Open carrying AR15 at Tulsa Gathering Place

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Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
This clown's actions are somewhat similar to the kid in Del City that tried wearing a mask into a classroom. His problem was that he picked a classroom where the teacher is a Marine, and was promptly slammed to the floor.

Some of the statements here sound like his mother. "He was only wearing a mask", "he has the right to wear a mask, it was prank day", and on and on.

Somewhere along the line, if a person doesn't use good sense in deciding how much hardware they need to carry to a children's park, maybe they don't have enough good sense to be around firearms.


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Jun 5, 2018
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Broken Arrow
This entire story is about a guy carrying a SBR with a brace that some call a pistol. If you want to vary off into MSR's I'd think that would need a different thread to address that aspect of carrying a full sized rifle vs a "pistol", and yes I have a burr in my a$$ about gimmicks the accessory industry has introduced into the gun market items that has done nothing but bring embarrassment and disparagement into the gun owners that wish to keep their guns and not subject them to legislative oversight by those that use them for nefarious reasons as the history of those accessories have proven to do.
Spare me the outlier comments about cars, smokes, drugs, etc that have nothing to do with gun gimmicks.
Start a thread about MSR's in the context you commented on, and I'll be more than willing to discuss that issue.

You're right, this bears discussion, think I might start a thread.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Does it really matter? The anti gunners don’t need “ammunition” to use against us. They hate the 2A and our freedom and will do anything to wipe it out. I doubt a few people waking around with AR”s strapped to their backs is gonna do much to hurt us. No matter how many good people with guns there are the anti gunners always focus on the bad. So it’s a moot point. I hear the same kind of crap of someone OC’s a pistol. Oh no!! That makes us all look bad they say. Give me a break. I think what this guy is doing is silly but who am I to judge. I don’t know him or know why he is doing it. Maybe it wasn’t to look like a “ bad___”. But what do I know, I OC sometimes to so I must think I am tough.


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Jun 5, 2018
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Broken Arrow
Does it really matter? The anti gunners don’t need “ammunition” to use against us. They hate the 2A and our freedom and will do anything to wipe it out. I doubt a few people waking around with AR”s strapped to their backs is gonna do much to hurt us. No matter how many good people with guns there are the anti gunners always focus on the bad. So it’s a moot point. I hear the same kind of crap of someone OC’s a pistol. Oh no!! That makes us all look bad they say. Give me a break. I think what this guy is doing is silly but who am I to judge. I don’t know him or know why he is doing it. Maybe it wasn’t to look like a “ bad___”. But what do I know, I OC sometimes to so I must think I am tough.

And when incidents like Norman, BA and other places these yahoos provoke a response go mainstream you don't think people are stopping and going "Ok, I didn't see the harm before but if people are carrying them like that then maybe we should ban them". I can guarantee they are. I've already had several discussions with friends who are now leaning towards being ok with an AR ban because of people like this. I've had to explain what is going on, why it is allowed and why the AR is not the problem. To be honest, I don't think I've convinced them. And that is just a few people I know. So again, keep screaming its his right, until the lawmakers take that right away. They have before and they can do it again.

Ethan N

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Mar 31, 2013
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OKC Area
I'm sorry your grandfather went through that and I can see how you would feel the way you do, but objectively I would have to say no. You say he could handle a rifle practically as well as ever, but in what setting? At a range where he felt comfortable? What would happen if he was attacked again and had to try and pull the trigger properly while under stress? What would his reaction times be given his arthritis? Granted, neither one of us could probably answer that question now, but its questions like that which should be asked before carrying a firearm in public. If he felt uncomfortable even carrying a smaller caliber, say a .380 or even a .22, then he probably wouldn't have carried a rifle. Not to mention its bulkier and heavier.

While I agree that carrying a rifle should be allowed, that is completely different from being able to carry based on disabilities. I know a guy with no arms that can shoot a pistol with his feet just as well as most people can with two hands. Its pretty amazing to watch. But should he be able to carry that firearm in public? With watching him struggle to get into a shooting position while in a controlled environment I would say no.

You may disagree with me on this, and thats fine. This is just my honest opinion.
Yeah I don’t agree with gatekeeping the carry of firearms based on someone’s physical abilities when they are capable of safely handling the gun. It’s an individual’s choice. And discouraging someone from carrying because they might have slower reaction times than usual doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. The most vulnerable people have the most to gain from carrying a gun for self defense.

I described a perfect candidate for carrying a rifle for self-defense and you brought up your imagined reasons he might not have been proficient with a rifle as an excuse for saying a rifle wasn’t the right weapon for him to carry. Performance under stress and reaction times are just as relevant to carrying a pistol as a rifle, so I don’t know why you even brought those up. Most people who carry a pistol don’t have a clue how they would perform under stress. I never saw any evidence his reaction times were unusually slow for an adult. You suggested carrying a .22 pistol (which is what he carried when he went out, since it was easiest to manage), but I already said he wasn’t capable of using pistols effectively because of the grip required. Recoil only added to his inability to maintain a proper grip on a pistol, so a .22 was not a solution. You brought up bulk and weight. Why do you assume that was a barrier to him carrying a rifle? He was perfectly capable of slinging a rifle around for a couple of hours. You seem to be determined to imagine the worst possible scenario, which indicates you may be starting with your preferred conclusion and filtering all evidence and arguments to fit what you’ve already decided. If that’s not what’s going on, I apologize. It’s just hard to see any open-mindedness in what you’re saying. You don’t have to change your mind, but no one has ever been helped by not being open to having their mind changed.

When it comes down to it, as long as someone has chosen a carry weapon based on a good-faith evaluation of what weapon is best suited to their skills and abilities, I will never disparage them for carrying that weapon for self-defense just because they don’t happen to fit the model of a concealed pistol carrier. I know you said you think carrying a rifle should be allowed, but saying a rifle is never the best option for self-defense carry for anyone, regardless of their abilities is ignorance, arrogance, or both. I’m not 100% sure that’s what you’re saying, but it sure sounds like it.
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Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
I agree with you. It was indeed a stunt. There is not now, nor has there been since the Tulsa Race Riot, a need to go into a public park armed in that fashion. He is getting the response he wanted, just look at how much time we have expended on him.

Ethan N

Special Hen
Mar 31, 2013
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OKC Area
Yes I’m sure he was doing it as a stunt. How do I know? Because he wasn’t even with any kids at the park. Of course unless he wasn’t watching his kids and they were off playing somewhere else...
Huh? Parks are for everyone, not just kids. Adults are just as entitled to use public parks as children. Before I had kids I frequently enjoyed the use of public parks, and I still use them when I want to enjoy some time alone outside. I’ve never understood people being suspicious of adults without kids using a park. Pure paranoia.

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