Jeez, I learned Pearl sucked in high school. You know a beer is truly terrible when the only beer available at a highschool pasture party is Pearl and nobody will drink it (except the guy who brought the roughly 3 or 4 cases, which I think he did simply because he felt guilty for making such a heinous mistake). It was very humorous to watch him barf repeatedly (a result of drinking Pearl I'm sure).
Lone Star...absolutely horrible!
I love Corona but Corona Light is undrinkable, its awful!
Moose Drool is way too sweet for my taste but it's definitely drinkable. Newcastle is excellent and my beer of choice to go with fish and chips, yum!
Worst beer ever was Fox Deluxe at $0.69 per SIX pack. That was in the '60s. Second would be Carlings Black Label at $2.00 a case in-country. Pearl is only a little better unless you get Pearl Light.