Should OU suspend basketball players for useing "N" word on national TV?

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Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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The context was speaking out loud on national TV, as a representative of the University of Oklahoma. If the OU President has no comment on the matter, then it's a tacit admission that OU condones a double standard regarding offensive language.

It really is that simple.

Conveniently ignoring context really isn't that simple. Hyperbolic example: there's a big difference in the word "kill" as it stands alone and a credible death threat.

I disagree. They'd be just as gone, or at the very least suspended for a semester. If you think "that word" is acceptable to be used by a white person, then you haven't seen how utterly histrionic our society has become about PC speech, perceived bias and slights.

I've heard many white stand-up comedians use it. I saw Louis CK use it several times live in front of a 2,800 person audience and he's currently a huge celebrity with huge media presence. He uses it on cable TV all the time...he has red hair and freckles. I've had white teachers say it. I've seen white guys in bar bands sing it while covering classic country songs. I've used it many times. I could go on and on.

But yeah, let's just pretend the lynching context of the frat boys is the same exact thing.

Is there a link or story about this yet? I've searched to no avail.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Bob Dylan, Frank Zappa, The Offspring, Dead Kennedys, Sex Pistols, Marilyn Manson, John Lennon, Nick Cave, Patti Smith, Axl Rose...they all got to use it just like those "privileged black rappers"


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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I disagree. They'd be just as gone, or at the very least suspended for a semester. If you think "that word" is acceptable to be used by a white person, then you haven't seen how utterly histrionic our society has become about PC speech, perceived bias and slights.

There's some merit to this, some may get away with it here or there but generally there will be an issue by my anecdotes.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Conveniently ignoring context really isn't that simple. Hyperbolic example: there's a big difference in the word "kill" as it stands alone and a credible death threat.

I've heard many white stand-up comedians use it. I saw Louis CK use it several times live in front of a 2,800 person audience and he's currently a huge celebrity with huge media presence. He uses it on cable TV all the time...he has red hair and freckles. I've had white teachers say it. I've seen white guys in bar bands sing it while covering classic country songs. I've used it many times. I could go on and on.

But yeah, let's just pretend the lynching context of the frat boys is the same exact thing.

No, it's not the same thing, but it doesn't have to be. You do realize that you're on a mostly conservative gun forum with some closeted and not so closeted racists, defending the use of the word by white people, so long as it's done "in context"? And you come up with comedians and some rock stars used it as justification? Hasn't Louis CK gottn in a couple of kerfuffles over rape jokes and homophobic word use?

News flash, most of us aren't professional comedians or rock stars. Most of us don't represent major univeristy athletic programs and most of us recognize the out of control suppression of free speech in public.

It's not that the frat boys were actually going to go out and hang black folk. Not one single person believes that was going to happen. It's not that in and of itself, two black b-ball players calling themselves the n-word is offensive. It's the double standard that's offensive. I don't give two poops about who was oppressed and who was the oppressor in history. If you want true equality and racial harmony going forward, you have to make a stand that all are equal and all are equally jugded by their words and deeds. So long as a double standard exists, you'll never get there. JMO, YMMV...

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