Didn't Happen Again....

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Special Hen
Aug 9, 2010
Reaction score
Went hog hunting again today, same place as the last when I couldn't find the one I had shot. Had to deal with alot of swirling wind. Blowing strong out of the South / Southwest. Unfortunately the feeder is to the north of the stand and they usually come in from the North. I'm in the stand for roughly two hours before I finally hear some hogs. Keep trying to listen but the wind keeps gusting and after about 30 minutes of not hearing anything else I figure they scented me and moved back off into the woods. In the stand about another hour or soand the wind finally calms some, its almost dusk and finally hear hogs again. Coming down the trail headed straight towards the feeder. I watched as three stepped out, all pretty decent. They get about halfway out of the brush and stop dead cold in their tracks. The lead hog sticks its nose up in the air and I can hear it sniffing the air. At this point none have presented a decent shot. Next thing I know....BUSTED! Hog veer to the right and jump into the brush off their path, then for some reason the lead hog jumps back out across the path and heads the other way. the second hog stayed put but the third hog jumped back into the path and stopped....broadside! Pulled the trigger and the sow dropped in her tracks squeeling. The second hog ran back across the path where the first hog was. The squeeling sow kept the other two around for a few brief seconds as they didn't want to leave her. I'm tracking with my scope waiting to see if one of the re-emerge from the brush. Never happened and I look back to where the sow dropped and she's gone! Well, it didn't take a genius for me to figure out where she went.....back into the jungle where the last hog I shot went. I wait a few minutes and I hear her crash and squeel so I know shes down for good. Get down and go to where she dropped and there's blood everywhere. Good sign....so I trail the blood back into the woods. Lots of good blood at first, then a little less, then lesser....then none! By this time its already gotten dark and I'm on my hands and knees looking for the smallest sign of blood. Looked for about an hour and not seeing any at all....then a good gust of wind blew through just enough for me to catch the scent of the hog. I know shes close so I get up walk back to the South where the scent came from and there she lay, about 20 feet from me. Smoked hams sure sound good for next weekend. :)



Special Hen
Aug 9, 2010
Reaction score
Whew! I bet you woulda really been ticked if the same thing happened again! Good job and good story.
I mighta muttered a couple of bad words when the blood trail ran out. :)

Shortly after I got in my stand, I did get to watch five buzzards circling the area where I trailed the previous hog to.
:thumb:Good to see you got to recover this one. Hopefully you'll get a chance at the other ones.
Thanks Dennis. Pretty sure the other ones will be back in time. As far as the goodies I left last time, they were all gone. I set a trail cam up to watch the goodies. Sure enough a pack of hogs were there the next night. Haven't seen this pack yet in person, but there was four piglets with them.
Way to get r done. Good job and congrats.
Many thanks!

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