Gun Suggestions for the Wife?

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Special Hen
Dec 7, 2007
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My wife's first gun was a G19, she shot it well, just a little wide for her. Tried several, she finally settled on a Khar K9, and loves it, because it is a single stack 9mm. It is much more comfortable in her hand.


Special Hen
May 13, 2010
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Hiding from all you crazy people!!!
I just bought my wife a 3" XD40 today. I had to her look at the a few different guns expecting her to want the XDM 3.8 9mm but she like the 3" better and they didn't have it in a 9mm. I was a little worried about it being a .40 in a smaller gun but with the mag grip extension it has a full size grip so I decided to go for it... I Figured if she couldn't handle it I would just take it and get her something else. Or should I say was hoping that would be the case :rolleyes2
Anyway, we ran straight to the range and she put almost 100 down it in no time. I also had her shoot my Glock 17 (9pm) just for comparison and she said hers didn't feel any worse. She wasn't scared of her XD and wanted to keep shooting it. She said she felt comfortable with it, even though the paper didn't show it. She isn't a very big chick and just beginning with pistols, so if she can handle the 3" XD40 I would deffinatly Look into the 3" or 3.8" XD 9mm for sure.


Special Hen
Feb 3, 2009
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I have a class designed to answer your question that I have been teaching for about three years. Firearms For Women is a class where we go over the fundamentals of shooting a gun: safety, what does caliber mean and the differences in calibers, how to hold a gun, sight, stance, follow thru, we discuss some self defense issues and talk about why some guns would be good to carry and other guns will make good house guns.

I supply about 14 handguns of different sizes and calibers and i teach women which size of guns fit them and which ones don't and why.

Women have a harder time finding a gun that fits them because many times their hands are smaller than a mans and women usually have less strength vs a man. This usually makes recoil more of an issue. I work with women and teach them the correct stance that will help with recoil.

My next class is next Saturday, Feb 18th, 2012 from 8 am - 2 pm, 6 hours. Total cost is $90 and this includes shooting about 14 diff guns and the ammo. We also shoot a home defense shotgun if there is time.

Give me a call if you would like or e-mail me at [email protected]. More info at my web site


Special Hen
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
Make sure she can pull back the slide if you get a semi auto. My wife didnt have the strength to pull it back and she did not like loading and unloading a magazine. It was an xd 9. I traded it for a ruger gp100 and she loves it. She calls it "her" gun (although I carry when hunting). Last week my sister called and asked if she could borrow it. It seems the semi auto 380 that my BIL bought her she didn't like and wanted to try a simpler revolver. She didnt like having to pull back the slide and she didnt like the snappy recoil. She fell in love with it and I told her now she would have to find her own because mine (my wifes)wasnt for sale.

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