Free speech, Garland Tx.

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Special Hen
Jan 16, 2011
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Like I said before, go find a mosque, walk in and start shouting bout how stupid Allah ya won't do it more than once.[/QUOTE]

Lurker, I guess you don't see, that you are making the point for your opposition. Go down to the Church of Christ, the Catholic church, or any other Christian Denomination and start insulting their faith. You might find yourself in jail for trespassing, but I bet you will walk away alive with your head. You are admitting that Muslims can't be held to the same standards as everyone else in America, and that you will be putting your life in danger. Your free speech rights, do not give me the right to harm you.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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It's about provoking a threat, apparently there is no responsibility for the person doing the provoking because the threat was dangerous regardless.

Transmitted via Tactical Telecommunications Device

That is correct. It's not up to me to control my actions so as to not anger you. It's up to you to control yourself.


Mar 2, 2010
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Edmond, OK
“If it weren't for guys like me there wouldn't be a country … Because of my service and others like me, you can run your mouth

EXACTLY! You served to protect the free speech rights of Louis Farrakhan, WBC and Pamela Geller. You may not like what they say but they have the right to say it.

“First being, if something is distasteful and may invoke violence far beyond what it should … “

When you took an oath to defend our country and our rights, did it say the right of free speech was limited to what you found distasteful or provocative? Not so much, eh? You and Coded Dude need a remedial civics class.

“ …perhaps those wanting to pizz of Muslims should picket in front of a mosque or something.”

In 2012 when people were peacefully protesting in front of a Mosque in Dearborn, a Muslim ran nine people over. So using your logic, should people forget their right to assemble and their rights to free speech because some Muslims are bullies or because someone is scared?

“We don't do it to our beloved Amish or 7th day adventist or Mormons.”

No (genius). And we don’t see other religions killing people the way Islam does around the world to promote their faith, do we?


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Restricting.... Lol. No, say what you want just don't come crying when the repercussions of your unrestricted free speech caused you to lose a loved one. Being prepared for violence and provoking violence are two different things. I simply prefer not to provoke, I think it is reckless.

Transmitted via Tactical Telecommunications Device

Make sure all the women in your family voluntarily restrict their clothing choices. If they recklessly choose not to cover their head and arms or wear anything shorter than ankle length dresses when in public, do not come crying when they are assaulted. Check out the situation in Scandinavia with the assaults on "immodestly dressed" women by "immigrants".

Please stop and think about the foolishness of advocating appeasement in the hopes that unreasonable radicals will stop demanding anything short of total submission to their religion.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
Restricting.... Lol. No, say what you want just don't come crying when the repercussions of your unrestricted free speech caused you to lose a loved one. Being prepared for violence and provoking violence are two different things. I simply prefer not to provoke, I think it is reckless.

Transmitted via Tactical Telecommunications Device

Geller did absolutely nothing to provoke anyone.


Aug 14, 2012
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Like I said before, go find a mosque, walk in and start shouting bout how stupid Allah ya won't do it more than once.

Lurker, I guess you don't see, that you are making the point for your opposition. Go down to the Church of Christ, the Catholic church, or any other Christian Denomination and start insulting their faith. You might find yourself in jail for trespassing, but I bet you will walk away alive with your head. You are admitting that Muslims can't be held to the same standards as everyone else in America, and that you will be putting your life in danger. Your free speech rights, do not give me the right to harm you.[/QUOTE]

And Gellars or anyone else's right to free speech ends when they put other people's lives in danger.

Right are individual "things".....when a group, such as Gellars contestants, endangers those in the community, her rights cease to a certain extent. If she wants to invoke her right to free speech cool, let her draw lil allah cartoons, then if she wins stupid prizes, it's on her......but if her cartoon contest provokes a bomb blast that kills hundreds near the the show, she has overstepped her bounds.

If her and others like her, provoke mooslims to the extent our Nation goes to war for attacks, that's kinda where her rights stop and the Nation's rights begin.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
Mr Wood, you're lumping all mooslims in a bunch to fit your narrative. We call that painting with a big brush. The technique works, it's a tried n true method of convincing simple minded folks....but there's a few of us that's on to that.

Convince me that Muhammad Ali or Kareem Abdul Jabbar will blow me up for drawing a picture of Allah and you'll have a valid argument.

I didn't lump them into a bunch. They did that themselves when they chose to be a Muslim and follow the dictates of Islam. They painted themselves. I plied no technique other than the truth.

AS for Muhammad Ali or Kareem Abdul Jabbar, does it have to be blow job? How about if they just shoot you, or carve your head off - does that count? You'll have to ask them yourself. I'll say this, though: Neither one of them do or did nothing to stop their fellow Muslims from carrying out terrorists acts.



Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
EXACTLY! You served to protect the free speech rights of Louis Farrakhan, WBC and Pamela Geller. You may not like what they say but they have the right to say it.

“First being, if something is distasteful and may invoke violence far beyond what it should … “

When you took an oath to defend our country and our rights, did it say the right of free speech was limited to what you found distasteful or provocative? Not so much, eh? You and Coded Dude need a remedial civics class.

“ …perhaps those wanting to pizz of Muslims should picket in front of a mosque or something.”

In 2012 when people were peacefully protesting in front of a Mosque in Dearborn, a Muslim ran nine people over. So using your logic, should people forget their right to assemble and their rights to free speech because some Muslims are bullies or because someone is scared?

“We don't do it to our beloved Amish or 7th day adventist or Mormons.”

No (genius). And we don’t see other religions killing people the way Islam does around the world to promote their faith, do we?

First lil buddy, I didn't join out of patriotism and secondly, I never took an oath, missed both swearing in ceremonies. My patriotism has nothing to do with this conversation, really.

However, yes I defended free speech and I defended freedom of isn't any different than the other. But again, this conversation isn't about what free speech is.

Its about what Gellar and a art contest did to provoke an attack.

Look if you wanna defend Gellar, go ahead. You wanna argue about free speech, cool. But I ain't gonna banter back n forth with you unless you can give 1 legitimate argument on how Gellars contest did anything but serve a hateful purpose and almost got lotsa people killed.

We don't need or want what France got a taste of. We don't want another 9-11 type event. We don't want more wars.

Treat every person with dignity as individuals and the world will get along fine.

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