Immigration Reform Looming

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Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
Billy bob:

I was replying to some poster's "black people are dangerous" statements. It is ridiculous to somehow state that black people were in some way responsible for slavery in America. Yes, black tribes sold other black people. Blah blah blah

And no one is altering the narrative. What gets me about you is that you speak with such certainty, as if yours is the only truth. Additionally, your tired old song about how "the courts and lawyers" are the boogeymen responsible for all the world's ills is just tedious and old.


I agree with you in saying that it is ridiculous to say that black people were responsible for slavery in America - if one is referring to the slaves themselves. And, while there were no doubt some slave owning American blacks, surely that was a very small percentage of the slave-holding population. However, blacks and Moors in Africa were certainly complicit in the Euro-American slave trade and had no problem selling what we would call their "own people" (they did not see it that way) to European slave traders.
Its a bit more than a "blah-blah-blah" piece of historical fact and is important when addressing those who preach historical race guilt from a black-liberation perspective. However, like all historical facts, it has a context and without the context the facts are either misunderstood or exaggerated in importance.


Apr 13, 2010
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Unfortunately, you'll get not much. However, what people are getting now is pumped up by the illegals who contribute but never take out.

That's what you think.... who pays the school taxes? By the way go visit your local ER and tell me what you see and that's right they skip out on 99% of the bills. Who pays for that? That's right, Me and you...

JB, I really like the new you but stop thinking about your back pocket...


Mar 20, 2013
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New Castle
Unfortunately, you'll get not much. However, what people are getting now is pumped up by the illegals who contribute but never take out.

So California is not broke?

THink of the size of families, Education, feeding, food stamps, wic, welfare, free lunches at school and so forth. I am sure they take out FAR MORE Than they put in and that is before we even get to the candidates ( liberal gun grabbers) they will support once they can vote.

The problem is no one counts or factors anchor babies and their costs into this. These are "American citizens" that many times are good people who contribute and probably just as often don't. SO I am sure we get the raw deal in the end.

Just like Harry Reid likes to talk about dreamers who are valedictorian and so forth. I am sure for every one of them there is at least 1 average student, 1 gang banger, and three people on the dough. That is not a good ratio to me. Consider that the national council of la raza stated ( not for the reason I use the stat) that 40% of all wic recipients are latino. NOw they don't differentiate between illegal, legal and anchor baby, but I am sure illegal aliens and anchor babies are munching a good amount of our tax dollars.

Can those of us who are very anti-illegal and those somewhat sympathetic agree at least that part of the problem with illegals is the concern of who they will support when they vote and those politicians curtail our gun rights? That is my biggest concern with amnesty right after breaking the country and further diluting our nations culture since its seems modern latino illegal immigrants, anchor babies and some legal latino immigrants seem to be the group that is least willing to try to assimilate.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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For the record I never said Blacks were responsible for the slave trade, what I pointed out in response to the assertions of why some blacks have resentments is that there were as many if not more white slaves than black, that blacks participated in owning slaves, and that slavery in America largely originated out of other issues than race.

Also for the record I believe slavery for any reason is wrong.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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Appears it is.

Requirements in Senate Bill 744 for mandatory worker IDs and electronic verification remove the right of citizens to take employment and "give" it back as a privilege only when proper proof is presented and the government agrees. Such systems are inimical to a free society and are costly to the economy and treasury.

Any citizen wanting to take a job would face the regulation that his or her digitized high-resolution passport or driver's license photo be collected and stored centrally in a Department of Homeland Security Citizenship and Immigration Services database.

The pictures in the national database would then need to be matched against the job applicant's government-issued "enhanced" ID card, using a Homeland Security-mandated facial-recognition "photo tool." Only when those systems worked perfectly could the new hire take the job.

Immigrant employees would probably have to get biometric (based on body measurements like fingerprint scans and digital images) worker ID cards. Social Security cards may soon become biometric as well. Any citizen or immigrant whose digital image in the Homeland Security databank did not match the one embedded in their government-issued ID would be without a job and benefits.

Yet, citizens have a constitutional right to take employment. Since the Butchers Union Co. decision in 1884, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that "the right to follow any of the common occupations of life is an inalienable right ... under the phrase 'pursuit of happiness.' " This right is a large ingredient in the civil liberties of each citizen.

The digital ID requirements in S. 744 eliminate that fundamental right to take employment and transform it into a privilege. This constitutional guarantee could in effect be taken away by bureaucratic rules or deleted by a database mistake

Or worse, like not being in the right party or church, or not holding the "right" opinions and beliefs, never happened in history before right?

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