Border patrol morale & outrage...

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone

Where are our leaders, judges, etc??? No other country in the world does this. Americans will suffer financially and even through crime and disease for this. Please, someone step up and save us. Imagine 20yrs ago or even 10 the protests and such that would going on. What does it tell you about this fragmented nation that people are scared to even oppose this outrage?

This isn't the regime's fault anymore than it is the fault of a rabid pitbull that bites. They are just doing what they do...but the guy that says he's your friend and lets the dog into your yard is the real issue...elected Republicans WANT this to happen...that is the only other conclusion I can come to.

Anyone else have any analysis?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
Twilight Zone
And they stoped building the wall because????
Well obviously the new regime stopped it, but if Repubs "really" had an issue with it, there would be 50 people having press conferences daily. They (our political leaders) don't care...they just hope we will be upset at the dems for doing what they always wanted to do...instead of wondering why they don't create more red tape & unfavorable publicity for the current regime...Ted Cruz was busy with the Limbagh replacements today bragging about poker...that's the problem...our leaders fiddle why Rome burns. Heck last year they fiddled while the blue cities burned. I can't imagine what my Grandpa would say if he were alive to see this. All part of the plan I guess...At some point you'd think the enforcers themselves would worry about their own families and refuse to follow orders or resign if necessary. They have to live here too whatever mess it becomes. Even Desantis is spending time worrying about what ice cream is sold in other countries...our leaders are just out of touch.


Special Hen
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score

Where are our leaders, judges, etc??? No other country in the world does this. Americans will suffer financially and even through crime and disease for this. Please, someone step up and save us. Imagine 20yrs ago or even 10 the protests and such that would going on. What does it tell you about this fragmented nation that people are scared to even oppose this outrage?

This isn't the regime's fault anymore than it is the fault of a rabid pitbull that bites. They are just doing what they do...but the guy that says he's your friend and lets the dog into your yard is the real issue...elected Republicans WANT this to happen...that is the only other conclusion I can come to.

Anyone else have any analysis?
I don’t think anyone cares anymore strangely. Most are too focused on getting by and dodging the covid, families fragmented and friends lost over politics, no community. It seems people lost the idea of a happy and free future.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
Reaction score
nw okc
at that rate, illegal border crossings will outpace american births 2-1.
yes, that's *twice* as many *people* crossing the border as *babies* being born.
ya see, you can't just inject a 5 year old baby into the population, or a 22 year old woman ready to make babies of her own.
no, you have to birth them and wait for 20-30 years.
but illegals?
they come in at all ages, and they are ready to reproduce NOW.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
Reaction score

Where are our leaders, judges, etc??? No other country in the world does this. Americans will suffer financially and even through crime and disease for this. Please, someone step up and save us. Imagine 20yrs ago or even 10 the protests and such that would going on. What does it tell you about this fragmented nation that people are scared to even oppose this outrage?

This isn't the regime's fault anymore than it is the fault of a rabid pitbull that bites. They are just doing what they do...but the guy that says he's your friend and lets the dog into your yard is the real issue...elected Republicans WANT this to happen...that is the only other conclusion I can come to.

Anyone else have any analysis?
Wonder what Nostradamus said about OBiden?

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