Teen playing ‘Knockout’ picks Wrong Target

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Special Hen
Jul 9, 2005
Reaction score
Grady Co., OK
"Knockout game"?
BS. It was a failed robbery attempt.

Does anyone really believe that the thug wasn't actually prepared to exploit the (Intended) outcome of a temporarily disabled victim and help himself to a wallet, jewlry or phone?

Just tough for the ADA to prove.

Too bad he didn't get shot in the belly. Would've had a reminder every time he hit the john to empty his colostomy bag.


Special Hen
Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
Anchorage, AK
I don't know, I'm usually one to root for the DRT scenario (dead right there), but the victim wasn't really hurt and the kid got a bullet in the ass. It's not the most critical of shot placement, but I'm sure it's something he'll remember. I bet he catches a lot of **** from his thug friends too. Two years, a felony and an ass wound seem fitting for what happened. Also, it makes the story funny


Special Hen
Jun 11, 2006
Reaction score
Agree on the robbery intent. Why commit assault and not at least profit from it?

I tend to try keeping a good distance from others. I avoid crowds, and don't have a need for public transportation. I see no difference between being ready for this and being ready for a knife attack.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
Back when I was 17 or 18, I used to work with a couple of assholes who talked about playing this "game..." not with a taser though. They talked about knocking on this little Indian guy's door (like tikka masala not pow wow) and when he answered it, the big one punched him in the head and knocked him out. They thought it was pretty funny. Even dumbass teenage me thought that was over the line. You could easily give somebody a serious injury or kill him doing that. People that do that kind of crap need to be ended.

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
Kids do stupid things. It's a fact of life and getting in with the wrong crowd can be pretty influential.

Note how Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton didn't show up, there are no parents making a big deal about how outstanding their angel of a son is and how this guy attacked their baby, and the kid himself apologized (even wrote a letter).

Thugs don't write letters - either the parents forced him to or the kid decided to write the letter himself.

This might have been the incident that changes his life. I think it would be cool if the intended victim and the kid end up being friends out of the deal.


Special Hen
Jun 11, 2006
Reaction score
Non life threatening wounds??

Maybe old boy should start carrying a .45??? And learn how to shoot? ;)

If the shooter's mind was in that adrenalin driven hyper clarity state that some people get, he may have decided that a shot in the ass was enough. More likely, he was freaked and just pointed and pulled.

Do we know the caliber?


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
Teens playing ‘Knockout Game’ target unsuspecting passerby, victim fights back with .40 cal

A 17-year-old Michigan boy was taken by surprise when he stuck a stun gun to his victim’s side with the intent of delivering him an electrifying 1.8-million volts. However, the stun gun malfunctioned, giving the victim an opportune moment to pull out his stainless steel .40-caliber Smith & Wesson, locked and loaded with 10 rounds of heat.

The teen boy soon regretted his decision to play the jolted up version of the “Knockout Game,” a game where one tries to render a person unconscious with a single blow.

Fearing for his life, not knowing what the object shoved in his side was, the victim fired at the teen, striking him in the butt as he quickly turned to run – most likely prompted by the sight of the man’s gun.

“It happened so fast I wasn’t sure. I just know something was shoved into my side. I wasn’t sure if it was a knife, if it was anything,” the victim later told police.

The teen took off running down the street, bleeding and crying and pleading with his intended victim.

“I’m sorry, please don’t kill me, I don’t know why I did that, I’m high you know, I just wanna go home,” the teen said to the man, who was already calling 911.

And according to a witness, the victim sat with the scared teen in a supportive and non-threatening manner until officers arrived.
The KL-800 Type Stun Gun that was found near the scene. (Photo credit: M Live)

The KL-800 Type Stun Gun that was found near the scene. (Photo credit: M Live)

The teen was then taken to a local hospital to be treated for the non-life threatening gunshot wound.

While being questioned by the police, the teen first claimed that he simply took the stun gun out to look at it and the man shot him for no reason, but he soon gave an accurate and honest account of the entire May incident, which was made public by a Michigan news site this week.

Apparently, the teen and two friends were engaged in the brutal game of Knockout, which The Wall Street Journal has described as “a national phenomenon.” However, as more and more citizens are arming themselves, the game has also become increasingly dangerous for those playing as well.

The video below shows just how brutal the game can be with a single blow.


The players usually seek what they perceive as an easy target. In this case, a 28-year-old Lansing man who was standing alone at a school bus stop waiting for his young daughter.

Marvell Weaver, the teen who was shot in what was (hopefully) his last Knockout Game, explained to police how him and his friends had scouted out their victim. The three boys picked the man and discussed how the game would go down. Weaver even tested the stun gun beforehand to ensure everything would go as planned.

“The button was like stuck down … or something. I don’t know what caused it not to work,” Weaver explained in a statement.


17-year-old Marvell Weaver says he is sorry for what he did and he doesn’t blame the victim for shooting him. (Photo credit: M Live)

Weaver is currently in the midst of court proceedings. Authorities originally asked for an attempted robbery charge, Ingham County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Lisa McCormick argued that there was not sufficient evidence to prove that robbery was the intent. In addition, McCormick also argued that an aggravated assault charge would not hold water because the victim was not seriously injured. However, the prosecutor did allow a lesser charge for illegal possession of a stun gun, a felony which could warrant up to a two year sentence. A plea bargain conference is scheduled for Sept. 4.

Meanwhile, Weaver handwrote a short letter of apology to his victim.

“I don’t blame you for what you did. You were only trying to protect yourself. I only wish I could go back to change it to [where] I never did it,” the letter reads, ending with, “[I’m] very sorry,” in very large words.

The victim, who wishes to have his identity withheld, has a valid concealed carry permit. It is unknown if he will face any charges for shooting Weaver.

I'm thinking .40 Stupid and Weak, should have been a .45 and a bit more centered, but the asswipe got what he deserved.
Wonder where Babba is? "That could have been me 35 yrs ago."

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