Poll: Snowden, (Hero) or (Traitor)

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Poll: Snowden, (Hero) or (Traitor)

  • Hero

    Votes: 66 68.0%
  • Traitor

    Votes: 31 32.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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Look, i understand the passion that surrounds this event. I can even understand why people see him as a hero. I respect that opinion without any expectation that the respect be reciprocated. Read the article above. Assuming that it is true, does it tarnish the reputation of your hero at all? While i was initially a snowden supporter, he made several mis steps along the way that has caused me to reconsider his motives. Yes, i am glad some of this info came to light if only to serve as evidence to bolster change. No, i do not think offering US secrets to foreign governments for personal favors is heroic.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I'm not happy he went to China and Russia, but going public without warning was the only way to get the wrongdoings of our government out in the open. When the executive branch stooges are willing to openly lie before Congress, we're pretty far down the rabbit hole. Without Snowden's leaks, we'd be in the dark on just how corrupt the system has become. We might think it's bad, but we wouldn't KNOW.

I'm not sure how many of you would be willing to ever release the information in the first place, much less stay CONUS and willingly go into the "black bag", never to be heard from again.

He's neither hero nor traitor. He's a man who did something that needed done. He subsequently felt he needed to flee for his life.

We may never know what if any damage to the U.S. his unpublished releases (if any) may cause. As for the damage done to the credibility of the U.S. government, he didn't cause that. The people who crapped on the Constitution and committed these foul acts did. Focus on the message, not the messenger. :(

Agreed 100%.

He could have went on a national news network and announced himself, his duties and his knowledge. Congress would've been "outraged" and held their hearings only to be lied to and dismissed. Snowden would have been portrayed as a disgruntled nutjob and jailed for his transgressions and it and his life would be over.

And I keep hearing about how he's turned over sensitive stuff. What stuff? We never hear of it or of it's nature, only that "it" is out there. They are saying that he pulled a Bradley Manning which I don't buy. I don't buy it because nothing of substance pertaining to any current or even semi-current matter has surfaced, at least that I've heard of. If he did release anything, I think it's pretty mundane and only was released to prove that he and what he was saying are legit. And judging by all the angst in D.C. over this I tend to think he is legit. He should come back and face the music, but until he figures out a way to show what he did was derived from good intentions and what's right he's forced to stay abroad. I hope that he can return and let it all out, I think it could be done without divulging all the secrets but he is going to have to find some help before it's possible. He's not a traitor in my mind and I'm not sure he's a hero either. I tend to think he's just a guy that had the balls to do what needed to be done.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
Getting the info out about the span of domestic snooping - I understand and sympathize with what he did. Passing along US national security intelligence gathering techniques used on China/Russia , and yes our international friends as well, as bargaining chips to ensure he would be reasonably well received wherever he went - inexcusable.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
As a nation we have less to fear from foreign nations than we do our own government.

Comparing Snowden to Hitler is interesting. One man killed thousands upon thousands of people, the other outed the U.S. Government for violating our constitutionally protected rights.

Who compared him to Hitler?


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2009
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Maybe we should do like congressman king from new York said and let them spy on us and congress ( I promise he said that) to keep us safe from al Qaida.

In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
George Orwell

Think its the first time I've ever agreed with you. He's a national hero. Sacrificing himself for the good of everyone else.


Special Hen
Jul 26, 2013
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You have a trusted source for this info? I have heard it said, but if that is the case, where is the info? Assuming it is true then where/who did it go to between the time of the theft and Hong Kong?

Glenn Greenwald is the one who said it and I have no reason not to believe him. It is also one of the smartest things he could have done since it makes him a less valuable target.

I know Putin will only act in the best interest of his country but I have more respect for him than any other world leader. Putin and General Dempsey are the only ones slowing down the march towards WW3. Snowden could have sold the information to foreign governments and be sitting on a beach somewhere a wealthy man and none of us would be the wiser.

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