we cant at least agree on that.
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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I'm pretty sure we have a soldier that admitted killing 16 people the other day so he could avoid the death penalty.
Robert Bales.

Examples like SSG Bales and 2Lt Calley are conspicuous in their extreme rarity. Their crimes pale in comparison to the crimes perpetrated by the civilian authority and carried out by the military command structure on their orders. Our punitive warfare is VASTLY overshadowed by our expeditionary warfare since WWII.

Manning is a punk, pure and simple. However, that a pipsqueak 21 y.o. PFC could cause such "grave" damage to the United States is a glaring indictment of the people who left reams of classified material exposed in such a manner. Why in the world would a PFC need access to "251,287 United States diplomatic cables, over 400,000 classified army reports from the Iraq War (the Iraq War logs), and 90,000 army reports from the war in Afghanistan."? Has no one in the U.S. Army ever heard of "compartmentalization" or "need to know"? It defies any attempt at logic.

His co-conspirators are every last officer in his command structure, from the Lt all the way to the general grade officers. Every last one of them should be forced to resign their commissions in disgrace or be court martialed. The same could be said for the command staff responsible for bringing us Maj. Hasan, but no sign of responsibility being placed where it should.

For that matter, we had no business ever being in Iraq in the first place. By placing unqualified personnel in a position they never should've been subjected to, the civilian authority failed them, the American citizens and the United States as a country. The blame here isn't proportional. Should Bradley Manning go to prison? Certainly. Should he have an entire prison full of co-conspirators bunking in the adjacent cells? Absofu@kinglutely! :mad:


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
Examples like SSG Bales and 2Lt Calley are conspicuous in their extreme rarity. Their crimes pale in comparison to the crimes perpetrated by the civilian authority and carried out by the military command structure on their orders. Our punitive warfare is VASTLY overshadowed by our expeditionary warfare since WWII.
Agreed, but I was responding to the person I quoted who stated he had no knowledge of any of our soldiers committing war crimes.
Anything you read into it beyond that is in your mind, not mine.:uhh:


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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It's just this thread and everything else that's been happening in our country over the past few years. I'm the opposite of Michelle Obama. I was never ashamed of my country, but it's getting more and more difficult to say that on a daily basis. :(

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
Agreed, but I was responding to the person I quoted who stated he had no knowledge of any of our soldiers committing war crimes.
Anything you read into it beyond that is in your mind, not mine.:uhh:

Thats not what he said.

I've met thousands of people during my time with the military. I have yet to meet one of them that killed people just because they could get away with it.

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