Firearms vs. Religion

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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 6, 2010
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Coweta, OK
Well Sanford would I be non religious given the following.

I don't go to church, not a fan of organized religion, I DO believe in God but I've probably read less than a chapter of the bible in my life yet my philosophy is to treat others how I like to be treated and not do anything Jesus wouldn't do.

I grew up Baptist btw.

Well beast1989, let's get some more opinions going. I agree with what you have said but for me I actually try to treat folks better than I like to be treated...I must be a tiny bit closer to being religious than you are...LOL. I grew up a Heinze 57 Christian ( till 20 rears old) though most of if was Methodist or Baptist. At 20 I married a Catholic and became very involved in the Church for over 25 years. I have read the Bible a few times and each time I did my best to understand as much of I as I could. I bought a Bible that was written in laymans terms. Frankly I did not like that particular version as it really seemed to be to much the opinion of the author than of an open minded theologian. I do believe anyone can have a wonderful fulfilling relationship with God without organized religion. God will guide you as he wants to he does not need the help of the folks in a building. The building and the folks are for social interaction. Yep, lots of folks need that. I'm just not one of them. Oh, beast1989, one thing you'll need to do if you want to do the heaven thing when you die is believe Jesus is your Lord and John 3:16, it's all in there. If you think heaven is just some kind of sales pitch to get folks to be good while they are mortal then you can save the reading time and not believe. Do you think all this will spark an opinionated response or two?


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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You guys that think the kind of hatred that motivates these bozos comes from their disagreement with our way of life or our religion(s) are missing the mark. We've been fed that excuse so much it's almost impossible to think past it. The hatred that spawns suicide, murder and mass murder goes way beyond our differences in lifestyle. I don't want to make enemies and i'm not criticizing anyone. But there's more to it than lifestyle. How many of us are willing to commit suicide to take out a few Canadians because they have socialized medicine?

Thank you....


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
You guys that think the kind of hatred that motivates these bozos comes from their disagreement with our way of life or our religion(s) are missing the mark. We've been fed that excuse so much it's almost impossible to think past it. The hatred that spawns suicide, murder and mass murder goes way beyond our differences in lifestyle.

I don't know about suicide, but I could definitely be motivated to kill some folks, and take a serious risk of death, under the right circumstances... but that would require something pretty serious, like foreigners moving in and taking my land, or providing support to those who do, or overthrowing the government in my country and installing a dictator that is a foreign puppet, or bribing and corrupting my country's government into doing the bidding of foreigners, or foreigners embargoing my cointry causing death and poverty because they have a problem with the governmemt, or invading my country, starting a war that hundreds of thousands died in and installing a foreign puppet government... it wouldn't help if I thought those foreigners were a bunch of pagans with a totally corrupt culture that they spread with them everywhere they go, but it wouldn't be my prime motivation, either.

Tyson C.

Special Hen
Nov 4, 2009
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So... I owe all of my rights to the government.

My right to live.----- cause the government has not determine the situation for abortions

My right to preserve the life of me and mine.---- do right and you have your life that you want, mess up and the jails own you. (government of some form runs the jail...right)

My right to speak my mind.---- of course you can. but the government is not going to listen......

My right to worship God.--- pending....let’s see what happens in the future, so enjoy it now.

My right to work.--- the government made it possible to maybe fund your employer to keep him going, which gives you a job and maybe some sort of retirement. remember the government did bail out certain company’s which could have greatly affected the we are told

My right to travel.--- the government of sort help fund the roads and possible bail out the automotive company you are driving.

My right to freely associate with others.--- inmates have the same right... so nothing special here

My right to spend my earnings as I see fit.--- government made it possible to fund those business and help them stay going so that you could spend at those places.....falls under the lines of people working and having jobs....or food stamps, so that they too can go spend.

My right to price my labor as the market sees fit.--- sure until Jose sells himself cheaper than you, then what. (relates to the job and spending part of above)

My right to be secure in my belongings.--- and seizure is used somehow I’m sure.

Oh wait. All of that comes from the government, apparently. Thanks for clearing that up.--- your welcome

this is in by no means an attack to you Veggie Meat. these were just my poor thoughts that went through my head at how some of these could relate.

the problem with guns and religion is most likely going to be the end of it all. you can monitor both all you want but it’s questionable if you are going to stop anything before someone squeezes the trigger, or pushes the button in the name of "their" belief. if you take it all away, people will go even more crazy....

besides you can't take away someone's "belief", but you can change the way they learn about it growing up; mold the pot (people) how you see fit, you do it with your children....right?


Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
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I do believe anyone can have a wonderful fulfilling relationship with God without organized religion. God will guide you as he wants to he does not need the help of the folks in a building. The building and the folks are for social interaction. Yep, lots of folks need that. I'm just not one of them

Thanks for the response and that is my opinion precisely. Don't get me wrong, I am a "bonafide" Christian, I just don't need a B&M location to make me so. I started going to church when I was a few months old up until I was 19yrs old. I probably missed about 2 or 3 services a year at the max during that time frame. Needless to say I have been thoroughly indoctrinated with the bible teachings, I've sung in choirs, attended Christian private schools, been baptized, accepted Lord as my savior and the whole 9 yards.

I consider myself a Christian with no further labeling or classification necessary. I don't like going to church so I don't fake it and go just because my family does. God knows the content of my heart and I feel that that's the end of it. I was curious more or less of Sanford's take on my situation since merely being just Christian is not a religion.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
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this is in by no means an attack to you Veggie Meat. these were just my poor thoughts that went through my head at how some of these could relate.

the problem with guns and religion is most likely going to be the end of it all. you can monitor both all you want but it’s questionable if you are going to stop anything before someone squeezes the trigger, or pushes the button in the name of "their" belief. if you take it all away, people will go even more crazy....

besides you can't take away someone's "belief", but you can change the way they learn about it growing up; mold the pot (people) how you see fit, you do it with your children....right?

I think you missed the point (none of those things come from the government - once you resign yourself into believing that they do, you've abandoned the very principles America was founded on), but a couple of things stood out...

The government says I can't choose when or how I live or die. The government has many obscure "rules" that lack victims that will land you in jail. The government does not let me vote for those I would like to vote for, nor does it allow them to participate in the political process even if they were to get elected. The government also discriminates by gender by not allowing an adult woman to name another adult woman (or an adult man to name another adult man) as their legal dependent and next of kin.

How did government make it possible to fund a business? Some of us bootstrap our businesses without any grants or loans to tie our hands and hold us down....

I'm pretty sure Jose sells himself cheaper than me. Meanwhile, I'm booked up for over 6 months in advance and have been like that for well over a year. I end the conversation pretty fast if one of the first questions someone asks me about my labor is "how much". That tells me they see no value in their own business, and they also tend to be the same folks that call and say "I want this Facebook-like site - that's around $1500, right?". Over 80% of the people I've been contacted by are already "sold" on my work via referrals before they even hit me up. Out of those, I have a 90% closure rate - with the other 10% being timeline issues. Too bad I can't find anyone competent that needs a job in Oklahoma to get rid of those timeline issues - side effect of working in a high-demand low-supply industry. If you want a cookie-cutter site (which most sites are), I can refer you to other people (but then again, I can roll those out in a couple-three hours). I do "edge case" work, API integrations, unique business process integrations, and massive data migrations. You know, the fun stuff that most of the cheaper folks can't get right the first time.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Coweta, OK
Thanks for the response and that is my opinion precisely. Don't get me wrong, I am a "bonafide" Christian, I just don't need a B&M location to make me so. I started going to church when I was a few months old up until I was 19yrs old. I probably missed about 2 or 3 services a year at the max during that time frame. Needless to say I have been thoroughly indoctrinated with the bible teachings, I've sung in choirs, attended Christian private schools, been baptized, accepted Lord as my savior and the whole 9 yards.

I consider myself a Christian with no further labeling or classification necessary. I don't like going to church so I don't fake it and go just because my family does. God knows the content of my heart and I feel that that's the end of it. I was curious more or less of Sanford's take on my situation since merely being just Christian is not a religion.

All good points in deed. RickN makes a good point too by choosing firearms as a religion. A really good idea for others too. Be a good person and treat others well, and believe n God, and you're a Christian in my book. I know three people that have not set foot in a church in over 30 years, except for weddings and funerals, and there's not one person in this forum that after meeting them would think they are anything but the best church attending Christians they ever meet. Sadly some folks are appalled by non church going people. It's silly to think that way.

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