I've had to defend myself against a woman before. She was trying to punch me in the face and all I did is raise my arms to block it. and she landed one square on my elbow and broke the ring finger bone in the back of her hand. Collateral damage by her but I never touched her until I bear hugged her and carried her out the back door and then I ran back in. Problem solved. She was plenty feisty and I guess Toolbag would justify hitting her. Bless his heart.
Thats when I knew my marriage needed over lol.
I gather you, like many, have been in a fight or two, and can usually figure out intent, or a true threat. If someone threatens you, pushes, postures etc etc.... they're not a threat and likely won't hit you. If someone is going to hurt you, they don't usually broadcast it. That's my experiences anyways. I dated some feisty nutjobs back in the day..... never knocked one out though LOL.