Why is there a 22LR ammo shortage?

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
I haven't even tried to buy any .22 since before Thanksgiving (thank you Lurkerinthewoods :) ) except to pick up a couple of pretty good deals off the classifieds from 1shott (thankyou, too! :) ) ... Always looking for an excuse to do bizniz with that handsome fella and visit Bedre Chocolate, to boot! :wink2:

We will look when we are in Wal-Mart but no special trips. If it's there, I'll get a box (not often), if it's not, no big deal ... certainly not gonna pay H&H's prices ... or some of the prices I've seen in the classifieds here ... On the other hand, I don't have kiddos that like to shoot it either ... I feel for you guys ... :(


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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This is true. I have to pay 15 bucks for a box of 50 when I can find them. Crappy deal. I have been trying to find a hornet and just give up on 22LR and 22 mag until something changes.

can't believe it but it's getting where shooting .22 hornet reloads is less than .22 mag and about same as .22lr
actually thinking about buying more lil gun powder for .22 hornet reloads.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I can't count the times my sis and I talked about going to shoot but then remembered we have very little ammo for some of our guns and no ammo for others and we didn't go. It really is sad in this day where gun ownership, recreational shooting and bringing new people into the sport and ultimately creating more 2A supporters is more important than ever, that hoarder/reseller's have essentially brought all of it to a screeching halt.

While I realize the now larger number of gun owners, as a result of gun control fear, have added to the shortage, that's a good thing in my mind. More gun owners equals more supporters of gun rights so I'm good with that but there is no way these new gun owners created the problem on their own. Tack on the seasoned gun owners packing their supplies to the max (again, nothing wrong there) and finally those whose activities aren't helping, but instead hurting the cause, the hoarder/reseller.

I've known one personally who is a gun owner but because he has the ability to wait at the stores early morning decided to make a business out of it. He and his helpers (the helpers are used to get around "per person" limits) and the many other groups doing the same thing have it down to a science. They know when particular stores stock ammo, when trucks arrive, how many people they will need to get around the limits...and when something changes, such as stocking schedule, they change with it. Every morning they get together and make their assault on the stores buying every box they can and after it's all gone they break up and head home to mark up prices and post on the various sites for sale.

Now, the average person gets off work and stops by the store to try and get some ammo for personal use and is told "sorry, it's sold out". So average person continues to stop at that store and others always hearing "Sorry, all sold" until he just stops shooting. After a couple years of this these shooters just give up and move on to other activities. No more kids being taken out to the range with mom and dad to learn to shoot, no future for the gun sports and 2A. Obviously this isn't going to be the case with all shooters but any loss is a big loss in this current environment of anti-gun citizens and government officials.

If you are one of these people who are buying ammo up for the purpose of reselling, forget the whole free enterprise thing and look at the big picture. This is a national issue that isn't getting better, we are at close to two years and counting, if we aren't helping ourselves, we're hurting ourselves.


Apr 13, 2010
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20k rounds of .22 is hording or not depending on your point of view.

don't forget we all had our warning in form of first scare at beginning of Obama's first term.
after things calmed down after first scare .. things pretty much went back to normal pricing.
that's when I started to plow back ammo/powder/bullets, etc.

it didn't happen all at once .. every trip to walmart brought home a few bricks of .22 and/or .9mm bulk pack, .45, etc.
then lucked out and bought out a couple of retiring gunsmiths who had no kids .. hit the mother lode on one trip.
basically inheriting a lifetime accumulation of reloading supplies.

have not purchased a single bullet since this scare started ..
have not sold anything either .. who would have thunk .22lr the most of all ammo would still be scarce a year later.

I call it being smart... I mean you bought a little along the way and that what I did and still have several boxes. Definition of luck is preparation meeting opportunity. My two cents!


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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took both my boys to Eagle Scout so know the meaning of being prepared. here's a challenge to everyone that's got a tidy stash of .22lr .. let loose just one box to some deserving kid. have a raffle like this ....

One unopened box of Federal 550 rounds .22 lr... Free to a kid wanting to shoot but cannot afford the .22 ammo.
will post a thread for said raffle .. anyone can post in thread for the next few days .. then a drawing will decide winner.

sorry but this is for pickup in Tulsa, at a location of my choosing. (mid-town) .. here's the link


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
This is true. I have to pay 15 bucks for a box of 50 when I can find them. Crappy deal. I have been trying to find a hornet and just give up on 22LR and 22 mag until something changes.

This is me. If you own a gun (or several) of every caliber out there, there is no such thing as an ammo shortage ... only minor inconveniences ... :)


Special Hen
Jan 22, 2013
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Even though it is against the rules, it sure is funny seeing some of these re-sellers being called out for their BS prices in their classified threads. Unfortunately, those posts get deleted and some poor soul still buys the overpriced ammo.

I got no problem sharing some and having some conversation, but what bugs me is when people ***** when they try to buy ammo out my can at the range and I ask for $10/box for eley match or wolf/sk match.

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