Don Carlton Honda "sick and tired" of "homeless" causing problems (Tulsa)

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
So question , what would you do.

Here's what I would do. I'd put up dedicated cameras at all intersections. Put in a monitoring system(s) to ticket anyone giving money/food/etc. to them. Also to arrest all the dealers dealing them drugs.

I figure when the Karens start getting a $1000 ticket for a first offense and $5000 for a second and $25,000 for a third would cut it down pretty quickly. The homeless druggies refuse legitimate help for one single reason.

Because they can.

Get rid of the enablers and the problem will fix itself. That's a cruel reality, but that's just how reality goes. When they move to other areas because intersections are too "dangerous" move the cameras there.

For those that think I'm full of it, I think I'm informed pretty well. I have first hand experience with a family member who still chooses this life style after almost 10 years. Others here probably do too or have had. :twocents:
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Special Hen
Nov 25, 2020
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You know it's a good question and I don't have a miracle solution. If so I'd probably not be doing my current job I suppose. And while I hit reply to you I suppose this responds to a few folks at once.

No one I know on any side of the table has ever talked warmly about homelessness. No side of the political aisle or economic scale. But like many issues in the country, once it becomes politicized then gfl solving it because it's another topic to squabble over while the rich rob us all dry.

Even if we were committed to solving it we'd have a major challenge because there are so many underlying reasons driving the issues and we'd have to commit lots of money to it. Committing money to treatment programs for drugs, housing assistance, job placement and training programs, reigning in healthcare costs. And to do that in an effective way we have to spend money to study what is really going to work and how to do it effectively.

Yeah I know by now I've already lost everyone, and sorry so sorry that I don't believe in putting people on a bus and making it someone else's problem. In my opinion that's just being a crappy human to knowingly punt the problem rather than taking the high ground of fixing it. This is quite literally the same as saying the elected leaders aren't doing it... They aren't, and they definitely seem to represent the public when they want to kick the problem down the road.

For my personal part I donate time and money to charities that are working toward solutions but I suppose I could do more. But until the people in the government get an absolute mandate from the people to fix the issues and make the world better then it'll get worse before better.
Not the answer time and money does nothing.. make them make their own way.. keep helping keep giving handouts never never going to change anything.


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2022
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You know it's a good question and I don't have a miracle solution. If so I'd probably not be doing my current job I suppose. And while I hit reply to you I suppose this responds to a few folks at once.

No one I know on any side of the table has ever talked warmly about homelessness. No side of the political aisle or economic scale. But like many issues in the country, once it becomes politicized then gfl solving it because it's another topic to squabble over while the rich rob us all dry.

Even if we were committed to solving it we'd have a major challenge because there are so many underlying reasons driving the issues and we'd have to commit lots of money to it. Committing money to treatment programs for drugs, housing assistance, job placement and training programs, reigning in healthcare costs. And to do that in an effective way we have to spend money to study what is really going to work and how to do it effectively.

Yeah I know by now I've already lost everyone, and sorry so sorry that I don't believe in putting people on a bus and making it someone else's problem. In my opinion that's just being a crappy human to knowingly punt the problem rather than taking the high ground of fixing it. This is quite literally the same as saying the elected leaders aren't doing it... They aren't, and they definitely seem to represent the public when they want to kick the problem down the road.

For my personal part I donate time and money to charities that are working toward solutions but I suppose I could do more. But until the people in the government get an absolute mandate from the people to fix the issues and make the world better then it'll get worse before better.
I have already seen your solution in action. Study after study, program after program. A homeless industrial complex of non profit triggers sucking down literally billions in taxpayer funds.

Seattle spent $100,000, yes one hundred thousand, on every homeless person, to the tune of 1 billion dollars. Over the past five years, Seattle has seen an explosion of homelessness, crime, and addiction. | Christopher F. Rufo, City Journal it did nothing but make the problem worse. (Though personally I feel that social degeneration is the goal of the left) This does not include the cost of police fire EMS, hospital care. Why is healthcare so expensive? A major reason is the junkies we bring back to life so they can go back and shoot junk again. They never pay. The hooker with endocarditis from shooting dope that gets a 6 month in patient antibiotic regime only to assault a nurse and leave so she can shoot up directly into her IV port. She never pays.

There are few solutions, the first is to put the problem into camps where residents Han be rehabilitated while learning the benefit of labor. The second, send them somewhere else, and the third... Well I don't think most people can stomach it.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 18, 2022
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First Avenue Bridge, Seattle Wa. A few miles from my old house and part of my daily commute. There were camps like this all over the city some going for miles.

That scene is common all up and down the west coast. Portland, Salem Eugene , Vancouver you name it .. The last verse same as the first .

its why I said don't feed the animals. I watched businesses pull up stakes and leave down town Salem wholesale due to the city being unable and unwilling to combat the homeless issue.

Further more , the nonprofits like Arches and UGM who received state money to help with Homeless services would file suit anytime the city opted to take action to try and clean up the trash and mess by clearing out encampments on side walks and in front of businesses .

Most here on this board have never had the joys of trying to wade through filth and human excrement just to enter a CVS or Starbucks or having to get the combination to the bathroom because the business uses locks to prevent the bums using the restrooms to clean up in .

Parks become overrun to the point you can't use them due to the tents and stench. Yes they wander into neighborhoods and steal anything which you don't put behind a locked door.
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Questionable Character
Special Hen
Jan 25, 2023
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You have to remember, some of these people are "professional" panhandlers. They aren't "homeless" or "druggies," they're con artists. You see these women and their kids on a corner with a sign that says "Need money to get to **********." They're families that move from city to city and state to state doing this. Many will arrive in a city, go sign up for welfare, then panhandle for hundreds of dollars a day.

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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I have already seen your solution in action. Study after study, program after program. A homeless industrial complex of non profit triggers sucking down literally billions in taxpayer funds.

Seattle spent $100,000, yes one hundred thousand, on every homeless person, to the tune of 1 billion dollars. Over the past five years, Seattle has seen an explosion of homelessness, crime, and addiction. | Christopher F. Rufo, City Journal it did nothing but make the problem worse. (Though personally I feel that social degeneration is the goal of the left) This does not include the cost of police fire EMS, hospital care. Why is healthcare so expensive? A major reason is the junkies we bring back to life so they can go back and shoot junk again. They never pay. The hooker with endocarditis from shooting dope that gets a 6 month in patient antibiotic regime only to assault a nurse and leave so she can shoot up directly into her IV port. She never pays.

There are few solutions, the first is to put the problem into camps where residents Han be rehabilitated while learning the benefit of labor. The second, send them somewhere else, and the third... Well I don't think most people can stomach it.
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