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Dec 13, 2012
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Deep in the Creek County woods.
My God exists in my heart and my mind. My God gives me comfort and hope. My God told me to not to judge you other sumbitches, because he has that covered.

Big 'Un...We disagree on several things, and I was gonna stay outta this thread, but you nailed my sentiments exactly on this subject and in a most entertaining way...tnx!


Special Hen
May 13, 2010
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I think religion is a good thing, the teachings of most are good for the human race, ten commandments is a pretty good example of how we should all live our lives.

However I firmly believe religions exist simply because man is afraid of dying, just can't accept the idea of when it's over it's over.

I've gone back and forth throughout my life toying with this very notion.
The last few years I've been good with "God" the last few weeks I've began to question the existence and not because of anything that had happened or any unfortunate event.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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I think religion is a good thing, the teachings of most are good for the human race, ten commandments is a pretty good example of how we should all live our lives.

However I firmly believe religions exist simply because man is afraid of dying, just can't accept the idea of when it's over it's over.

I don't disagree with any of this. However, people can learn altruistic behavior without religion and throughout history, there's been a significant amount of evil committed in the name of religion.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I love it. "What, me? Stir the pot? I was just asking a simple, honest question." lol

People are funny. And my post about Jesse Venturism made people think I was mad? lol

See, most of these posts here I have read as counter but pointed, calm and respectful from the "Christian" side... yet the "non-Christian" side (yes, I know, I'm making up labels for convenience' sake) have been pointing out from the get-go how those posts are the opposite - saying that we're mad, defensive, argumentative, etc.

Nothing's going to change, people... stop using THIS board to stir religious debate. We KNOW you don't respect religion, or Christianity, or God, or even your fellow members of faith - because you think we're stupid or delusional. Ok, cool, fine. Stop trying to push the issue. Live and let live? Why must we re-hash these same old tired positions time after time after time, just to stir forum activity? Are we that desperate these days for any kind of passion in our interactions? I mean, really.... come on. There's even a religious/non-religious section of THIS board, and countless other theology/religion/whatever boards out there, and yet we must STILL try to stir controversy on THIS board? On the MAIN page, where this has been done ad nauseum and the board owner has made it clear he doesn't want this kind of thing degenerating into argument time and time again???

I suppose, if you just can't help yourself, then carry on. <sigh>.

And no, I'm not mad, I'm not being a jerk, I'm just pointing out the absolutely totally obvious, to me - that this is the same thing as always, and that no one is genuinely seeking anything about religion or God - merely seeking, if anything, the means to understand their fellow board members' delusional nature. That's how I see it. Doesn't matter to me - my faith and life isn't based on anyone else's acceptance or understanding. I've seen more death and suffering than most on this board, I would expect, but that has dissuaded my faith in no way.

Oh well. Carry on, there's nothing here for me, sadly.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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I've gone back and forth throughout my life toying with this very notion.
The last few years I've been good with "God" the last few weeks I've began to question the existence and not because of anything that had happened or any unfortunate event.

I feel this way most of the time. Sometimes things happen so perfectly it feels like it has to be more than coincidence. Then you look around at everything else and it appears that even if God exists, he is absent and we are left to our own devices. Then there are scientifically provable things that don't jive with the timeline laid forth in the bible. Namely the age of the earth and existence of dinosaurs come to mind.

It's funny that sooneratc says that science has changed over the years. Science hasn't changed but our understanding of physics, biology, astrology, etc has changed. Those things have always been the same, it's just that we haven't always understood them. Not that we totally understand things now but we learn more every day. The church over history has fought against scientific discoveries that have ultimately proven to be truths time and time again.

Ultimately I don't hold the actions of man against the idea of a creator. Religion has been manipulated and continues to be manipulated to further earthly goals by various groups across the world. Wish I knew the answer but I don't. Just live your life with respect for your fellow man and if there is an afterlife, hope there is a kind, forgiving and loving God. If there is not, it doesn't matter anyways as you won't know the difference.


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Jun 16, 2009
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I know GOD is real, I have been witness to miracles that he has given to me and my granddaughter ! Nothing else could have made these things happen.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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If you're looking for proof that God exists, you're probably not going to find it unless you want to believe. Believing is God is having faith, as in, you must have faith that God exists. I doubt that anyone of faith has never questioned the existence of God at some point in their lives. I struggled back in 2009 when both of my parents were battling cancer on opposite ends of the turnpike, but I came to grips with the fact that God never promised us euphoric lives here on Earth. When they passed I found comfort in knowing that they were free of pain and enjoying their euphoric afterlives. Sure it sounds hokey, but hokey gives me comfort and hope.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2010
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Norman, Oklahoma
Two of the reasons I believe in God are the existence of beauty and the power of love.

I agree with the power of love 100%. I would want to follow a God and religion that is all about love!!!! I just don't see the love though. I see hate and condemnation. Even in this thread. So many religious folks take my questions as a threat. I asked a question earlier about someone that is married. His wife is the same religion as him. His wife loses faith. Is his wife going to hell? The person says yes I would believe in a God that would send my wife to hell. That doesn't sound very loving. Would all religious people say that? Would your God force you to make that decision? If so, is heaven really heaven, or is it hell. If the person you love more than anyone is going to hell for eternal torture, and you forsake her? Is that love?
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