Cost of Fertilizer and It's Impact

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Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
Just spoke with my brother that is a farmer and branch manager of AgRx. He told me fertilizer and all other ag chems are already up about 100% and they have been notified by suppliers to expect up to a 200% increase in the coming months. Many of the smaller farms are not going to be putting in crops in his area as they will lose money. It does not take much of an education to deduce the impact on produce and meat prices that are coming this summer. We actually do feed the world and this will result in famines overseas and shortages here as well. He is advising folks to plant victory gardens and can their goods. I freeze dry most of my stuff that I put up. Also buy grains, beans, sugar, and honey in bulk now before the panic buying starts. A little each trip. Any thoughts?
If YOU were the second most powerful economy, and military power on earth, and a communist totalitarian regime, seeking world DOMINATION, how would YOU bring down the MOST POWERFUL POWER NATION ON EARTH? I would buy, over time, and under fictitious names, the controlling interest in all six news media corporations, so I could control EVERYTHING that nation was allowed to see, hear, and THINK! Next I would use my military Intelligence organizations, to plan, and launch a bio. and cyber, attack on their presidential election! The bio attack will confuse, and disrupt, the people, and economy, and allow the cyber attack to rig the election, the news media will convince half the population THEY WON! When I had my PUPPET REGIME in place, if the people protest, I would use leftwing anarchist, AND NEWS MEDIA, to stage an INSURRECTION on the Capital building, and this would legitimize using the power of the fedeal government to ARREST, and PROSECUTE, anyone that could be against me, plus send a message to anyone thinking about opposing me, right? I would hold the sitting President of the United States of America, under house arrest, and NOT ALLOW HIM TO ADDRESS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE UNTIL AFTER INGRATIATION DAY, I would use the U.S. Military to install RAZOR WIRE AROUND THE CAPITAL BUILDING as well as have heavely armed troops guarding the Capital, and White House, that would make the Russian Capital look like a public park! Then I would STOP ALL oil production and transportation, TO SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT, to make the U.S. dependant on foreign oil AGAIN, this would trigger OUT OF CONTROL INFLATION, WEAKEN THE U.S. ECONOMY, MAKE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE POOR, AND DESPERATE, AND MUCH EASIER TO CONTROL, LOOK AT VENEZUELA TO SEE WHAT IS COMING, COMRADE! If we don't pull our colective heads out of our rears, soon, and take our COUNTRY BACK IT WILL BE LOST FOR EVER EVER! GOOD LUCK TO US!


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Working in retail, mainly building materials, I can say that the supply chain is fubar at the moment. Its hit or mis on whats coming and what can even be ordered.

If the supply chain for food is anything like building materials we will indeed be in a world of hurt soon.

I keep looking for another horseman to ride across the sky, this one holding a set of scales.
Its to late we are in a world of hurt you just don’t know it yet.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Arrow Repaired
Working in retail, mainly building materials, I can say that the supply chain is fubar at the moment. Its hit or mis on whats coming and what can even be ordered.

If the supply chain for food is anything like building materials we will indeed be in a world of hurt soon.

I keep looking for another horseman to ride across the sky, this one holding a set of scales.
I am in the supply chain for foods, you name it its short. Corn milling is exremell tight they have everyone on 75 to 50% allocation on things like starches, dextrins, dextrose, corn syrup, corn meal. Phosphates are getting ugly now so all phosphate. and phosphoric acid is really tight. With the ukraine for and wheat are going to get much much more expensive. And anything sunflower will be really expensive I think Ukraine was 70 or 80 of the worlds sunflower oil supply. Acidulants are really tight citric acid, sodium or potassium citrate are stupid tight and have all doubled in price. There is a serious shortage of non nutritive sweeteners are short too your sucralose (Splenda) aspartame, Acesulfam K, etc……. these were not improving before the war I don’t see a case where a war in Europe would in any way improve these situations. And listening to Democrats push ….nay…they are demanding we defend Ukraine with NATO forces which would spiral us into an entire new world in a matter of days. Get your iodine pills and respirators ready A nuclear exchange is more likely now than it has been 40 years or more.


Special Hen
Sep 1, 2021
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If YOU were the second most powerful economy, and military power on earth, and a communist totalitarian regime, seeking world DOMINATION, how would YOU bring down the MOST POWERFUL POWER NATION ON EARTH? I would buy, over time, and under fictitious names, the controlling interest in all six news media corporations, so I could control EVERYTHING that nation was allowed to see, hear, and THINK! Next I would use my military Intelligence organizations, to plan, and launch a bio. and cyber, attack on their presidential election! The bio attack will confuse, and disrupt, the people, and economy, and allow the cyber attack to rig the election, the news media will convince half the population THEY WON! When I had my PUPPET REGIME in place, if the people protest, I would use leftwing anarchist, AND NEWS MEDIA, to stage an INSURRECTION on the Capital building, and this would legitimize using the power of the fedeal government to ARREST, and PROSECUTE, anyone that could be against me, plus send a message to anyone thinking about opposing me, right? I would hold the sitting President of the United States of America, under house arrest, and NOT ALLOW HIM TO ADDRESS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE UNTIL AFTER INGRATIATION DAY, I would use the U.S. Military to install RAZOR WIRE AROUND THE CAPITAL BUILDING as well as have heavely armed troops guarding the Capital, and White House, that would make the Russian Capital look like a public park! Then I would STOP ALL oil production and transportation, TO SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT, to make the U.S. dependant on foreign oil AGAIN, this would trigger OUT OF CONTROL INFLATION, WEAKEN THE U.S. ECONOMY, MAKE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE POOR, AND DESPERATE, AND MUCH EASIER TO CONTROL, LOOK AT VENEZUELA TO SEE WHAT IS COMING, COMRADE! If we don't pull our colective heads out of our rears, soon, and take our COUNTRY BACK IT WILL BE LOST FOR EVER EVER! GOOD LUCK TO US!
My eyes are wide open and I see the same. It does not look good. I suspect what we are seeing is planned and nothing accidental about it. Create the crisis to throw people in fear and hunger and they will accept anything to make the pain go away. The problem is that does not work as well in the US because of the 2nd Amendment which scares the crap out of politicians. Just ask Lindsey Graham that told DC police to use their guns on unarmed citizens in the Capitol. Then there is Mitch that referred to the protestors as insurrectionists just a couple of weeks ago. I get the feeling that most politicians in the DNC and GOP do not work for us. They work for their donors to include the Chinese, that funded their campaigns and now OWN them.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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It is time for Americans to be more innovative use ingenuity for a change. We've done it before and we are capable. This administration needs to start thinking about important things rather than some of the foolish trendy things like how to address a person that is confused about their sex.


