I hate all these out of state transplants!

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Special Hen
Jul 29, 2023
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I sure see a lot of Oklahoma tags in Texas south of Fort Worth. I also note a lot of mail I get asking me to sell my 12 acres in Latimer county for 4 times what I paid for it 8 years ago. I moved to Texas years ago from Idaho because I needed to work for my money and though Idaho is beautiful it is hard to pay your bills if you can't find a decent job. A lot of this moving is fueled I think by states run by Democrats being turned into lawless hellholes. Speaking of which Oklahoma city seems to be going downhill fast, why is that? Drugs? Legalizing pot causing it? Or just an out of control drug culture/meth head problem?
I think you hit the nail on the head. I moved from one of those states, you know the kind of place where they tell you that you can't have your firearm to defend yourself, while at the same time removing police from the community and releasing all the criminals from jail, demonizing and criminalizing any law abiding citizen for defending themselves.That theory did not sit well with me and mine. I was once told by a very wise man that if you don't agree with the way your local government handles things find a new local government that aligns more with your beliefs, so here we are in the beautiful and free state of Oklahoma. And as far as "transplants" causing home values to increase so much, I just don't think that is the case being that it is nation wide. I also would like to express that some of us are "replants" a lot of our grandparents left during the dust bowl to find a better life, and now we are returning to find our better life. I love America, where you are free to live how and where you want.


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Apr 11, 2022
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What are you considering “young kids”?
I think it may be a little tougher on the younger generation, but if they want it bad enough and are willing to work for it, I think land and homes are attainable just like for my generation.
“Young kids” like newborns through 12yr olds. Just guessing here, but I’m assuming I’m probably close to your kids age. You did concede that it “might be a little tougher on the younger generation” which is all I’m saying. I’d like to be able to give my kids a leg up if I can.
I think a lot of parents on this forum and in general, what to be able to preserve or build wealth they can pass down to their children. My wife and I sure do for our son. I disagree that our children will have a tough time owning homes and our something with acreage attached to it. Parents that want to be able to pass down "higher ticket" assets to their children have to take some responsibility in doing the right thing while instilling ethics and values into their children. And, the children need to take responsibility for their actions and their futures. The kids don't need to go to college to live the American dream by owning homes and land but they do need to, at least, do decently in high school and whatever continuing education they do post high school. Whether that's trade school, tech school, four year college or start a profitable small business. Generally, you'll get out of life what you put into it. There are plenty of people that got into the trades that have done spectacularly well. And most that have applied themselves and made good decisions should be able to afford a nice home and possibly with some acreage (if they so choose) in OK.

What I get tired of hearing are those folks (not necessarily you, Ready Aim Fire) that barely graduated high school, didn't always make the best decisions growing up, didn't instill a mindset in their children to succeed and wound up with kids that didn't pull their heads our of the azzes until they were in their late 20's or early 30's and are making $15-$20/hours when in their 40's and 50's. These individuals then complain that higher value assest like homes and acreage are too expensive because out-of-staters are pushing up the price of said assets.
I totally hear ya. Growing up I saw the different sides. I saw rich kids who got too many handouts that never learned to appreciate/take care of/value things. I saw the losers headed directly for that $15 per hr at age 40 like you mentioned. It’s definitely a balance with raising kids and instilling ethics.

My dad is a classic republican bootstraps up mentality kinda guy. That’s how I was raised, and I totally get it. He doesn’t help me financially at all… but when he passes away there will be a decent inheritance. Which I hope to basically not need (because I can take care of myself) and pass that wealth down to my children and hopefully grand children someday.

I was just saying I am a bit concerned for my children’s generation, and their future ability to purchase land/homes. The way things are going, they all better have 6-figure+ jobs… it looks like the days of the “workin man” being able to afford a decent car and a decent house are dwindling.

I just feel like things will most likely be harder for my kids financially than it was for me. That makes me have the desire to help set them up if I can. The next generations are worth investing in


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2022
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I sure am confused. Yall are complaining that your land values have jumped up in price?? I understand if you do not have any land and are looking for some. But it sounds like most of you already have some. So, how is that a bad thing?

Outsiders are screwing the future up for natives who may be priced out at some point when People from the coast come in and pay more than what many locals can afford to. Nothing personal if I had my way non natives wouldn't be able to buy land in the state at all. Its not a benefit generally speaking to the locals.

Old Noob

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Jan 1, 2023
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Okmulgee County, OK.
Outsiders are screwing the future up for natives who may be priced out at some point when People from the coast come in and pay more than what many locals can afford to. Nothing personal if I had my way non natives wouldn't be able to buy land in the state at all. Its not a benefit generally speaking to the locals.
Sorry you feel that way. That is not a healthy way to live, in my opinion.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
Outsiders are screwing the future up for natives who may be priced out at some point when People from the coast come in and pay more than what many locals can afford to. Nothing personal if I had my way non natives wouldn't be able to buy land in the state at all. Its not a benefit generally speaking to the locals.
Are you suggesting that we eliminate the right to move to any other state other than the one in which you were born?

I’m not in favor of the elimination of rights.


Special Hen
Jul 29, 2023
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Outsiders are screwing the future up for natives who may be priced out at some point when People from the coast come in and pay more than what many locals can afford to. Nothing personal if I had my way non natives wouldn't be able to buy land in the state at all. Its not a benefit generally speaking to the locals.
Can you define non native please, does that mean not native to Oklahoma, or does it mean not Native American?


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2022
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Sorry you feel that way. That is not a healthy way to live, in my opinion.

Nothing personal at all , you're plenty likable but I really don't want my state changing anymore. Too much is changing and not in a good way .

Being a Native Oregonian you should more than understand from seeing it there , people flooding in property values skyrocketed , crime and everything else followed the new comers in to the state you just left.

How should natives of the state here feel seeing the flood of new comers ??

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