Ruth Bader Ginsberg hospitalized after falling...

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Defcon Shooter

Special Hen
Mar 20, 2017
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Park Hill Oklahoma
Hope RBG the best in her medical situation. One thing for certain whether you like her or hate her... She doesn't miss arguments and is incredibly devoted.
Yes to the destruction of the Republic the founders spilled their blood for. I say F her and her one world views.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
85 is old but it's not that old. I'm betting she'll make it through this Presidential term.

Breaking bones at that age can be rough, but ribs aren't that bad. Breaking a hip is what ended my Grandmother, but she was 96.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2009
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At least people are lining up to keep her alive and breathing with the offer of their own ribs and organs. They don't care about her, these People will do anything to keep Trump from another appointment!

People concerned about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s fall are offering their ribs and organs


November 08, 2018 09:00 AM

Updated 2 hours 16 minutes ago

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, fractured three ribs in a fall in her office Wednesday night, according to a statement from the Supreme Court’s public information office.

“Tests showed that she fractured three ribs on the left side,” the statement said. She was taken to George Washington University Hospital.

Ginsburg has survived several fights with cancer and had heart surgery in 2014, according to CNBC. She has beaten pancreatic and colon cancer, the two deadliest forms of the disease.

People, especially younger people, were offering the octogenarian affectionately known as RBG their own ribs on social media Thursday morning. They even started the hashtag #RibsForRuth on Twitter.

Do they need rib donors? Because she can have mine. Right now. #RibsForRuth

I love how every person under the age of 30 on Twitter is currently offering #RuthBaderGinsburg their ribs and any other internal organ she might need.

People headed to the hospital to give Ruth Bader Ginsburg one of their ribs

Support for Ginsburg, and also concern for the balance of power on the Supreme Court, also poured in on social media after the court announced her fall.

Please take care of yourself, Justice Ginsberg. You are our guardian angel. A nation sends its collective wishes for your health and full recovery.

Dear sweet Jesus, please PLEASE heal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Please, Lord. Our nation NEEDS this fierce warrior for Justice. Please make her whole in Jesus' Name...Amen!

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s office should be lined with pillows until 2020.

“Ginsburg broke two ribs in a fall in 2012. She has had two prior bouts with cancer and had a stent implanted to open a blocked artery in 2014,” The Associated Press reported.

I’m now 85,” Ginsburg said in August, according to CNN. “My senior colleague, Justice John Paul Stevens, he stepped down when he was 90, so think I have about at least five more years.”

Typical recovery time for broken ribs is about six weeks, according to WebMD, so it’s possible that Ginsburg could be back on the bench before the year ends.

Ginsburg is the oldest of the four liberal justices on the U.S. Supreme Court. Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to his Supreme Court seat in October gave conservative justices a 5-4 advantage on the nation’s highest court that could be in place for decades. Should Ginsburg or any of the other three liberal justices step down while President Donald Trump is in office, that crucial advantage at the highest level of the judicial branch of the U.S. government could grow even larger.

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