Bush's Fault

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Yes, intellectual knowledge is worthless. Academics and professors know nothing compared to the average Joe. That's why when we need surgery we just call in someone with good old fashioned horse since. Don't need that dad blamed book learning.

Oh? What "average Joe" is writing books and articles? And, who is to say one hasn't learned by reading books by different economists and historians? Of course, you are presuming that one has no discernment to know when to call on the "professionals." After all, I doubt I would do something that requires extra education and training like doctors and lawyers.

However, I will still abide by a belief that I have had for a great many years and have seen demonstrated numerous times as true. Just because someone has a college degree doesn't mean they have the sense to pour "water" out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.


Aug 14, 2012
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I agree with your point to a degree. Its really not Roosevelts fault that some social programs are abused to the point of bankrupting the programs he created.

Is it really Carters fault that Freddie n Fannie are in the shape they are or Did the houseing bubble burst because of greedy banking policies.

Is it Bushs fault for this recession or is it Clintons? Who was on watch for 8 years as it happened?

Is it Obamas fault we aint out of the mess yet? Some could argue but history will determine if his actions saved us from total collapse or if his policies failed.

Who will write this history and how true will it be? TBD


Aug 14, 2012
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That is not a reach at all because I remember history too well. As you know from previous private messages, I don't have a college education, thus none of my "knowledge" comes from textbooks and professors who might have a bias. But, check it yourself to see when the Community Reinvestment Act was passed. I have decades of reading and personal study of both politics and economics from which I have come to the same conclusion as some other economists that I have read with regards to the effects of the CRA.

CRA was a ticking time bomb for the entire part of its existence and evolved into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which were the catalyst for the economic downturn. I might add that when the Democrats took control of Congress in 2006, their actions and Bush's lack of using a veto, sped up the process at the end. Who knows? Since the Democrats in Congress wouldn't believe Bush and his administration about the problems with Fannie and Freddie, maybe he decided to "give them what they wanted" and thus didn't veto anything. (That is pure conjecture on my part. I really don't think Bush was that "evil," but he certainly was NOT a conservative.)

One other thing I've learned over the years. ACCURATE history is NOT written by the media and the professors of the period in which events occur, because their account of the events may reflect a bias because of being of another philosophy. ACCURATE historical accounts may come about 30 years later when people who did not live in the era study back to see when and how things happened and draw a logical conclusion as to the truth of history. From what I have read, it has been recent college economists that have gone back and studied Roosevelt and the New Deal and have determined that Roosevelt actually extended the Great Depression by about 7 years.

theres firsthand accounts of events, theres second hand accounts, then theres primary and secondary sources. From a historical perspective, The further away you get from the primary source the more Revisionist things become.

What was true yesterday may not be true today and vice versa.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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I agree with your point to a degree. Its really not Roosevelts fault that some social programs are abused to the point of bankrupting the programs he created.

Is it really Carters fault that Freddie n Fannie are in the shape they are or Did the houseing bubble burst because of greedy banking policies. The banks were in encouraged and in some cases forced to adopt those policies by government and left wing groups.

Is it Bushs fault for this recession or is it Clintons? Who was on watch for 8 years as it happened? Both and then some. That includes Obama who was part of congress as it happened.

Is it Obamas fault we aint out of the mess yet? Some could argue but history will determine if his actions saved us from total collapse or if his policies failed. It is Obama's fault in that he has openly worked to make things worse.

Who will write this history and how true will it be? TBD

The libs will write the history and there will be no truth to it.


Aug 14, 2012
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The libs will write the history and there will be no truth to it.

perhaps Conservatives should learn to teach so they could influence the youth. Libs dont have a stranglehold the youth or truth.

Conservatism is boring which is why young folks listen to Liberals. Theres something exciting about solving the problems old people create with political bias'.


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
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perhaps Conservatives should learn to teach so they could influence the youth. Libs dont have a stranglehold the youth or truth.

Conservatism is boring which is why young folks listen to Liberals. Theres something exciting about solving the problems old people create with political bias'.

Conservatives know the liberals run the pinko-commie socialist public nanny-state schools, so that's why they send their kids there.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
perhaps Conservatives should learn to teach so they could influence the youth. Libs dont have a stranglehold the youth or truth.

Conservatism is boring which is why young folks listen to Liberals. Theres something exciting about solving the problems old people create with political bias'.

Really? That old chestnut again?

Well, let's see. There was an on-the-street survey taken back on Tuesday of a bunch of different "young folks" that were out and about. They were asked who it was that won the debate between Obama and Romney and almost all said that it was Obama with no questions. When asked if they watched the whole 1 1/2 hour debate and again it was almost all that said they did. Then when asked if there was any particular point or discussion topic that they thought was the best, they really "couldn't think of any particular one that was any better for Obama than the others."

There was just one problem with the survey. It was taken 6 to 8 hours BEFORE the debate on Tuesday night.

Other on-the-street surveys that have even been taken by the likes of the comedy hosts like Dennis Miller, Colbert and others have shown that many of them can't name who the Vice President or Secretary of State of the Unites States is.

As an "old, conservative" gentleman, am I supposed to be worried about them solving the problems of us older folks? Really?

As for "influencing" the youth, we'd rather teach them how to use critical thinking to determine what works and what doesn't. It is better to ask them questions and let them reason out the answers rather than try to "influence" malleable young people as the liberals try to do to bring them into the liberal mantra of "tax and spend and regulate the heck out of business."

I remember liberals some years ago trying to convince me that the liberals were more progressive and willing to try new things and conservatives wanted to stick to the same old things that they always believed in. So, I asked them, "If the liberals are so prepared to "progress" and try new things, why are they so adamant to NEVER try vouchers in education?" No answer. When asked were they prepared to try tactics other than "tax and spend and regulate," again there were no answers.

I'm not too worried as I know that the American citizens are more of a center right persuasion because a number of polling organizations, including liberal ones, find that there are more people polled that say that they consider themselves either conservative or somewhat conservative than there are that say they are liberal or somewhat liberal. However, I've long said that only one poll means anything and that is the elections themselves. The 2010 elections showed the Democrats that they were losers. The house was taken back with even a larger majority than thought, a number of Democrat governors lost to Republicans, including in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and elsewhere, and over 620 Democrat legislators lost their jobs to Republicans in the state legislatures around the country.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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Intellectual knowledge is an oxymoron. That is why the non-producing intellectuals in the University system require tenure. The only other jobs they qualify for are in Hollywood creating more fiction.

Even Putin knows communism doesn't work.


Aug 14, 2012
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Hmm, i dont place any stock in polls, esp from fox, cnn, msnbc. Dennis Miller, Colbert are entertainers, nothing useful can be gleaned from their shows other than laughing at stupid people.

I also remember when the GOP was "swept" out of the majority, does that mean they were "losers"? More like public opinion changed.

I do agree about teaching critical thinking skills. You know a young person is thinking for themselves when they begin to ask reasonable questions, listen to reasonable answers, then offer a thought out solution, instead of political rhetoric and talking points.

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