Is our political system obselete? And if so, what's the alternative?

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok

China is nowhere near a socialist society. Nice try with a liberal blog.

Just because they might have a program or two that is socialist, doesn't make them a socialist society. Look back at the communes, and the early Russian, and Chinese communists society's.

The current regimes are 170 degrees different from the socialist society of old when every body was equal. The Chinese military had no discernible rank on their uniforms as they were all "equal", yet the number of ink pens in their pocket was how the common soldier could tell rank.

Chinese businessmen have homes all over the world, and are buying land and businesses as fast as they can in the US and other country's. That's not socialism.

All food production went to the "collectives" that distributed the food equally among the population. The population became lazy and people starved during the communist socialism days.

Hell, our pilgrims tried the socialist route, and it failed miserably.

The Italians I worked with on a special project a couple of years ago said they had socialized medicine. . Does that make Italy a socialist country?

Their industry's, food production etc still is a for profit business.

The Chinese and Russian experiments at a pure socialist society has failed. As it always will with any society.

Junior Bonner

Special Hen
Apr 2, 2014
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OK. I admit it. I would vote for this one on looks alone. I got a thing for soccer moms. Man, look at that tongue. How could Hillary compete with a looker like that?



Special Hen
Aug 18, 2009
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China is nowhere near a socialist society. Nice try with a liberal blog.

Just because they might have a program or two that is socialist, doesn't make them a socialist society. Look back at the communes, and the early Russian, and Chinese communists society's.

The current regimes are 170 degrees different from the socialist society of old when every body was equal. The Chinese military had no discernible rank on their uniforms as they were all "equal", yet the number of ink pens in their pocket was how the common soldier could tell rank.

Chinese businessmen have homes all over the world, and are buying land and businesses as fast as they can in the US and other country's. That's not socialism.

All food production went to the "collectives" that distributed the food equally among the population. The population became lazy and people starved during the communist socialism days.

Hell, our pilgrims tried the socialist route, and it failed miserably.

The Italians I worked with on a special project a couple of years ago said they had socialized medicine. . Does that make Italy a socialist country?

Their industry's, food production etc still is a for profit business.

The Chinese and Russian experiments at a pure socialist society has failed. As it always will with any society.

Just curious, do you consider a "socialist" country to be one in which the economy is controlled by the government or welfare is given by the government to the citizens or both?


Aug 14, 2012
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China is nowhere near a socialist society. Nice try with a liberal blog.

Just because they might have a program or two that is socialist, doesn't make them a socialist society. Look back at the communes, and the early Russian, and Chinese communists society's.

The current regimes are 170 degrees different from the socialist society of old when every body was equal. The Chinese military had no discernible rank on their uniforms as they were all "equal", yet the number of ink pens in their pocket was how the common soldier could tell rank.

Chinese businessmen have homes all over the world, and are buying land and businesses as fast as they can in the US and other country's. That's not socialism.

All food production went to the "collectives" that distributed the food equally among the population. The population became lazy and people starved during the communist socialism days.

Hell, our pilgrims tried the socialist route, and it failed miserably.

The Italians I worked with on a special project a couple of years ago said they had socialized medicine. . Does that make Italy a socialist country?

Their industry's, food production etc still is a for profit business.

The Chinese and Russian experiments at a pure socialist society has failed. As it always will with any society.

By your definitions and examples, what Governments have lasted? They are all "experiments", even our own. None have ever lasted "forever", and most Govts rarely last more than a couple hundred years.....the exception is monarchies.

A fact youd do good to realize is that almost every form of Govt will eventually lead to Socialism or a version of Socialism.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Does it go farther than just elections, how about the power buying that goes on through graft and corruption that we see in so many areas which is almost never dealt with because of the lack of accountability and more equal under the law that some have and others don't? And has that situation effected the mentality of many Americans and the divisions we see today?

Some contend we're a democracy while others argue we're supposed to be a Republic, is the truth really that we're an oligarchy as stated in a recent study?

Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy

Scholar Behind Viral 'Oligarchy' Study Tells You What It Means

We're well into oligarchy status, which is covered in the trappings and affectations of a "democracy", based on "free enterprise". The fact is that we do not have free enterprise (too many restrictions on most while some get special dispensation). We do not have free elections (your choices are restricted by money, special interests and the 4th Column). With the way the COTUS is being willfully ignored by an ever growing percentage of the government, we can't even lean on the constitutional republic moniker.

So what's left to describe our society? I'd call it willful, indolent and gluttonous. :(


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
By your definitions and examples, what Governments have lasted? They are all "experiments", even our own. None have ever lasted "forever", and most Govts rarely last more than a couple hundred years.....the exception is monarchies.

A fact youd do good to realize is that almost every form of Govt will eventually lead to Socialism or a version of Socialism.

Look at the ones that have failed, and where our dear leader is taking us. In 6 years of his experiment at going socialized, where has this country gone?

In the tank is where it is. Right now. RIGHT NOW, this president has amassed more debt than all the presidents in history before him, acuminated.

His social experiment with Obama care is on life support now with all of the court decisions beating it to death even though he has made 71 executive decisions to try and fix it and delay it until after the elections which in effect makes it a political pawn and not a health care issue.

The liberal pundits like Michael Moore that try to promote socialism have been outed with disclosures of his 10 million dollar house in Michigan lake house and another property in NYC putting him in the 1% that he railed about during his documentary's.

The POS is living the life as a conservative Republican as we speak! What a fuuking hypocrite!

The Senate leader Harry Reid is living in the Ritz Carlton at thousand of dollars a day for rent. Why isn't he living in a tent to support the poor and indignant people that the liberals claim to be supporting?
If you want to tout socialism, live like a socialist! WTF?


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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We're well into oligarchy status, which is covered in the trappings and affectations of a "democracy", based on "free enterprise". The fact is that we do not have free enterprise (too many restrictions on most while some get special dispensation). We do not have free elections (your choices are restricted by money, special interests and the 4th Column). With the way the COTUS is being willfully ignored by an ever growing percentage of the government, we can't even lean on the constitutional republic moniker.

So what's left to describe our society? I'd call it willful, indolent and gluttonous. :(

Look at the ones that have failed, and where our dear leader is taking us. In 6 years of his experiment at going socialized, where has this country gone?

In the tank is where it is. Right now. RIGHT NOW, this president has amassed more debt than all the presidents in history before him, acuminated.

His social experiment with Obama care is on life support now with all of the court decisions beating it to death even though he has made 71 executive decisions to try and fix it and delay it until after the elections which in effect makes it a political pawn and not a health care issue.

The liberal pundits like Michael Moore that try to promote socialism have been outed with disclosures of his 10 million dollar house in Michigan lake house and another property in NYC putting him in the 1% that he railed about during his documentary's.

The POS is living the life as a conservative Republican as we speak! What a fuuking hypocrite!

The Senate leader Harry Reid is living in the Ritz Carlton at thousand of dollars a day for rent. Why isn't he living in a tent to support the poor and indignant people that the liberals claim to be supporting?
If you want to tout socialism, live like a socialist! WTF?

Whoa there. This has been going on far, far longer than 6 years.

Just tell me this. Rand Paul(R).....What does that "R" mean? Damn sure aint an "L" or "I" or "T". Hes a Republican thru n thru. 100%. Same as Cruz, Bachman, Rubio and Ron Paul.

Ron Paul in a RINO and I mean that in a good way. No one in congress has espoused more libertarian philosophies than Ron Paul. Rand is much more of a capital R republican than his father but he is a far sight better than the war drum beating McCain or Romneycare Mitt that has been the last two nominees.

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