Special Hen
Sep 1, 2021
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expensive yes. available???
The price hikes represent the reality of shortages in just about everything. Violence starts when shelves are empty. It is my understanding that a huge target during a national emergency due to shortages of food will be citizens they will label as food hoarders. I am still looking for the official authority that lets the government redistribute food. I am hearing that is part of the plan. If that is the case, I will be caching my critical stores. It's wise to have a plan and cache sites predetermined should the situation warrant it. I am thinking 5 gallon buckets with gamma lids, mylar bags, etc. I estimate I will need around 40 of them.

I have my spreadsheet created and automated with all inventory and coordinates for each. I also have rotation schedules and can run scenarios regarding caloric intake and it will let me know exactly what I need additionally for any period of time. This I keep encrypted. Also physical gold and silver, hardware crypto wallet, and the means to defend it. Plans are solid and reality injected in them to determine when I move to the next phase.

I am prepping bulk food storage now along with freeze dried foods. I estimate that after the caching, I can load the rest and be on the road to my bugout location in 3 hours. I doubt I will be hard pressed for time, but it is good to know the minimum required if bugging in is not an option.

We are allied with neighbors around our home and also at my bugout location for mutual support and defense. My brother's neighboring ranches are all taking this serious as well. Farmers and livestock ranchers are ALWAYS a target during shortages.

I hope I will not have to execute the plan, but I sleep better knowing we are ready if need be. The situation determines the action. To give one an indication on how fast situations develop, study how fast Venezuela went to crap. That will give you a pretty realistic general measure of how quickly things deteriorate once the public begins to panic.

If anybody will be caching, it is important to know what works, and all of the considerations. I recommend the Youtube channel of the Tactical Rifleman. One of his videos covers time tested military methods of caching:



Special Hen
Sep 1, 2021
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Wheat is up to $12.60 today, it all works out the same in the end most years. Cheaper fuel, cheaper fert, cheaper grain prices........High fuel, high fert, high grain prices. Exception this year is that most of the states wheat areas have only received about 20% of its normal rainfall, that will factor in on prices as well though.
Now is the time to stock up on bulk wheat, rice, beans, oats, sugar, etc.. Got to have it regardless for a good prepped plan. If one needs to fill shortages in their plan, now is the time to do this, in my opinion.


Special Hen
Sep 1, 2021
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It's true that we are having a bit of an issue in the US right now. But it's with everything. I feel like there are many influences, such as businesses trying to recoup losses for the year and higher minimum wages having to be paid even to the baristas. Add in the huge number of unemployed and the tax increases to cover them with shortages of everything due to lack of production and you have a perfect storm to drive us into a depression. It may not be bad, but I think it's coming.
It may not be bad or it may be the worst thing we have seen since the depression. Either way, the wise find safe harbor to weather the storm. I never heard of folks being too prepared, especially with the glaring signals we are all seeing if one knows to look. When one really needs it, it won't be available and if it is, it will cost one dearly.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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The price hikes represent the reality of shortages in just about everything. Violence starts when shelves are empty. It is my understanding that a huge target during a national emergency due to shortages of food will be citizens they will label as food hoarders. I am still looking for the official authority that lets the government redistribute food. I am hearing that is part of the plan. If that is the case, I will be caching my critical stores. It's wise to have a plan and cache sites predetermined should the situation warrant it. I am thinking 5 gallon buckets with gamma lids, mylar bags, etc. I estimate I will need around 40 of them.

I have my spreadsheet created and automated with all inventory and coordinates for each. I also have rotation schedules and can run scenarios regarding caloric intake and it will let me know exactly what I need additionally for any period of time. This I keep encrypted. Also physical gold and silver, hardware crypto wallet, and the means to defend it. Plans are solid and reality injected in them to determine when I move to the next phase.

I am prepping bulk food storage now along with freeze dried foods. I estimate that after the caching, I can load the rest and be on the road to my bugout location in 3 hours. I doubt I will be hard pressed for time, but it is good to know the minimum required if bugging in is not an option.

We are allied with neighbors around our home and also at my bugout location for mutual support and defense. My brother's neighboring ranches are all taking this serious as well. Farmers and livestock ranchers are ALWAYS a target during shortages.

I hope I will not have to execute the plan, but I sleep better knowing we are ready if need be. The situation determines the action. To give one an indication on how fast situations develop, study how fast Venezuela went to crap. That will give you a pretty realistic general measure of how quickly things deteriorate once the public begins to panic.

If anybody will be caching, it is important to know what works, and all of the considerations. I recommend the Youtube channel of the Tactical Rifleman. One of his videos covers time tested military methods of caching:

Posting your plans online for all to read kind of defeats the purpose, even if its vague on details.

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