Invitations from OKF

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Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
The lack thereof is why I left. And I believe, most of the others left for the same reason.

All the smoke blowing on how things have been addressed and changed seems a bit foul.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I don't really get the point of joining another forum whose members are the same people as in this forum.
Seems the only difference is that "over there" you get to inflate dickishness/sarcasm/confusion/inaccuracies etc.etc. etc. in the pit ..... if you want, since it is not mandatory.

Seems perfect for those that think that there is not enough of that here??!!

Oh! I forgot the boobies.... free tits for the boys... but what happens when some of the ladies (or male sword fighters) make a naughty thread for themselves???? something to think about....

There will be a "christian" section here for the sensible folks that feel that their religion was/is ridiculed in GD. Must not be the same folks that indulge in the services offered by the pit.

My guess is that I am one of those people that offended some of the sensible christians here with my talk of evolution, moral values of atheists etc etc.
So answer me this...
Why then would I go "over there" and express my opinions using more "direct" words. Seems like a terrible thing to do for me, a way for me to piss off those christians I haven't managed to piss off here.
So, I think the best course of action is for me to stay here and be polite when I have a differing opinion.

Who knows, I probably wouldn't get permission to join the pit anyways.


Nobody's asking you to go "over there", so why would anyone need to give you reasons to do so? I don't think anyone needs to be convinced. If you want to go, if you're curious, if you want another place to talk that is a bit more... oh... free-spirited, then do so. If not, don't. Simple enough.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Shrinking Violet here with a couple of things to say ... rumor has it I'm biased, though, so take it with a grain of salt ... just know, that as a moderator on BOTH sites, I have done my best to enforce the rules of each site (which, btw, are not so vastly different as written) the way the owners of those boards wanted the rules enforced. Obviously, those two owners had vastly different styles of enforcement methods.

Now that both boards are owned by the same person, there are hurt feelings on both boards and more than a little concern that both boards are gonna change drastically. There are hurt feelings on both boards about the way this thing was handled. The bottom line is there are hurt feelings on both boards because the members of both boards feel there are gonna be changes that will make "their board" more like "the other place" and they don't want that.

I have watched OSA change over the last couple of years. I have watched OKF do the same. An invitation was extended here to come check out OKF if you had not done so already. I can't think of a single person who is over at OKF who doesn't already know about OSA so it seems like it would have been ... oh, I dunno, kinda stupid to extend the same invitation over there ... OKF is not for everybody. If you don't like it don't, no harm, no foul, just don't go back. Same thing applies to members there who stick their heads in the door here from time to time. Don't like what you see? Go back to the other place.

I'm not privy to any plan. I dunno what changes are gonna be instituted, other than what JB has posted about on both boards. What I do know is that it might be prudent for the members of both boards to step back, take a breath and wait to see what happens before they go off the deep end ...

I found OSA because some under-age kid from a foreign country came here and posted about what an uneducated racist I was. That thread is long gone, but the older guys will tell you that people who didn't know me were perfectly happy to dog-pile on, along with the people who did know me and didn't like me for whatever reason. Sometimes I'm not a very likeable person. I'm blunt to a fault. I tend to not take people seriously after they get so mad the name-calling starts or when they decide to let me know just how little they think of me and my opinion ... especially after I've respectfully listened to the damned drivel they just spewed trying to convince me they are the Second Coming ... I've lost track of the derogatory things that have been said about me here over the years. There was a running list there for a while, lol. HEY!! I wonder where that thread is ... we could probably add to it now! :D

My point is, that was an awful long time ago and I'm still here because I've developed REAL friendships with people behind the keyboards. Same reason I'm over at the other place, too. I have REAL friendships with people behind the keyboards over there, too.

There are so many guys here that don't post anymore that I am reminded of frequently for one reason or another, that I have such fond memories of. They were smart, witty, sometimes drunk and always vocal, just like you guys now ... sometimes they shared too much, just like you guys ... sometimes they fought with each other over the dumbest things in the world. Things that didn't amount to a hill of beans ... things that are important in our society but there was absolutely nothing in this world they could do about it, but argue their point with "that *******" on OSA, just like you guys ... I still get PMs from time to time from guys who have moved on but just want to say "hi" and see how things are going.

Last week I PMed a member who has not posted here in probably a year or two now. I didn't know if he would even see it, but there was another member who had a situation I knew he could help with. Guess what? He answered my PM and was more than willing to take a minute of his time to help someone he "knew" only as a screen name on an internet gun forum.

Take a minute and give JB a chance to get his plan in place. You may not like they way he has handled the roll-out but seriously guys -- WTF makes you think he owes you any kind of explanation at all? Honestly, it's his money on the line, not yours. Neither of these sites are PPV, ya know?? Anyway, who knows, you might actually like the changes.

