Carnivore Diet

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Special Hen
Aug 12, 2023
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NE Oklahoma
But the real question is, what happens when you go back to normal? Whats a normal diet look like? I would love to cut 30-40lbs in a month, but I also don't wanna gain it all back the second I go back to a normal diet, because well, I do love veggies and variety.
Rogan did this and went back to basically meat and fruits. He still stays away from flours and starches and crappy carbs. He eats lots of red meats and good fruits. I think that transition back would be ideal


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
Reaction score
But the real question is, what happens when you go back to normal? Whats a normal diet look like? I would love to cut 30-40lbs in a month, but I also don't wanna gain it all back the second I go back to a normal diet, because well, I do love veggies and variety.

There are a lot of influencers on YT who have been eating this way for several years. To be honest, I don't see me ever going back to eating the SAD.

I know I just finished a bad week but overall I feel better now. Flare-ups aside. I'm hoping those get fewer and farther between. I weigh less now than I have most of my adult life and am getting damn close to what I weighed in high school.

I'm gonna give it another 30 days to see if the inflammation the gastroenterologist found will resolve. Because when I started eating like this 30 days ago it was so bad I had trouble swallowing solid food. And sometimes even liquids. My throat would close up and NOTHING would go down. On the contrary my throat would spasm and whatever I was trying to swallow would come right back up. It was miserable. And kinda scary.

Like Bob says, give it a try. It's not that hard to stick to either.


Special Hen
Nov 24, 2020
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But the real question is, what happens when you go back to normal? Whats a normal diet look like? I would love to cut 30-40lbs in a month, but I also don't wanna gain it all back the second I go back to a normal diet, because well, I do love veggies and variety.
This is what works for me. If I'm following a weight cutting diet. I get about about 10 pounds of turkey slices from the deli<----- this is what I eat throughout the day if I feel hungry, probably about a quarter pounds with some water. i will eat some rice in the evenings with whatever meat I'm eating. Rice wise would be like a quarter cup. I have a 7 day schedule Monday - Friday the same. Saturday I aloud myself a "cheat day" a glass of chocolate milk or something of the sort. Once you detox all the sugar out of you body you will start to feel better. If I do take in excess sugar I try not to break about 20 grams in a day. I did fall off when I went out of town "shame" I eat like 10 pounds of burritos in 3 days went back to 310 but I drop back down to 302 in about a week. PM me we can talk more over the phone.


Oct 1, 2012
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Guymon, OK
Day 1 is almost complete for me. Done a lot more research today, seems like it will be easy enough. Hardest part I found today is eating enough fat to stay full. I ate chicken I smoked for lunch and was hungry later. Ate a pretty lean steak for dinner with butter and ate a soft boiled egg.

Tomorrow I am making a rack of beef ribs. Seems like beef is the best meat to eat for this diet.

I will say I feel extremely good today since I didn’t eat any junk food. I’ve been reading that Day 3 usually gets pretty rough for some people so not looking forward to that on Monday but I hear after about a week you don’t get hungry as much. If I can get a week out of the way I feel like this diet will be a breeze.

r/carnivorediet has been helping me out a lot.


Oct 1, 2012
Reaction score
Guymon, OK
Day 3 about over and I think I’m in ketosis already.

Edit: carnivore diet is best diet

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