Mask's for Coronavirus

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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No more so than the person who is muzzle swept at the range and upset about it.

In the same sense, you should be upset every fall, because people transmit the flu constantly, and people die. This is not to say the COVID 19 is the exact same thing as the flu, it's to say that exponentially more people die from the flu than being swept at the range. Never saw you post about you post about this previously. Where's your conviction? Or is that different because the media has you scared to death?


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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When I stood in line at HEB just to get into the store my glasses kept fogging up.
That was weeks ago. Nobody wears a mask anymore because you don’t have to stand in line because the virus went away and nobody wants to look like a dork.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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In the same sense, you should be upset every fall, because people transmit the flu constantly, and people die. This is not to say the COVID 19 is the exact same thing as the flu, it's to say that exponentially more people die from the flu than being swept at the range. Never saw you post about you post about this previously. Where's your conviction? Or is that different because the media has you scared to death?
When was the last time the flu killed 60,000 Americans in a month?


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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In the same sense, you should be upset every fall, because people transmit the flu constantly, and people die. This is not to say the COVID 19 is the exact same thing as the flu, it's to say that exponentially more people die from the flu than being swept at the range. Never saw you post about you post about this previously. Where's your conviction? Or is that different because the media has you scared to death?
It's the novel coronavirus....meaning our immune system has never been exposed to anything like it. Time will tell what the full impact of it is. Meanwhile precaution is warranted. The chicoms were scared of it enough to weld people into buildings, drag infected people away at gunpoint and probably much worse. Time will tell.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
You being afraid of what people might do to you by not wearing a mask; sounds sort of like people being afraid of gun owners and those who carry guns.
There's not enough consistent data to show that wearing a mask makes a significant positive difference for me to wear one.

The being swept by a gun analogy only holds if the person without a mask is openly coughing or sneezing; they are behaving in a way that has more chance of being a danger to you, though it's not a certainty.

It's the novel coronavirus....meaning our immune system has never been exposed to anything like it. Time will tell what the full impact of it is. Meanwhile precaution is warranted. The chicoms were scared of it enough to weld people into buildings, drag infected people away at gunpoint and probably much worse. Time will tell.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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You being afraid of what people might do to you by not wearing a mask; sounds sort of like people being afraid of gun owners and those who carry guns.
There's not enough consistent data to show that wearing a mask makes a significant positive difference for me to wear one.

The being swept by a gun analogy only holds if the person without a mask is openly coughing or sneezing; they are behaving in a way that has more chance of being a danger to you, though it's not a certainty.
You might be arguing that it is ok to sweep someone if your gun in unloaded (?)
Medical workers wear masks around every patient. Hong Kong and Taiwan are population dense areas but everyone there wears masks in public settings and the disease is well controlled. When in close contact with the public, masks should be worn.
Let me try a different explanation. If you get shot, you don't run around shooting innocent people who in turn run around shooting more innocent people etc.. An epidemic is a lot like a zombie scenario.
I agree that masks are a bit of a shock, uncomfortable and inconvenient. Wishing they were not necessary does not make it so. On the plus side, they make it possible for people to return to work without increasing the number of cases, but only if everyone wears them in public.


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Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
I choose to carry an unholstered LCP in my front pocket so as you can tell I'm not wearing the hysteria mask either. In February, March and most of April the government said wearing masks didn't protect the public. Now all the sudden they want you to wearing one. This has nothing to do with protecting you it is about how much they can control you. If you'll accept this in 3 months they'll have you lining up for the vaccine.

The mask thing now is more about being polite. There are folks that do have immune issues and are rightly concerned about the rest of us sneezing around them. There are folks that are concerned, but don't want to appear as "dorks" as someone mentioned earlier. This is not part of the "New World Order" , not the "Mark of the Beast", it is just a common sense, polite, think of others for a change, suggestion. It doesn't hurt, it isn't too inconvenient or too uncomfortable.

And it certainly isn't something to get all riled up about, from either side.

Wear one or not, it's our choice.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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When was the last time the flu killed 60,000 Americans in a month?

I didn't compare it directly as I specifically I said it wasn't the same. Point was, that where's the threshold where someone starts turning into Karen and starts taking notes at the local Walmart? Why is Covid 19 different so different? We lost 15-20,000 a month in a recent flu season per the CDC.... isn't this significant enough or Nah?

This isn't the flu, we get that, but it's also not the end of the world. The numbers overwhelmingly lean towards those with co-morbidities getting sick. If you have them, you need to stay at home. This isn't even to say don't wear a mask, wear one. However, if I don't, given the facts, wear one.... then calm the fawk down Karen. IF you weren't complaining every flu season, you have no right to complain now. Y'all sure as hell better get a vaccination as soon as one is ready if you're gonna ask everyone else to wear a mask.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
You might be arguing that it is ok to sweep someone if your gun in unloaded (?)
I see it as sweeping someone with an unloaded gun would be like me having symptoms and not wearing a mask. Coughing without a mask would be like shooting the gun.
These are all fuzzy analogies that don't really help.

I know you can be infected and not show symptoms, but to me that just shows there could be millions of people that are infected and not having symptoms, indicating the virus is not as big a threat as we're lead to believe.
If I'm sick I won't go out, or if I do have to go out I'll wear a mask.

I plan on getting tested this week, just to add to the Oklahoma data, and out of curiosity. Testing is free and open to anyone now.
I think you still have to get a dr. order for the antibody testing, I'd like to get that too.

I'm not sure what the testing might prove (if the test is accurate), other than you're not infected at that time. Seems you could still get infected tomorrow.

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