2013-14 Deer Season Success

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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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Thank you Sticky!

This is the largest buck I have ever killed, as well as one of the heaviest. Given a choice though, I would rather have had a 100 pound doe in front of me, but at least now, I've got a good pair of rattling horn's for the next hunt...

I don't know if this is any indication of that kind of Winter we are going to have but, this deer had the heaviest layer of fat I have ever seen on a deer. I've shot deer towards the end of season, with snow and ice on the ground, that never had as much fat as what this deer had...

I just got back from the store where I had my deer weighed at and Bill told me that he just got his scale re-calibrated and said the weight on my deer would have accurately weighed in at 172 lbs. making this THEE heaviest deer I have killed to date....


Congrats on the buck!


Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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Congatulations on your buck D&T.
This is also one of the reasons i enjoy OSA website. just learned something about killing a deer through the back. all my shots have been aimed only at the head or heart/lung. you just gave me another reasonable target. makes good sense if the other shots aren't available.
Thanks. iam heading out next Sunday/Monday. the cold front might have them up and moving.


Special Hen
Oct 7, 2008
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sand springs
Might want to actually check out how small the femoral artery is, and where it is located, before you decide it's a good target.

Years ago, my brother in law killed a deer, during rifle season, that smelled so bad it made him sick trying to field dress it. Upon closer examination, we found part of an arrow that had entered from the center of the rear of one hindquarter and was broken off in the deer. The terrible smell was the result of the infection from the wound. We later learned that the child of the landowner had shot the deer over a week earlier. My BIL did the deer a favor as it was dying a slow painful death, unfortunately, the infection rendered the deer inedible, so it was completely wasted.

I have never seen a deer, shot through both lungs, live more than a few seconds, let alone 45 minutes. Yes, I have made less than perfect shots that resulted in a slower than ideal death, but never have I done it intentionally.

Intentionally shooting a deer in the butt with a bow is foolish.


Special Hen
Feb 15, 2009
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I dont think I would eat anything that sat in salt water for 30 days except a fish. I would think all you would have left is a colorless flavorless meat. My meat goes straight from the deer to the freezer. Also, no whole backstrap for steaks? Chicken fried backstrap us the best part.


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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I dont think I would eat anything that sat in salt water for 30 days except a fish. I would think all you would have left is a colorless flavorless meat. My meat goes straight from the deer to the freezer. Also, no whole backstrap for steaks? Chicken fried backstrap us the best part.

Two weeks on hung beef, three to four weeks in you don't mind removing a little mold to get the steak underneath.............makes for a super tender steak. A week is all I've ever let a deer hang, and that was in December weather.

Master Carper

Special Hen
Nov 23, 2010
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I just cannot believe some of you guys!

I never said a word about letting deer meat soak in water. I said it is on ice...

And "shooting a deer in the butt"! I don't just shoot a deer in the butt. I have a specific muscle I look for on the hind quarter, before I will sink an arrow into it. Over 100 dead deer can be wrong and I have never had to track one and I have never lost a deer with my preferred hip shot. And meat damage? You might throw away a piece of meat golf ball in size and that's about it. Me personally, I'd rather loose that little bit of meat, instead of having a 100-150 pound deer run off, and never be recovered. Shoot'em where ever you want, but I know for a fact that 90% of them will run, regardless of any other shot...

I don't see any of you guys talking about Okie Marines deer going to waste because of a misplaced shot! You can't eat those horns and all of that meat is totally wasted! A properly placed hip shot would have dropped that deer in its tracks and that would have been a lot of good meat NOT gone to waste and a descent rack to show for it. I would have been more upset over losing the meat, more than I would have been glad to have the rack....


Jun 7, 2013
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Might want to actually check out how small the femoral artery is, and where it is located, before you decide it's a good target.

Years ago, my brother in law killed a deer, during rifle season, that smelled so bad it made him sick trying to field dress it. Upon closer examination, we found part of an arrow that had entered from the center of the rear of one hindquarter and was broken off in the deer. The terrible smell was the result of the infection from the wound. We later learned that the child of the landowner had shot the deer over a week earlier. My BIL did the deer a favor as it was dying a slow painful death, unfortunately, the infection rendered the deer inedible, so it was completely wasted.

I have never seen a deer, shot through both lungs, live more than a few seconds, let alone 45 minutes. Yes, I have made less than perfect shots that resulted in a slower than ideal death, but never have I done it intentionally.

Intentionally shooting a deer in the butt with a bow is foolish.

Foolish, and disrespectful to the deer. It's the hunters obligation to be prepared and dispatch the animal as quickly as possible. White tails shot in the heart/lungs don't take 45 minutes to bleed out as they sit there unable to defend themselves. It's not 'okay' to say "eh, sheit happens" - it's the hunters responsibility to ensure he is prepared for the hunt. going into the field with a single bullet, single bolt, single arrow and then CONTIUING The hunt once you realize that's all you have is both foolish and irresponsible.

One of the reasons I hunt is to connect, honor and respect where my meat comes from. I could do none of those things knowing I shot an animal in the rear on purpose.

'sheit happens' is not a sentiment I choose to attach the taking of a life. be it a deer or a dove.

EDIT to the OP: In one of your photos, there are two crossbow bolts in the back of your truck. One lying free, one in a quiver.:scratch:
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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
Guys lay off D&T. If you have spent much time in the woods you have made a decision you have regretted before. I am sure he wishes he had another bolt available to make a finisher shot. Anytime we aren't able to recover an animal we should all feel sick. D&T already stated that his neighbors will NOT allow him to recover his deer on there property. Hindsight is always 20/20 but the view is often a little different from another perspective. Hopefully lessons were learned here, and that is what is important.

Nice deer D&T, should make good dinner!

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