Illegal immigrants working in the US

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Special Hen
May 11, 2009
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I use to have a problem with it , now i just look at it as they do the jobs i will not do. I gave up on caring about illegal aliens. Not worth it energy nore the time. It will never change and only get worse, so embrace the present and up coming future.

Good Friday!!!

This is actually a good summation of how I feel. Personally, I don't care. I made sure I worked hard and put myself in a position that cant be outsourced or turned over to an illegal. The whole issue is moot. They aren't destroying the economy, if anything, they are one of the factors its still holding on. People who think that NDAs are destroying the American economy have a very weak understanding of economics, logistics and workforce. As I said earlier, this is usually because the high position within the workforce they can mentally handle would be chief crayon eater.

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
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Tulsa Area
Nothing Westboro about it. Just people expressing their frusturations with the illegals pouring over the border and scabbing jobs.

Isn't that what the Westboro Baptist Church does? They sound a lot like this:

They should all (Mexicans-Europeans-Aisians-Islanders-all of em) be incarcerated for 6 months first offense-2yrs second-5yrs third-etc


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2007
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Yeah, let's compare starting points and incomes and see who was smart and wise enough to come from nothing and do well.

Yep lawyers sure work the system created by them for their own prosperity. Just like a divorce it's in your best interest to keep it s stirred up until you've got the working mans money. Seems you have a dog in the fight to me unless your representing illegals for free. It's similar to the old black leaders from the 60's instead of trying to make everyone equals keep it stirred up for money and power. If they had half a brain they'd see they could go down in history as great as MLK if they did what was right over what benefits them.

Mexico is a mess by it's own making and corruption. You could argue that Mexico is a war zone and these people need help. I can respect that. Some claim we have FEMA camps that sounds like it could house the distressed as a partial solution. As far as becoming a citizen it shouldn't cost an arm and a leg (again taken by the lawyers). Screen them to keep out the people that can't or won't earn a living and give them citizenship. We don't need a bunch of lawyers screwing the poor IMO.

I've been fortunate being employed over 50 I know quite a few of my ex-workers that were laid off having a hard time finding a job even at the Walmart. They are either over qualified or the employers feel they need a young cheap labor to compete or fill their pockets with booty. Taking advantage of the Mexicans is so 19th century when employers paid starving wages to women and children to work dangerous work in the mines.

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
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Tulsa Area
Every single American commits AT LEAST 3 felonies per day without even knowing it. When you live in a proto-police-state, there is no distinguishing between a criminal with selfish intent and an honest person seeking an honest living.

Eventually you have to stop drawing lines and realize that when it comes down to it the majority of illegal immigrants who come here to raise a family in a safe and prosperous place are on our side.

This. If the only crime you've committed was escaping Mexico illegally (and entering the US illegally - due in part to the massive amount of time/effort it takes to get here legally from Mexico), then is that any worse than someone born here who commits at least one crime of an equal degree of severity?

I still say that for every person born here who has been on welfare and not contributing to society in any way for more than a year or so... we deport them and grant the nearest non-trouble-causing illegal immigrant citizen-status in the former welfare junkie's place. We start to collect taxes on someone earning money the right way in our country, and we're relieved of the burden of someone who was leaching (while the leach learns a powerful lesson). Everybody wins!


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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oklahoma city
I'm older and still have "pride" in the USA...the obvious difference between someone committing a crime and the illegal continues his crime....they have 15 million jobs that rightly belong to citizens of the US...I fault no one for seeking a better life...its the citizens of this country that reward them all in the name of more money/lower wages....its their fault and they should be held accountable...I could never say"come on in I'll deport a native son to make room for you"


Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
This. If the only crime you've committed was escaping Mexico illegally (and entering the US illegally - due in part to the massive amount of time/effort it takes to get here legally from Mexico), then is that any worse than someone born here who commits at least one crime of an equal degree of severity?

I still say that for every person born here who has been on welfare and not contributing to society in any way for more than a year or so... we deport them and grant the nearest non-trouble-causing illegal immigrant citizen-status in the former welfare junkie's place. We start to collect taxes on someone earning money the right way in our country, and we're relieved of the burden of someone who was leaching (while the leach learns a powerful lesson). Everybody wins!

That is a very naive perspective.

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
I'm older and still have "pride" in the USA...the obvious difference between someone committing a crime and the illegal continues his crime....they have 15 million jobs that rightly belong to citizens of the US...I fault no one for seeking a better life...its the citizens of this country that reward them all in the name of more money/lower wages....its their fault and they should be held accountable...I could never say"come on in I'll deport a native son to make room for you"

There are plenty of those native sons who are sucking the welfare tit (while earning illegal money) who are doing quite a bit more damage to our country than illegal aliens. They've even started voting recently because they figured out how to keep that gravy train rolling. I've got just as much pride in America as the next guy, but people who don't do a thing to better society, while at the same time doing damage to it illegally are not (in my opinion) Americans. They're barnacles that attached themselves to the bottom of the ship and won't do anything unless you force their hand.

Obviously getting statistics on how many illegal immigrants are actually doing everything right (other than being here illegally) is near impossible. Also impossible to get hold of are the statistics regarding welfare abusers (though drug-testing is starting to turn up more than a small portion who are not using welfare for good purposes).

Unfortunately, at the end of the day, no argument about how many illegal aliens are part of drug-cartels or other criminal activities (other than being here illegally) is more valid than any that says we've got more than our fair share of people not willing to do any work (including the work that illegal aliens do).


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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There are plenty of those native sons who are sucking the welfare tit (while earning illegal money) who are doing quite a bit more damage to our country than illegal aliens. They've even started voting recently because they figured out how to keep that gravy train rolling. I've got just as much pride in America as the next guy, but people who don't do a thing to better society, while at the same time doing damage to it illegally are not (in my opinion) Americans. They're barnacles that attached themselves to the bottom of the ship and won't do anything unless you force their hand.

Obviously getting statistics on how many illegal immigrants are actually doing everything right (other than being here illegally) is near impossible. Also impossible to get hold of are the statistics regarding welfare abusers (though drug-testing is starting to turn up more than a small portion who are not using welfare for good purposes).

Unfortunately, at the end of the day, no argument about how many illegal aliens are part of drug-cartels or other criminal activities (other than being here illegally) is more valid than any that says we've got more than our fair share of people not willing to do any work (including the work that illegal aliens do).

I can't decide whether barnacles or ticks is a more apt description for those who aren't willing to lift a finger to help their community or country.

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