Ok ... that's it ... long way of saying stop bitching and give it a minute. If nothing else it'll help your blood pressure ... besides Bristol Palin needs you to weigh in on her obviously unplanned pregnancy ... :wink2: As the mother of THREE completely unplanned pregnancies I can tell you it's a blessing regardless of what anyone else thinks about it. Regardless of the circumstances, regardless of what her religious convictions are, regardless of whatever personal failings she might have committed, that baby is a blessing ... and a joy ... and I wish her and her little family, regardless of how it became to be, all the best.
Last edited:


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Shrinking Violet here with a couple of things to say ... rumor has it I'm biased, though, so take it with a grain of salt ... just know, that as a moderator on BOTH sites, I have done my best to enforce the rules of each site (which, btw, are not so vastly different as written) the way the owners of those boards wanted the rules enforced. Obviously, those two owners had vastly different styles of enforcement methods.

Now that both boards are owned by the same person, there are hurt feelings on both boards and more than a little concern that both boards are gonna change drastically. There are hurt feelings on both boards about the way this thing was handled. The bottom line is there are hurt feelings on both boards because the members of both boards feel there are gonna be changes that will make "their board" more like "the other place" and they don't want that.

I have watched OSA change over the last couple of years. I have watched OKF do the same. An invitation was extended here to come check out OKF if you had not done so already. I can't think of a single person who is over at OKF who doesn't already know about OSA so it seems like it would have been ... oh, I dunno, kinda stupid to extend the same invitation over there ... OKF is not for everybody. If you don't like it don't, no harm, no foul, just don't go back. Same thing applies to members there who stick their heads in the door here from time to time. Don't like what you see? Go back to the other place.

I'm not privy to any plan. I dunno what changes are gonna be instituted, other than what JB has posted about on both boards. What I do know is that it might be prudent for the members of both boards to step back, take a breath and wait to see what happens before they go off the deep end ...

I found OSA because some under-age kid from a foreign country came here and posted about what an uneducated racist I was. That thread is long gone, but the older guys will tell you that people who didn't know me were perfectly happy to dog-pile on, along with the people who did know me and didn't like me for whatever reason. Sometimes I'm not a very likeable person. I'm blunt to a fault. I tend to not take people seriously after they get so mad the name-calling starts or when they decide to let me know just how little they think of me and my opinion ... especially after I've respectfully listened to the damned drivel they just spewed trying to convince me they are the Second Coming ... I've lost track of the derogatory things that have been said about me here over the years. There was a running list there for a while, lol. HEY!! I wonder where that thread is ... we could probably add to it now! :D

My point is, that was an awful long time ago and I'm still here because I've developed REAL friendships with people behind the keyboards. Same reason I'm over at the other place, too. I have REAL friendships with people behind the keyboards over there, too.

There are so many guys here that don't post anymore that I am reminded of frequently for one reason or another, that I have such fond memories of. They were smart, witty, sometimes drunk and always vocal, just like you guys now ... sometimes they shared too much, just like you guys ... sometimes they fought with each other over the dumbest things in the world. Things that didn't amount to a hill of beans ... things that are important in our society but there was absolutely nothing in this world they could do about it, but argue their point with "that *******" on OSA, just like you guys ... I still get PMs from time to time from guys who have moved on but just want to say "hi" and see how things are going.

Last week I PMed a member who has not posted here in probably a year or two now. I didn't know if he would even see it, but there was another member who had a situation I knew he could help with. Guess what? He answered my PM and was more than willing to take a minute of his time to help someone he "knew" only as a screen name on an internet gun forum.

Take a minute and give JB a chance to get his plan in place. You may not like they way he has handled the roll-out but seriously guys -- WTF makes you think he owes you any kind of explanation at all? Honestly, it's his money on the line, not yours. Neither of these sites are PPV, ya know?? Anyway, who knows, you might actually like the changes.

Ok ... that's it ... long way of saying stop bitching and give it a minute. If nothing else it'll help your blood pressure ... besides Bristol Palin needs you to weigh in on her obviously unplanned pregnancy ... :wink2: As the mother of THREE completely unplanned pregnancies I can tell you it's a blessing regardless of what anyone else thinks about it. Regardless of the circumstances, regardless of what her religious convictions are, regardless of whatever personal failings she might have committed, that baby is a blessing ... and a joy ... and I wish her and her little family, regardless of how it became to be, all the best.

I didn't hear ya, can ya repeat that?


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
I didn't hear ya, can ya repeat that?

Lmao! You better watch it ... I know where that ban button is ... :tounge: (too soon?? Rotflmao!) Besides I happen to know you cannot ignore me ... did you see how long that damned post was?? :P

Y'all have the dogs to thank ... guys wanted outside at bedtime. .. next thing I know it's 2 am and the most god-awful howling wakes me up ... poor fellas were SOAKED. Lol

Hmmmm ... seems I've misplaced my avatar ... :(


Special Hen
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Tuttle, OK
The Pit actually IS invite-only. I couldn't tell ya what's IN there, though. I didn't make the cut. :P

Pretty sure yall have to join OKF, make 10 posts and ask a mod for permission. Dunno who the mods are tho
I'm pretty mild in my posts, but having been part of OKF I can tell you it is a Hoot! And I am a member with access to the pit.
Be Very Very Very careful of SPata's posts in the pit...
As to mods... We Don't Need No Stinkin' mods... Not sure that mods have been appointed yet with the new integration.

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