BLAH BLAH BLAH....we can't comment ongoing investigations

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Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
Wait....WHAT??? All cops aren't saints who only love hot dogs, mom, and apple pie??? WTF!!! Next you'll say all teachers don't walk on water. I don't like where this is going. Let's be honest, those of us who are human ALL have feet of clay. There are great selfless people in all professions (excluding politics) but most people are just punching the clock, no more no less. We shouldn't tar the good with the bad but neither should we attribute qualities to people that they might not possess at all simply due to their profession.
I would like to claim that I have attained perfection. But it would be not just a lie, but a ****ed lie. Nowhere close! But I'm pretty sure that the Pareto Principle applies. Twenty percent of the people cause eighty percent of the problems. And I believe that is true even of politicians.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
I would respectfully disagree. I know LEOs at the local, state and federal level who are one hundred eighty degrees from the ones you know.
He is simply stating a fact. Argue it all you want. The police are not our friend. There ain’t one single cop that is going to disobey an order from their boss when told to do something. Even if they know they shouldn’t. Ask the officers that murdered the guy while they came to take his guns from him after his estranged wife called in and said he was threatening her with them. Boom! Just like that a judge issued a red flag confiscation order. And now that man is dead. Guess what? His wife made it up. There are time and time again when cops go against the constitution. And you may know those cops. But I can guarantee you don’t know them that good.

I had a deputy get called on my a few years ago by an idiot neighbor because they don’t like me shooting. Well, I still do. They guy was a young guy who said he was a vet of the army. He had 2A tattoos all over his arms. He even talked about how much he supported it. Then he goes on to argue with me about how I don’t have the right to shoot. I told him I did. There is no law preventing me from doing it on my property.

I am safe and have a great backstop. And just woods to the sides and back of me. He even made up a “law” that don’t exist and tried to threaten me with arrest if I violated it. That’s when I got upset with this guy. I told him there was no such law, and that I had a friend who was a state senator. So I knew darn well there wasn’t. I had my friend look.

Blue Heeler

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 8, 2020
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He is simply stating a fact. Argue it all you want. The police are not our friend. There ain’t one single cop that is going to disobey an order from their boss when told to do something. Even if they know they shouldn’t. Ask the officers that murdered the guy while they came to take his guns from him after his estranged wife called in and said he was threatening her with them. Boom! Just like that a judge issued a red flag confiscation order. And now that man is dead. Guess what? His wife made it up. There are time and time again when cops go against the constitution. And you may know those cops. But I can guarantee you don’t know them that good.

I had a deputy get called on my a few years ago by an idiot neighbor because they don’t like me shooting. Well, I still do. They guy was a young guy who said he was a vet of the army. He had 2A tattoos all over his arms. He even talked about how much he supported it. Then he goes on to argue with me about how I don’t have the right to shoot. I told him I did. There is no law preventing me from doing it on my property.

I am safe and have a great backstop. And just woods to the sides and back of me. He even made up a “law” that don’t exist and tried to threaten me with arrest if I violated it. That’s when I got upset with this guy. I told him there was no such law, and that I had a friend who was a state senator. So I knew darn well there wasn’t. I had my friend look.
Like you (and me), he stated an opinion. I am far too apathetic to argue with anyone for what they may think.


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Like you (and me), he stated an opinion. I am far too apathetic to argue with anyone for what they may think.
Yep. For every good story there is a bad one and vice versa. I'm on the short side now. What someone else thinks of my opinion about something matters less and less to me. And it really didn't matter that much back in the day when it mattered at all. Allegedly.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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The ATF director is literally so incompetent, uninformed about firearms on every level and has zero understanding of the 2A community and our patriotic stance.
Inept beyond clueless and lacks the integrity and the balls reqiired to run any law enforcement agency. This asshat could not run mall security.
If the ATF only knew the power of the people that they have at their disposal, if they would only be a regulating entity instead of a legislative dictatorship. The gun owners of America, not the organization, would be backing the ATF if only they took a constitutional stand. They could be a right arm of the old NRA. Educating instead of emasculating.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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If the ATF only knew the power of the people that they have at their disposal, if they would only be a regulating entity instead of a legislative dictatorship. The gun owners of America, not the organization, would be backing the ATF if only they took a constitutional stand. They could be a right arm of the old NRA. Educating instead of emasculating.
Maybe you haven’t been paying attention, but “the people” don’t have any power in this country anymore, because if they did, Trump would be president and the ones that planned and had ballot boxes stuffed would be in federal prison. Instead, we get on the internet and gripe about things knowing we’re not going to do a damn thing.
I hate to say it, but I kind of feel like this country is getting what we deserve by electing and letting crooked politicians run amok.

Blue Heeler

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 8, 2020
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If the ATF only knew the power of the people that they have at their disposal, if they would only be a regulating entity instead of a legislative dictatorship. The gun owners of America, not the organization, would be backing the ATF if only they took a constitutional stand. They could be a right arm of the old NRA. Educating instead of emasculating.
Well said.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
Hmm ... An investigation, is it? Somebody somewhere in the ATF went off the reservation. Otherwise, if the ATF had done nothing wrong, acted according the standard protocols, they would be proud of the actions they took and would be forthcoming with the details of that "expedition" and would gladly expound the events that morning. There would be no need for an ongoing investigation to seal their lips and hide their shame. (Of course, I'm assuming they have the capacity to feel shame.)


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