My CrossFit Addiction

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
I'm not a big CF fan although I've never done it.

Should've just stopped there. LOL.

Actually I said the exact same things you said, in this very thread even, until I actually tried it. Bad form is found in every fitness style.

Get away from the TV and Internet reviews and actually try it with a competent and professional coaching staff and you'll be surprised. I was.

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
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Bristow, OK
Should've just stopped there. LOL.

Actually I said the exact same things you said, in this very thread even, until I actually tried it. Bad form is found in every fitness style.

Get away from the TV and Internet reviews and actually try it with a competent and professional coaching staff and you'll be surprised. I was.

This exactly. As stated before, to many naysayers that have never stepped foot into a CF Box. It is extremely important to go to a CF gym that have top notch coaching staff. Not different than any other athletic coach, if they are crappy or don't have the best interest of the members/players in their sights then bad things can and will happen with regards to injuries.

I've been doing CF for almost two years and love it. Got my wife on board as well as my 11 year old son in the CF kids program. It has done wonders for all of us.


Special Hen
Apr 8, 2009
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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I agree GM...I think Yoga would help with flexibility. I'm almost 3 months into CF and I'm still diggin' it.

As with any other discipline, the responsibility for proper form rests with the individual first. I've focused less on speed and weight than I have proper form, and the trainers support that.

Good stuff!

I did the more intense Yoga classes, Bodypump and spin classes for nearly a year before stepping into a CF class and it did wonders for me initially. More importantly, I learned I needed to stretch after getting so sore if I was going to recover in any decent amount of time. Working on getting back to a routine here, hopefully things will slow down early next year.

Glad you ran with it, light years better than lifting weights IMO, in terms of results or just plain ol boredom.


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2011
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What makes you think I don't? With the exclusion of winning big money and sponsors, I do compete is some of the crossfit style competitions. I actually did one a couple weeks ago. I'm out of shape for me right now and it was still super easy.
Look at it this way. There are reasons why no professional baseball, basketball and only one football teams trainers allow thier guys to do crossfit. That one football team excludes all Olympic lifting from their crossfit work outs.
The best most knowledgable trainers in the country will not allow thier guys to do this stuff. I'll base what I do off what they know, not some weekend warrior "box coach" that got his 8 hr certificate to be a crossfit instructor.
As for only guys that don't do crossfit or have never done it are the ones that talk crap about it. That's actually backwards. Only the people that don't know anything about working out and choose to do crossfit are the ones that swear by it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for anything that gets your azz off the couch and in shape. But their are a lot better ways to do it. But If crossfit is what it takes for you to do that then have at it.
So... what you're saying is that you ARE into CrossFit and CF competitions. You just don't go to a CF franchise. You simply do it on your own at home or another unbranded gym. I'm assuming that you do pretty much the same thing but take pride in it being unbranded ao that you can still trash the franchise gyms without admitting you dig it.


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
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cold, dark
I have a couple of buddies who love CF- one is a former obese guy who is now a skinny guy and the other is a former meth addict who found CF after rehab and is now so into it that he's working as a trainer now, it has totally turned his life around. 2 guys I never would have thought would be where they are now and its all due to CF. As a former boxer, llife long martial artist and weight training fanatic now an official 'old guy' at 45 I wish that they would have had something like CF years ago, looks like a lot of fun while youre getting your workout on. I still religously box twice a week and do martial arts as well as heavy weight training on cycles much the same way I have for manymany years, I just have to work around one really bad knee (years of heavy squats) and a lower back problem I inherited from my father that sometimes wants to kink up for no reason. Knee surgery is coming up when I can take the time off from my busy schedule and do it (plus Im a wussy and dont like surgery so I keep putting it off). After that and my rehab I may have to check into some CF workouts. I like to watch the CF competitions too, some really cool stuff. The way I see it as a life long fitness fan- if anything can get people to the gym or wherever to do something with themselves for their health then its working its magic. Good luck with the comps, OP.
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Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
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I'm just finishing up my 8th week of CrossFit, and I have come to enjoy it. We just recently had a gym open up here, so we decided to try it out. My wife like the organized workout format, and I like the feedback. We're both able to hold each other accountable to go to the gym in the mornings, and that had been much of our struggle before since she would do the treadmill stuff and I'd do the weightlifting because I couldn't do much cardio with asthma issues. My massage therapist had actually been recommending it for quite a while.

So far this year, I've put on 4lbs and dropped 2% of bodyfat (based on measurements using the Navy calculator). I could do better if I'd remove the Dr. Pepper from the diet, but that doesn't turn out well for other people (I'm down from 2L/day to 20oz/day).

Where I really notice a difference is my asthma. Usually I would be buying my third inhaler and fourth box of duoneb by now, but I'm down to just taking the duoneb before each workout as a preventative measure and puffing my inhaler mid-workout when the WOD calls for a ton of burpees (more of a confidence booster at this point - early on that exercise would cause actual wheezing and shortness of breath). I do like to joke a bit that if I do have an actual asthma issue, there are first responders (two firefighters) running the gym, so I feel like I'm in good hands there.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
That's great Veggie. Glad you like it. My wife and I have stuck with it since last's fun taking some time away from the kids and working out together.

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