How do I make her understand?

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
We rented a movie called the "innocent man"
In the first 30 seconds of the movie, there was a knock on the door of a typical American family, and upon the dad opening the door after a knock, a guy whacked him with a ball bat three time rendering him semi-unconsious. The two guys zip tied his hands and feet, duct taped his mouth, and when his wife came screaming in from the kitchen and jumped in to defend her husband, the worst of the bad guys grabbed her and slammed her into the fireplace causing her to be incapacitated.
After zip tying her and duct taping her as well. The baddest of the two got on top of the guy and stuck him with a knife about 5" long, real slow. The look on his face was believalble. Then the Baddest guy went to the wife, and stuck her in the same place, and laughed all about it.
The baddest guy then rolled the lady over on her stomach and proceeded to rape her. The 3-4 yr old child witnessed all of this.
It never went on from there but it was an extremely brutal incident.
It left that scene and went to to courtroom where we learned the dad survived but the mom and daughter died. We have to assume the worst as the movie didn't elaborate on the fate of the daughter.

My wife has always relied on me for her security.
I played this back three times showing the first 30 seconds where both adults were incapicated because of their lack of security and told her this is probably how it comes down in real life..
I continue to talk to her about her need to be able to take over the fight, or at least know how to reload some mags, or something.


Special Hen
Apr 25, 2009
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You sure you don't mean "Law Abiding Citizen"?

Sorry, I wish I had the answer to your question. I have the same problem. I can't figure out how she just doesn't get it.


Special Hen
Oct 24, 2008
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You sure you don't mean "Law Abiding Citizen"?

Sorry, I wish I had the answer to your question. I have the same problem. I can't figure out how she just doesn't get it.

I agree with Wall, I recall that scene but it was in Law Abiding Citizen.

As far as your wife, maybe it is a comfort level thing or a little firearm intimidation. Have you tried getting her to shoot for "fun" instead of making it about life and death? Get her something that has very low recoil and is very simple to operate. Have her shoot with you just to spend some time together. Let her shoot at the distance she wants and don't teach her anything beyond basic range/gun safety. Once she becomes familiar, and more importantly comfortable, with a gun she might change some of her opinions.


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
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cold, dark
They just arent hardwired for it like we are. No amount of explaining will help.

My business and work takes me away from home so I'm gone out on the road alot. I leave my wife at home with guns that I 'think' that she could handle if she had to- a loaded and ready to shoot 12gg shotgun with #00 buckshot,a loaded and ready to shoot .38 revolver(fully loaded speedloaders and speedstrips are nearby, but theyre basically there for me as I know she wouldnt be able to reload...),and a loaded and ready after-she-takes-it-off-safety semi auto rifle. But,I think I have the best chance of them making it if my 13 yr old son and/or 17 yr old daughter jump in and take over because the wife I know for a fact would just freeze up and freak out.

Thats why I take my kids out to shoot as much as I can and then they clean the guns afterwards so that they know them inside out. They know about safety,have taken courses,and theyre actually pretty good shots too. They are both involved in archery and on their school teams(daughter placed high in her division last year in Louisville at Nationals) and they get alot of Airsoft time in too. Thankfully my FIL also spends alot of time with them out hunting and fishing and training them too. He is ex military,lifetime NRA member,and a born and bred Okie gun nut.

The wife is only like 5'4"x 135,but she was raised hunting and fishing right along side her brothers,and she used to even go shoot with us too. I bought her .380 and .22 semi autos and she used to shoot them,along with the .38 wheelie. But now doesnt even want to hold a gun in her hand. I can understand too. Her little brother committed suicide a few years ago with a 9mm. She hasnt fully recovered from it yet. She may never. Thats fine. I am sensitive about it, so I dont force the issue. I have her .380 and .22 put away for the time when she wants to go shoot again. I hope though that if it came down to it though she could pull her self together and if she could get to one of them be able to protect herself,her kids and her home. Hope.


Special Hen
Dec 21, 2008
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Another thread is pitching a "Women Only" handgun training day at Tulsa gun Club. Its not a CCW class. Its range time with instructors. Get her to go.



Special Hen
Aug 5, 2008
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Is she willing to listen and learn? Send her to TDSA they have an advanced CCW class that's hands on and physical or a ladies only fireams class, USSA has something similiar as well I believe. They're both pricey, As much as I want another rifle class I am going to try and do the advanced CCW with my wife this year.


Special Hen
Jan 21, 2009
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My wife grew up having fired a shotgun...and she is quite good at it but it was only target type stuff.

When I met and married her, she kind of laughed a bit at my knife, light, gun love. When she first handled a pistol, she was as nervous as can be and just kind of looked at it like it was going to jump up and bite her.

Slowly I got her to handle them, learn how to check that they are unloaded, went to gun shows and all that. She finally agreed to get a handgun of her own...we went to the firing range and the rest is history.

She did not want to leave the range and kept demanding repeat trips. She has paid attention to the news, she has realized the importance of being able to defend herself and has developed the proper mindset.

She has had her permit for about a year now, carried (currently) a Ruger 9mm, is 100% familiar with it, perfect safe gun handling and can blast the 10 ring out of every target at 50 feet.

It never did much good at the very beginning to simply talk about self defense. But just having it start as a fun activity at the range worked...the rest followed along in short order.

I would suggest you forget all about movies and explaining real world danger. Just take her to a range, as she improves and is able to put more rounds on target I bet she will really start to like it just for fun...the rest will come in time.

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